Is raising up a child as a vegetarian may push him not to be a vegetarian as an adult.?!
I am a vegetarian and so is my mom
But as a child I ate meat, and I became a vegetarian because of my own decision as an adult!.
I am afraid if I will raise my children as vegetarians they might be tempted to eat it when they are older, and they would no longer be vegetarians!. It seems so wrong to deny them of it on the other hand it seems so wrong to give them murdered animals to eat!. You want that being a vegetarian would come from there own decision but you can't give them meat!.
But as a child I ate meat, and I became a vegetarian because of my own decision as an adult!.
I am afraid if I will raise my children as vegetarians they might be tempted to eat it when they are older, and they would no longer be vegetarians!. It seems so wrong to deny them of it on the other hand it seems so wrong to give them murdered animals to eat!. You want that being a vegetarian would come from there own decision but you can't give them meat!.
I am of Indian origin and my family has been vegetarians for generations, Lord knows how many generations!. I was raised a vegetarian by my vegetarian parents and am still one!. I married an American who eats meat (mainly seafood but meat nevertheless)!. I dont cook meat, honestly i wouldnt know how to cook it well even though i am a good cook and a food microbiologist to boot!. I'd worry that i would overcook it to make sure it is safe lol!. We are raising our children vegetarian until they decide otherwise!.
Ultimately, you are not going to have any control over their choices when they grow up, but you need to stick to your beliefs and explain to them why you are a vegetarian and thats what you believe and so you raised them as such!. They might or might not stay vegetarian and thats up to them!. My uncle's kids who were raised here in the US as vegetarians, the boy decided to eat meat, the girl stayed vegetarian!. So its not a parenting decision that caused those results as they had the same parents, its just individuality!.
Please dont believe all this crap about vegetarians being unhealthy and not getting adequate nutrition such as proteins and vitamins!.All that only stems from ignorance about the vegetarian diet!. Americans are so used to eating meat, that they cant imagine that balance and variety can be found in a completely meat-free diet!. Like i said i have never tasted meat, never been anemic, never had any nutritional deficiencies and my cholesterol is great!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Ultimately, you are not going to have any control over their choices when they grow up, but you need to stick to your beliefs and explain to them why you are a vegetarian and thats what you believe and so you raised them as such!. They might or might not stay vegetarian and thats up to them!. My uncle's kids who were raised here in the US as vegetarians, the boy decided to eat meat, the girl stayed vegetarian!. So its not a parenting decision that caused those results as they had the same parents, its just individuality!.
Please dont believe all this crap about vegetarians being unhealthy and not getting adequate nutrition such as proteins and vitamins!.All that only stems from ignorance about the vegetarian diet!. Americans are so used to eating meat, that they cant imagine that balance and variety can be found in a completely meat-free diet!. Like i said i have never tasted meat, never been anemic, never had any nutritional deficiencies and my cholesterol is great!Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you're not comfortable cooking or purchasing meat, then understand your reluctance to give your child meat!.
However, you cannot dictate your child's sense of right and wrong over some things!. You can only act as a moral compass!. I agree with the person who said that you should explain your dietary choices with your children, but ultimately the decision must be their own!.
I don't think that people become vegetarians simply because they ate meat when they were younger, so I don't think that vegetarians would become meat-eaters later on just because they weren't given meat when they were young!.
It's perfectly acceptable and healthy to raise vegetarian children!. Just make sure you're giving them plenty of the nutrients that they need!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
However, you cannot dictate your child's sense of right and wrong over some things!. You can only act as a moral compass!. I agree with the person who said that you should explain your dietary choices with your children, but ultimately the decision must be their own!.
I don't think that people become vegetarians simply because they ate meat when they were younger, so I don't think that vegetarians would become meat-eaters later on just because they weren't given meat when they were young!.
