Omnivores bashing on OUR forums?!
I may have this wrong, but every question a read on this forum has somewhere saying " Stupid hippie MEat is good!" Why are they always flaming us!? Do some vegetarians go to a forum a lot of meat eaters go to and say " MEat will kill you! its murder!" What is the whole reason of this war between the two eaters!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I currently eat meat, but I was a veg for many years!. I come the V & V QA to offer info about what I know about the veg diet, good sources of protein, iron, etc and to trade recipes!. I do not bash, td, or troll in general!. But if you look at any open forum you will find people posting with opposing viewpoints, some in an incendiary way, some in an intellectual way!. Some people are just bored & get a thrill from trolling!. Be it dietary choices, religion ( I think there are more atheists on R & S than anything else), any hot button issue like politics, abortion, guns, sexual orientation and so on & so fourth!. It is just part of the modern anonymity of the internet!. See the green board for a pictorial description http://www!.penny-arcade!.com/images/2004/!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You're right - what is going on in this forum!? There's an unseemingly lot of rude and unhelpful responses to legitimate questions all over it!. Is this a new phenomenon!? They're not actually answers in the spirit of y/a either, they're just mean!.
We could start reporting!. They need at least two reports to be deleted!. If a number of v/v's felt insulted we could report all the unnecessarily rude answers (not just the ones from non-veg's with legitimate questions and answers or viewpoints -- they're fine -- just the nasty flamers having a go)!. Not much to be done about the thumbs though!.
Why are they reading the forum, I wonder, if the topic is of such distaste to them!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
We could start reporting!. They need at least two reports to be deleted!. If a number of v/v's felt insulted we could report all the unnecessarily rude answers (not just the ones from non-veg's with legitimate questions and answers or viewpoints -- they're fine -- just the nasty flamers having a go)!. Not much to be done about the thumbs though!.
Why are they reading the forum, I wonder, if the topic is of such distaste to them!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
They're bored!? A lot of people also think it's fun to argue!. Look at how many people respond to the posts from non-veggie folk!. They're super-popular threads!. I seriously think that debate is the national past-time!. Non-veg folk aren't angry about what veggies eat; they're angry that veggies often (not always) come across as thinking that they're better people because of their dietary choices!. Having someone look down on you (or thinking that they do) is enough to piss anyone off!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Unless you have a medical reason(besides stupidity) you're being self righteous!. And animals get caught and mutilated while harvesting vegetables as well, we just remove a step!.
They get caught in the machinery, my uncle owns a farm, he would know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
They get caught in the machinery, my uncle owns a farm, he would know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
it isnt bashing, this is a question and answer site, so iunless you have a specific question pertaining to food, give it a rest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
They have the taste of blood and they want more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I love meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
ignore it ,really just ignore it they are trying to get you mad ,do not fall for itWww@FoodAQ@Com
read some of the posts on the hunting board and you understand this long running fightWww@FoodAQ@Com
First, "OUR forums"!? Who said or decided it's "yours"!? This is a public forum owned and maintained by Yahoo!. And the topic headers are guides, not restrictions!.
Second ALL new questions appear on the Y!Answers home page!. So a question (or rant about the "evils" of meat eating) can be seen by everyone so to say that you don't ask or post your opinions for others to see is false!.
Third, if you are tired of answers you get, then try another exclusive forum that is all "yours" Make your own or join something like a PETA board!.
For omnis to say that vegetarianism is wrong is the same as vegetarians saying meat eating is wrong!. You have your ideas, they have theirs!. Besides, who forced you to read everything you see hear!? If you don't like what is said, post your answer/rebuttal/rant/whatever or ignore it!. It's your choice much like your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Second ALL new questions appear on the Y!Answers home page!. So a question (or rant about the "evils" of meat eating) can be seen by everyone so to say that you don't ask or post your opinions for others to see is false!.
Third, if you are tired of answers you get, then try another exclusive forum that is all "yours" Make your own or join something like a PETA board!.
For omnis to say that vegetarianism is wrong is the same as vegetarians saying meat eating is wrong!. You have your ideas, they have theirs!. Besides, who forced you to read everything you see hear!? If you don't like what is said, post your answer/rebuttal/rant/whatever or ignore it!. It's your choice much like your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Because they're being flamers!.
no offense to you, but each side does it, i've seen just as many eat meat and die posts too!. just ignore/report those posts!.
Rotflcopters, i love how u titled ur question "omnivores" bwahahahha :3 i sounds like little dinosaurs or monkeys are jumping on crumpled websites!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
no offense to you, but each side does it, i've seen just as many eat meat and die posts too!. just ignore/report those posts!.
Rotflcopters, i love how u titled ur question "omnivores" bwahahahha :3 i sounds like little dinosaurs or monkeys are jumping on crumpled websites!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Meat eaters feel guilty!. They're trying to make themselves feel better by bashing us, but it just makes the individuals who do it seem like jerks instead of actually convincing anyone to change their opinions! Www@FoodAQ@Com