What is soy and tofu?!
i always hear about soy milk soy crisps soy everything what is this substance that ppl use as a substitute for just about everything and what the hell is tofu and why are both of these considered healthy and what do they taste like just describe as much as possible lolWww@FoodAQ@Com
soy is made from soy beans!. it can be made into milk by grinding them up!. some soy milk tastes like "crackers" idk what that means but i just think its got a funky taste!. Not all of them but some soy milks!. I really like vitasoy chocolate soy milk!. its so goood and really chocolatey!.
soy is high in protein which is why us vegetarians/vegans have a lot of it!. i like vitasoy chocolate milk b/c (idk about other soy milks) it has a lot of vitamins in it!. more than normal milk!. its got 11g of protein, 45% calcium, 500mg potassium, 30% vitamin d and riboflavin, 25% b12!. most of this stuff isn't even in cows milk
tofu!. is made from soybeans as well and it absorbs the taste of what its near!. Like if you cook it with onions!. itll taste like onions!. or use it in a salad!. It's white looks and has the same texture as fresh mozzarella cheese!. it is high in protein as well b!.c soy beans!. as well as b vitaminsWww@FoodAQ@Com
soy is high in protein which is why us vegetarians/vegans have a lot of it!. i like vitasoy chocolate milk b/c (idk about other soy milks) it has a lot of vitamins in it!. more than normal milk!. its got 11g of protein, 45% calcium, 500mg potassium, 30% vitamin d and riboflavin, 25% b12!. most of this stuff isn't even in cows milk
tofu!. is made from soybeans as well and it absorbs the taste of what its near!. Like if you cook it with onions!. itll taste like onions!. or use it in a salad!. It's white looks and has the same texture as fresh mozzarella cheese!. it is high in protein as well b!.c soy beans!. as well as b vitaminsWww@FoodAQ@Com
tofu doesn't taste like anything, it's a great substitute for meat because you can cook it all different kinds of ways with flavorings, it is made out of soy!.
I've tasted soy nuts before!.!.and they taste really bad :(Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've tasted soy nuts before!.!.and they taste really bad :(Www@FoodAQ@Com
soy is pretty much like the liquid from soybeans and tofu is prett ymuch soybeans that has been in liquid a very long time and turned into a white liquidy block Www@FoodAQ@Com
Soy - made from soya beans!.
Tofu - a meat substitute made from soya beans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Tofu - a meat substitute made from soya beans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Soy Beans!.!.!. and Tofu taste like you are biting on air until you cook it!.!.!.consider it raw airWww@FoodAQ@Com
made of soy beans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
curd of soybeansWww@FoodAQ@Com