It's perfectly acceptable and healthy to raise vegetarian children!. Just make sure you're giving them plenty of the nutrients that they need!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
feed him a healthy diet of meat and vegetables, fruits, etc!. spare him the scrutiny and he will thank you later in life!. educated him, don't push him, and allow him to make that decision for himself when he is old enough!. do not ask him to make a decision at Age X, let him do it on his own, if he never mentions it, let him be!.
edit - i know you said you are just vegetarian, but make sure that you DO NOT give your son large amounts of soy milk, it contains anywhere from 13,000 to 22,000 higher levels of estrogen than regular milk, which can stunt penis growth!. A little will not do anything, but i would not feed it on a daily basis until he is done with puberty!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
edit - i know you said you are just vegetarian, but make sure that you DO NOT give your son large amounts of soy milk, it contains anywhere from 13,000 to 22,000 higher levels of estrogen than regular milk, which can stunt penis growth!. A little will not do anything, but i would not feed it on a daily basis until he is done with puberty!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'd think if your children grow up vegetarian and well educated on why your family chose this lifestyle, they probably won't stray from it as they get older!. If they do, then that's their choice!. But as children, I would raise them vegetarian and not just give them meat because you feel they are being denied something!. If they are vegetarian from the start, I doubt they'll feel denied and it wouldn't really be "forced" upon them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It depends on how you go about it!. If you are negative and forceful about your reasons for being a vegetarian your children may feel threatened by the idea and may rebel against your ideas as they get older!. I am a vegetarian and I do not feed my kids meat, there are plenty of foods that are full of beneficial nutrients that support a healthy diet/lifestyle without eating meat!. When they get old enough to make decisions regarding their diet then you should allow them to choose!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
have you thought that because of your beliefs you deny full nutrition to your kids!? Their brain lacks minerals & vitamins and doesn't develop as good as it should!. Fake vitamins from a bottle will never substitute real ones!.
Let me ask you this: do you think lions sit in a circle and say "hey guys, let's not kill a zebra today, it's so cruel to kill animals, no, we're not gonna eat dead animals!" Sounds crazy!? I don't see any difference between you and another animal!. We are animals (in case you forgot who you are)
Go ahead, get mad at me!. It's just MHO!.
You ask me do I eat meat then!? Well, I like fruits and vegetables a lot, but sometimes I eat meat too, but not as much as everage person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Let me ask you this: do you think lions sit in a circle and say "hey guys, let's not kill a zebra today, it's so cruel to kill animals, no, we're not gonna eat dead animals!" Sounds crazy!? I don't see any difference between you and another animal!. We are animals (in case you forgot who you are)
Go ahead, get mad at me!. It's just MHO!.
You ask me do I eat meat then!? Well, I like fruits and vegetables a lot, but sometimes I eat meat too, but not as much as everage person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its okay!. What's the problem!?
You are teaching your child to eat in the way which you believe is the best way!. What more can a parent do but teach the best they know!?
As long as you learn how to ensure the child gets all
the essential amino acids and
omega 3's and 6's from FLAXSEED OIL and
vitamin b12 from wherever that comes from (tahini !?(sesame seed paste))
also!.!.!. vegetarian diet is reportedly better for the planet!. Less land used up for cattle and cattle feed!. less Bovine farting methane into the atmosphere!. Good job then - your children are conserving carbon credits!. (unless all you eat in rice)Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are teaching your child to eat in the way which you believe is the best way!. What more can a parent do but teach the best they know!?
As long as you learn how to ensure the child gets all
the essential amino acids and
omega 3's and 6's from FLAXSEED OIL and
vitamin b12 from wherever that comes from (tahini !?(sesame seed paste))
also!.!.!. vegetarian diet is reportedly better for the planet!. Less land used up for cattle and cattle feed!. less Bovine farting methane into the atmosphere!. Good job then - your children are conserving carbon credits!. (unless all you eat in rice)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you go telling him meat is evil and murdered animals i garuntee your child will be a social out cast at school!.!.!.simply because what do you think hes going to say to any1 he sees eating meat if you have conditioned that propaganda into him!?!?!?
How about You let an omnivore be an omnivore until hes old enough to make the choice to switchWww@FoodAQ@Com
How about You let an omnivore be an omnivore until hes old enough to make the choice to switchWww@FoodAQ@Com
Buy them meat!. If they end up not liking it, simply donate it to a shelter or give it to friends and family!.
