Low carb for vegetarians that eat fish and eggs..?!

Question: Low carb for vegetarians that eat fish and eggs!.!.!?
Is is possible!. I will stay fat if I have to eat meat!.!.!.I run so I eat fish and eggs for lean protein!.!.!.I need to lose 40 pounds!. Im not in a rush but it would be nice to do this by my bday late January!.!.!.So any tips!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I applaud you for taking action and making your health a priority!. Here are some of my suggestions!. Fish is a great choice for lean protein!. However, eggs, at least whole eggs, are not!. The yolks are rich in fat, and cholesterol!. I would stick with egg whites!. Don't go overboard with the low or no carb diet!. It is unbalanced and unhealthy!. Protein is what your body needs to build muscle, so it is necessary!. However, carbohydrates are also necessary!. Steer clear of refined sugars, and opt healthier alternatives!. Use whole grains!. They are rich in complex carbs, and fiber!. Your brain metabolizes only carbohydrates, and your muscles burn them as fuel!. Excess of either carbs or protein, or even both is when you can run into trouble!. Protein has a higher caloric count than carbs do, so eating too much of it will make your exercise routine less fruitful!. Stay away from things like high fructose corn syrup, simple white sugar!. They pretty much only raise your blood sugar levels, which can lead to other problems!. Good sources of protein without eating meat come from beans, especially soybeans!. Soy milk is a great source too!. Opt for light versions, they are lower in fat!. Nuts, if you aren't allergic, are also high in protein, but pursue with caution, they are also high in fat!. Cut out sodas, opt for water, herbal teas, and 100% fruit juices for beverages!. Running is a great way to get fit, it will give you lean and strong muscles, and keep you thin!. Upping your heart rate in an aerobic activity such as running will help in burning calories, which is what makes you lose weight!. Make sure you stretch and warm up your muscles before you go out on your run to avoid injury!. also, pairing your running with some light weights, will help build muscle, making them burn the calories faster!. Keeping a balanced diet that is natural and not processed, and void of preservatives, additives, and artificial anything, low in calories, and fat, rich in whole grains, and lean protein, and pairing it with good exercise will keep your body healthy and lean!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The fact that you're eating lean protein versus fatty protein doesn't make a huge difference!. What you have to watch is your calorie intake and output!.

A pound of fat is approximately 2500 calories!. By cutting about 500 calories per day (two days a week to cheat a bit) you can lose one pound per week!. If you cut any more from your diet, your body will go into a "starvation mode," slowing your metabolism and actually making it harder to lose the weight!.

You can increase the amount of weight you lose per week by another pound by doing 500 calories of exercise per day (again with two days off)!. 500 calories of exercise is about 30 minutes of moderate-intense jogging/elliptical training (depending on your starting weight and metabolism)!. This will burn a pound of fat per week in addition to the pound you're losing due to diet!. You shouldn't go past this amount of exercise as you can damage your body, requiring you to take time off to heal, slowing down the amount of weight you can lose during the recovery period!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

First off you are NOT a vegetarian if you eat fish!.

To lose weight bulk up on fresh veggies and fruit, beans for protein and since you're not a veggie choose fish or chicken if you choose to eat meat!. Remember high fiber foods fill you up and digest slowly so you feel full longer, think nuts, whole grain breads and cereals!. And MOVE, burn those calories up!.
Yogurt is good to but buy regular unflavored for the best benefit, stir in fruit, or use for a sauce!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well by eating fish you are not a vegetarian!. (Fish are animals not plants!)!. So really you can eat what you want, but please do not call yourself a vegetarian, as it only causes confusion for the people that are real vegetarians!.

I suggest you eat loads of grains and beans and legumes, and high content fruit! I did that and I lost dramatic weight and keep it off!.

Good luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com

A single egg contains nearly a whole day's worth of cholesterol!. I would quit eating them, for yourself and the animals!.

There's nothing in meat and animal products that you can't get in a vegan diet, and it is possible to low carb a vegan diet as well!.

My birthday's in late Jan as well :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

Low carb diets have been condemned by just about every major health organization there is, from the American Cancer Society to the American Dietetic Association!. You need healthy carbs, though removing refined sugar from your diet is great!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually, pesco-vegetarians eat fish, dairy foods, eggs and fruit, vegetables, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would suggest you join a gym!. They will advise you on how to eat properly whilst exercising!. I did that and lost 48lbs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How on earth are you a vegetarian if you eat fish!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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