If they like it, tell them you will buy it and prepare it until they're old enough to cook for themselves, then they need to learn to cook it how they like it!.
Tell them why you're a vegetarian and why you think it's right, but support their choices in whatever they make!.
Best wishes!. =)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If they like it, tell them you will buy it and prepare it until they're old enough to cook for themselves, then they need to learn to cook it how they like it!.
Tell them why you're a vegetarian and why you think it's right, but support their choices in whatever they make!.
Best wishes!. =)Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would suggest raising them as vegetarians, but let them know (as soon as they are old enough) that they are welcome to try meat should they choose to do so!. That way, there is no pressure!. They may want to try it once, they may not!. But at least they won't feel deprived!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
tell him/her
about why you choose to be a vegetarian
forcing your ideals on anybody, especially your children, isn't right!.
let them decide
and hey
it'll probably make sens
"eating murdered animals = bad"
and you'll have your vegetarianWww@FoodAQ@Com
about why you choose to be a vegetarian
forcing your ideals on anybody, especially your children, isn't right!.
let them decide
and hey
it'll probably make sens
"eating murdered animals = bad"
and you'll have your vegetarianWww@FoodAQ@Com
raise him how you want!. make sure he's healthy, which he can be as a veg!. teach him compassion and kindess over cruelty and killing, and hopefully he will stick with your beliefs when he grows up!.
good for you for raising him veg!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
good for you for raising him veg!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It depends!. They may like this lifestyle!. There are children who were raised on an omni diet who later decided to become vegetarians or even vegans!. There are no rules and you never can tell!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you cant force religion on kids why would you force them to be vegetarians!? kids need lots of protein Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you force it upon him, he will probably begin to eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It depends on people!. Some people believe strongly how they were raised some don't!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If a child is raised with conscience "killing though a small being is wrong", this person is LESS LIKELY would cause harm to another human in later part of his/her life!. At least you would agree to this point here!. We all (perhaps) passed the world of severe "discrimination"!. We are now well protected, peaceful and comfortable life expanded the reach of his ethical calculations, as ignorance and want have receded, first beyond family and tribe, later beyond religion, race, color, nation and gender!.
Why the Ethical Inculcation must begin fom the Dining Table!? Why should start since childhood!?
The story is told about one soldier guarding continually one simple bush in the imperial garden!. Day and night the sentinel was there!. This went on for centuries until one day when the new king, taking over his kingdom, asked what was so important with that bush that somebody had to be there on duty all the time!. The soldiers said they only obeyed the command!. Their superiors said the order came from above!. The king became really curious and he continued to dig!. He investigated all possible chronicles, only to find out that nobody knew wherefrom came that command!. Finally he decided to cancel that stupid rule!.
I think this story illustrates very well the situation regarding food in our world!. People keep their eating habits without knowing why they do it!. When it’s about continuing good habits, enhancing health, it’s OK, but loyalty to practices obviously harmful is perplexing!. “Everybody does this” is the “excuse” and so “we can do this too”!. But unfortunately consequences are to be faced!.
This is a WONDERFUL article!.!.!.
Why the Ethical Inculcation must begin fom the Dining Table!? Why should start since childhood!?
The story is told about one soldier guarding continually one simple bush in the imperial garden!. Day and night the sentinel was there!. This went on for centuries until one day when the new king, taking over his kingdom, asked what was so important with that bush that somebody had to be there on duty all the time!. The soldiers said they only obeyed the command!. Their superiors said the order came from above!. The king became really curious and he continued to dig!. He investigated all possible chronicles, only to find out that nobody knew wherefrom came that command!. Finally he decided to cancel that stupid rule!.
I think this story illustrates very well the situation regarding food in our world!. People keep their eating habits without knowing why they do it!. When it’s about continuing good habits, enhancing health, it’s OK, but loyalty to practices obviously harmful is perplexing!. “Everybody does this” is the “excuse” and so “we can do this too”!. But unfortunately consequences are to be faced!.
This is a WONDERFUL article!.!.!.
As a parent, it's your responsibility to raise your child in the way you truly believe to be right!. If you believe it's wrong to eat dead animals, don't give any to your child!. Just like if you think it's wrong to smoke cigarettes, you wouldn't give any to your child!.
Your child will inevitable grow up, and he'll start making his own decisions!. If he changes his mind and decides to eat animals, all you can do is let him go down that path!. But if you teach him WHY you believe eating animals is wrong while he's still young, he'll likely carry that into adulthood!.
You may hear people telling you that you should let your child decide, but I disagree with that!. If we let our children decide what they want to eat, they'd only eat cookies and ice cream and sodapop every day!. It's the parent's job to decide what diet is best for their child!. You are the grown-up and you know better and it's your decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Your child will inevitable grow up, and he'll start making his own decisions!. If he changes his mind and decides to eat animals, all you can do is let him go down that path!. But if you teach him WHY you believe eating animals is wrong while he's still young, he'll likely carry that into adulthood!.
You may hear people telling you that you should let your child decide, but I disagree with that!. If we let our children decide what they want to eat, they'd only eat cookies and ice cream and sodapop every day!. It's the parent's job to decide what diet is best for their child!. You are the grown-up and you know better and it's your decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well first off, you have to be a parent!. And not violate conscience! That is just like saying, "I dont do drugs!.!.!.but should I let my kids!.!.!.!.because if I keep them away from it, they may try it when they get older!.!.!.!." I am not trying to be rude, but do you see what I mean!? You have to do what is right, and if they stray away, its okay too, but at least you raised them against killing poor animals and eating them!. And I am sure that as long as you respect their decision when they get older, they will love you either way!. Raise your kids the way you know best, and vegetarianism is definitely going to take care of them health wise!. Do your best to plant a good seed in them, and one day it may fruit a wonderful harvest!. Think positive and go for having heart healthy children!. Good luck!.!.!.!.!.Oh and dont let people get you with that "kids need protein stuff"!.!.!.if they do their math, they will find that you can get REMARKABLE protein out of vegetarianism without the high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes and clogged arteries!. also, think about it!.!.!.where does the cow get its protein to give protein!? FROM THE GRASS!.!.!.!.why not get the protein from the direct source as oppose to the indirect source!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
in my opinion as a parent it is upto you to decide whats best for your children, personally im a vegetarian and when i have children i will bring them up to be veggies, if you fed your children meat, and you feel that this is wrong, then this is very wrong on your part, i no its hard but everything you do as a parent puts your opinion in one way or another!. my opinion is, meat is not very healthy also im very much into animal rights, so if you educate your children why you are a veggie, and why they are, im sure things will be fine!. and if that day comes and they no all the facts, etc and they want that burger!.!.!. then let them, in my opinion while they are young it is the best time for them to adapt and to be educated about what goes on in the meat industry!. look it another way, people who eat meat wouldnt think of bringing there child up veggie, you have to do what is right for you, its healthier for your children aswell!.
your not denying them, there are lots of tasty things without having to eat meat!.
dont worry and follow your heart!. xWww@FoodAQ@Com
in my opinion as a parent it is upto you to decide whats best for your children, personally im a vegetarian and when i have children i will bring them up to be veggies, if you fed your children meat, and you feel that this is wrong, then this is very wrong on your part, i no its hard but everything you do as a parent puts your opinion in one way or another!. my opinion is, meat is not very healthy also im very much into animal rights, so if you educate your children why you are a veggie, and why they are, im sure things will be fine!. and if that day comes and they no all the facts, etc and they want that burger!.!.!. then let them, in my opinion while they are young it is the best time for them to adapt and to be educated about what goes on in the meat industry!. look it another way, people who eat meat wouldnt think of bringing there child up veggie, you have to do what is right for you, its healthier for your children aswell!.
your not denying them, there are lots of tasty things without having to eat meat!.
dont worry and follow your heart!. xWww@FoodAQ@Com
If I were you, I'd let them know I thought meat was not very healthy and that I felt sorry for the poor animals, and I wouldn't serve meat in my home, but if they ate a hotdog at a birthday party with a bunch of other kids or something, I wouldn't give them the 3rd degree!. I'd just say, "Well, you know how I feel about it," and leave it at that!. And when they're babies, of course, feed them what you approve of!. It's only when they get a little older that they start to realize that Mom and Dad don't feed them the same stuff as their peers!. They won't get teased -- actually the other kids will probably try to get them to share the cool stuff in their lunch, because they're so sick of bologna sandwiches!Www@FoodAQ@Com
The most important thing is that you bring up your child how you feel most benefits them!. If you think bringing them up on a balanced vegetarian diet is best then you should follow your beliefs!. If your child grows up and decides they want to eat meat, as long as they're aware of the reasons why you chose to be vegetarian and bring them up veggie you can do only that!.
In response to Olga and some other people who think that it's wrong bringing up a child on a vegetarian diet, I'd like to address your opinions:
Quote from Olga: "have you thought that because of your beliefs you deny full nutrition to your kids!?"
Just because you stick a slab of meat on a plate does not provide all the nutrients the body needs!. As with any diet, you need to understand nutrients, what foods provide what nutrition etc!. I know many people who bring their children up on a diet which includes meat and the childs diet in general is a disgrace with Quavers, sugar loaded yoghurts, cheese full of E numbers and cheap, nutrition void processed meat like chicken nuggets etc!. Why are these diets not questioned!? It annoys me when people make an ill-informed judgement on vegetarian diets whilst they know little about their own diet and assume that because you shove chunks of meat down their throat they're getting all the nutrients required!.
Again a quote from Olga, "Let me ask you this: do you think lions sit in a circle and say "hey guys, let's not kill a zebra today, it's so cruel to kill animals, no, we're not gonna eat dead animals!" Sounds crazy!? I don't see any difference between you and another animal!. We are animals (in case you forgot who you are)!."
Lions are CARNIVORES!.!.!.we're not!. Please look into nutrition and the human diet more before making such ludicrous assumptions and ill informed opinions!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
In response to Olga and some other people who think that it's wrong bringing up a child on a vegetarian diet, I'd like to address your opinions:
Quote from Olga: "have you thought that because of your beliefs you deny full nutrition to your kids!?"
Just because you stick a slab of meat on a plate does not provide all the nutrients the body needs!. As with any diet, you need to understand nutrients, what foods provide what nutrition etc!. I know many people who bring their children up on a diet which includes meat and the childs diet in general is a disgrace with Quavers, sugar loaded yoghurts, cheese full of E numbers and cheap, nutrition void processed meat like chicken nuggets etc!. Why are these diets not questioned!? It annoys me when people make an ill-informed judgement on vegetarian diets whilst they know little about their own diet and assume that because you shove chunks of meat down their throat they're getting all the nutrients required!.
Again a quote from Olga, "Let me ask you this: do you think lions sit in a circle and say "hey guys, let's not kill a zebra today, it's so cruel to kill animals, no, we're not gonna eat dead animals!" Sounds crazy!? I don't see any difference between you and another animal!. We are animals (in case you forgot who you are)!."
Lions are CARNIVORES!.!.!.we're not!. Please look into nutrition and the human diet more before making such ludicrous assumptions and ill informed opinions!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Let me understand you -- you are afraid that if you raise your children to be vegetarians that they will reject the vegetarian lifestyle when they mature!? Or is it that you somehow think that all children go through a rebellious stage and you are concerned that they will reject the vegetarian diet just to reject it without any real reason!?
Or is it the notion that freedom of choice is what is of paramount importance to you!?
Personally, I think that you made a good decision as an adult to become vegetarian!. And I also think that if you share the reasons why you have made that decision with your children that they will adopt your way of life without any difficulty and without ever wanting to challenge it!.
I know a girl who as a student in 6th grade became rather incensed when her teacher gave a lesson on nutrition stating that in order to be healthy you needed to eat meat, fish, fowl and eggs!.
Becky politely raised her hand and disagreed in a very interesting way!. She asked a series of questions!. The conversation went like this:
"Excuse me, Miss C---, I believe my attendance record shows that I have never missed a day of school!. Is that correct!? Would you say that I am healthy!?"
"Yes, that is true; you are a healthy girl!."
"Would you say that I am athletic!?" (Becky was a gymnast and a swimmer)
"Yes, you are athletic!."
"Would you also say that I am a good student!?"
""Yes, that is true!. You are a good student and have always been on the Honor Roll!. But Becky, where are you going with this!?"
"Well," said Becky, "I am a vegetarian!. I have never eaten meat in my entire life and I do not ever plan to!. I do not need to turn my body into a graveyard to be healthy and strong or to maintain mental capability!.
So I think, Miss C----, that you might want to revise your statement to say that a person needs 'adequate protein' rather than saying people need to eat meat, fish fowl and eggs!."
This story is true!. Becky, now a PhD in molecular biology, has children of her own who are equally healthy, strong and intelligent vegetarians!. And yes, Miss C-------- revised her lesson plan after apologizing!.
I tell you this story to illustrate that if you give a child the understanding to reinforce their natural inclination to avoid hurting and/or eating animals they will not depart from those pathways even when they have grown up -- even when they have grown up in North America in a culture that is heavily carnivorous!.
In other words, if you do your best to raise your children with good ethical understanding of why the family's values and choices are what they are -- you will have nothing to regret or to worry about!. A parent has the responsibility to raise a child to be respectful, thoughtful and caring and to give them the information that will enhance their lives!. You do them no favors to raise a child in a value-free home where anything goes!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Or is it the notion that freedom of choice is what is of paramount importance to you!?
Personally, I think that you made a good decision as an adult to become vegetarian!. And I also think that if you share the reasons why you have made that decision with your children that they will adopt your way of life without any difficulty and without ever wanting to challenge it!.
I know a girl who as a student in 6th grade became rather incensed when her teacher gave a lesson on nutrition stating that in order to be healthy you needed to eat meat, fish, fowl and eggs!.
Becky politely raised her hand and disagreed in a very interesting way!. She asked a series of questions!. The conversation went like this:
"Excuse me, Miss C---, I believe my attendance record shows that I have never missed a day of school!. Is that correct!? Would you say that I am healthy!?"
"Yes, that is true; you are a healthy girl!."
"Would you say that I am athletic!?" (Becky was a gymnast and a swimmer)
"Yes, you are athletic!."
"Would you also say that I am a good student!?"
""Yes, that is true!. You are a good student and have always been on the Honor Roll!. But Becky, where are you going with this!?"
"Well," said Becky, "I am a vegetarian!. I have never eaten meat in my entire life and I do not ever plan to!. I do not need to turn my body into a graveyard to be healthy and strong or to maintain mental capability!.
So I think, Miss C----, that you might want to revise your statement to say that a person needs 'adequate protein' rather than saying people need to eat meat, fish fowl and eggs!."
This story is true!. Becky, now a PhD in molecular biology, has children of her own who are equally healthy, strong and intelligent vegetarians!. And yes, Miss C-------- revised her lesson plan after apologizing!.
I tell you this story to illustrate that if you give a child the understanding to reinforce their natural inclination to avoid hurting and/or eating animals they will not depart from those pathways even when they have grown up -- even when they have grown up in North America in a culture that is heavily carnivorous!.
In other words, if you do your best to raise your children with good ethical understanding of why the family's values and choices are what they are -- you will have nothing to regret or to worry about!. A parent has the responsibility to raise a child to be respectful, thoughtful and caring and to give them the information that will enhance their lives!. You do them no favors to raise a child in a value-free home where anything goes!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Raising a child vegetarian is not forcing ideals on them!. Well, not anymore than raising them to be a certain religion or to have a certain set of moral values!. Parents pass on their diets, religions, politics, etc!. to their children, that's just the way it is!. Children learn from those around them!. For the most part, children in Asia eat Asian diets, children in India eat Indian diets, children in Russia eat Russian diets!.!.!. so why would it be unnatural/strange/forceful for a vegetarian to feed their child a vegetarian diet!?
And I'm not sure why, but there is a misconception that vegetarians struggle with getting enough protein!. While meat is a good source, there are plenty of other foods in the meat group that aren't meat at all: dry beans or peas (this includes all those soy products out there, although children shouldn't eat too much because of the plant estrogen), eggs, nuts, and seeds!. also, dairy is an excellent source of protein!.
I don't think that raising a child one way (i!.e!. vegetarian, Democrat, Pro-life, Jewish, etc!.) will cause that child to shun those ideals as an adult!. Quite the contrary, I feel that most children embrace the ideologies of their families!. And, hopefully, they will also gain their own sense of what's right for them!. For example, I was raised with the typical American diet but have been strictly vegetarian for ten years now!. My family is all Catholic, but I am not!.
Teach your children to have open minds, learn as much as they can, and make their own decisions!. If your child decides to eat meat later in life (or even just occasionally like at a friend's house, let's say), then that is their choice!.
Best wishes, and good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And I'm not sure why, but there is a misconception that vegetarians struggle with getting enough protein!. While meat is a good source, there are plenty of other foods in the meat group that aren't meat at all: dry beans or peas (this includes all those soy products out there, although children shouldn't eat too much because of the plant estrogen), eggs, nuts, and seeds!. also, dairy is an excellent source of protein!.
I don't think that raising a child one way (i!.e!. vegetarian, Democrat, Pro-life, Jewish, etc!.) will cause that child to shun those ideals as an adult!. Quite the contrary, I feel that most children embrace the ideologies of their families!. And, hopefully, they will also gain their own sense of what's right for them!. For example, I was raised with the typical American diet but have been strictly vegetarian for ten years now!. My family is all Catholic, but I am not!.
Teach your children to have open minds, learn as much as they can, and make their own decisions!. If your child decides to eat meat later in life (or even just occasionally like at a friend's house, let's say), then that is their choice!.
Best wishes, and good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Being afraid that they'll be tempted to eat meat BECAUSE they were raised as vegetarians is a silly fear!. And I don't mean that as a put-down, just that it is not something you need to concern yourself with!. People who eat meat don't "worry" that their children will be tempted to become vegetarians as a result of being raised as omnivores, do they!? You're worrying over nothing, honestly!.
Why does it seem wrong to deny them!? I don't know why so many vegetarians harbor this fear that it is somehow wrong to raise their children under a vegetarian lifestyle!. Again, omnivores don't raise their children with this fear!.
You plan to raise your children according to your values, right!? So ask yourself two questions: If you're not afraid to raise your children according to your other values, why are you worried about raising them as vegetarians!? Alternately, if you're afraid to raise them as vegetarians because of some notion that it's "wrong" for them not to choose this lifestyle on their own!.!.!.are you also afraid to raise them under your other values!?
The only reason to have this concern is if you believe, on some level, that there's something "wrong" with being a vegetarian!. Not consciously, I'm sure, since you yourself are a vegetarian!. But you wouldn't be asking this question if you didn't have some underlying belief that there's something wrong with your chosen lifestyle!.
If you raise your children as vegetarians, the likelihood is that they will remain vegetarians for life!. This isn't a guarantee, of course, but it is the most likely outcome!. Go without meat long enough, and it will make you sick when you do attempt to eat it, unless you are very careful!.
The bottom line is that it is no more wrong to raise your children as vegetarians than it is to raise them according to your religious beliefs, or anything else!. I would reiterate that you need to ask yourself why you are afraid that there is something wrong with raising your children according to your dietary lifestyle when this is something that meat-eaters never worry about!.
Edited to Add:
Please disregard the people saying "you should feed them meat because it's wrong to deny them full nutrition!." It is entirely possible to raise healthy children on a vegetarian diet, or even a vegan one!. People do it ALL the time!. In fact, I know quite a few vegan parents who would take issue with the idea that they were somehow hurting their children by "forcing" vegetarianism on them!. No one would ever accuse omnivore parents of forcing meat on their children and not letting them choose for themselves! This is no different!
I really feel that my answer to your question is not adequate!. I just don't know how else to put it!. It is downright silly to worry about it being "wrong" to raise your children under a certain diet!. People raise their children according to their food preferences ALL the time!. My only guess here is that you've been subjected to the erroneous notion that denying your children meat is cruel or something!. But it's just not that big a deal!. If you're a vegetarian, it would make absolutely no sense to buy and cook food for your kids that you wouldn't eat yourself!. The message you would be sending to them is basically that you have no strength of convictions, because if you truly felt that eating meat was wrong, you wouldn't be conflicted about this!.
The thing is, you don't have to make a big deal out of it!. Just don't feed them meat, and they won't miss it!. They won't feel deprived, and they won't feel like outcasts!. (It won't be as if they're the only kids in the world who don't eat meat)!. Yeah, they'll be asked questions at school, and some kids will probably give them a hard time about it!. Still, that is no reason to compromise your values!. So just think of it this way: You're not "forcing" vegetarianism on your kids, you're raising them with your values!. Don't let ANYONE tell you there's anything wrong with this!. Only people who are personally offended by vegetarianism seriously believe there's something wrong with not feeding children meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why does it seem wrong to deny them!? I don't know why so many vegetarians harbor this fear that it is somehow wrong to raise their children under a vegetarian lifestyle!. Again, omnivores don't raise their children with this fear!.
You plan to raise your children according to your values, right!? So ask yourself two questions: If you're not afraid to raise your children according to your other values, why are you worried about raising them as vegetarians!? Alternately, if you're afraid to raise them as vegetarians because of some notion that it's "wrong" for them not to choose this lifestyle on their own!.!.!.are you also afraid to raise them under your other values!?
The only reason to have this concern is if you believe, on some level, that there's something "wrong" with being a vegetarian!. Not consciously, I'm sure, since you yourself are a vegetarian!. But you wouldn't be asking this question if you didn't have some underlying belief that there's something wrong with your chosen lifestyle!.
If you raise your children as vegetarians, the likelihood is that they will remain vegetarians for life!. This isn't a guarantee, of course, but it is the most likely outcome!. Go without meat long enough, and it will make you sick when you do attempt to eat it, unless you are very careful!.
The bottom line is that it is no more wrong to raise your children as vegetarians than it is to raise them according to your religious beliefs, or anything else!. I would reiterate that you need to ask yourself why you are afraid that there is something wrong with raising your children according to your dietary lifestyle when this is something that meat-eaters never worry about!.
Edited to Add:
Please disregard the people saying "you should feed them meat because it's wrong to deny them full nutrition!." It is entirely possible to raise healthy children on a vegetarian diet, or even a vegan one!. People do it ALL the time!. In fact, I know quite a few vegan parents who would take issue with the idea that they were somehow hurting their children by "forcing" vegetarianism on them!. No one would ever accuse omnivore parents of forcing meat on their children and not letting them choose for themselves! This is no different!
I really feel that my answer to your question is not adequate!. I just don't know how else to put it!. It is downright silly to worry about it being "wrong" to raise your children under a certain diet!. People raise their children according to their food preferences ALL the time!. My only guess here is that you've been subjected to the erroneous notion that denying your children meat is cruel or something!. But it's just not that big a deal!. If you're a vegetarian, it would make absolutely no sense to buy and cook food for your kids that you wouldn't eat yourself!. The message you would be sending to them is basically that you have no strength of convictions, because if you truly felt that eating meat was wrong, you wouldn't be conflicted about this!.
The thing is, you don't have to make a big deal out of it!. Just don't feed them meat, and they won't miss it!. They won't feel deprived, and they won't feel like outcasts!. (It won't be as if they're the only kids in the world who don't eat meat)!. Yeah, they'll be asked questions at school, and some kids will probably give them a hard time about it!. Still, that is no reason to compromise your values!. So just think of it this way: You're not "forcing" vegetarianism on your kids, you're raising them with your values!. Don't let ANYONE tell you there's anything wrong with this!. Only people who are personally offended by vegetarianism seriously believe there's something wrong with not feeding children meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com