Why Are There So Many Rules and Definitions Of Vegans?!
I know some people who:
-don't eat nothing from animals at all
-don't eat meat but do have dairy and honey
-don't eat meat but do eat fish
Are there categories and sub-categories for veganism/vegetariansm!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
-don't eat nothing from animals at all
-don't eat meat but do have dairy and honey
-don't eat meat but do eat fish
Are there categories and sub-categories for veganism/vegetariansm!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are different definitions for veganism because people disagree about what veganism is!. It's commonly (and wrongly) thought of as just a diet excluding meat and animal products, but in reality its a lifestyle exclusing the exploitation of other living beings (and I would include humans)!.
There are the terms vegetarianism/piscetarianism etc, because people want to make out like they don't hurt animals when actually they still do!.
The word 'vegetarian' used to mean what 'vegan' means today - it's been watered down a fair amount by people giving themselves these labels when they shouldn't!. Nowadays there are 'vegans' that still buy wool and eat honey!. People need to define and use words properly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are the terms vegetarianism/piscetarianism etc, because people want to make out like they don't hurt animals when actually they still do!.
The word 'vegetarian' used to mean what 'vegan' means today - it's been watered down a fair amount by people giving themselves these labels when they shouldn't!. Nowadays there are 'vegans' that still buy wool and eat honey!. People need to define and use words properly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A Vegan eats nothing that is part (meat) of, or comes from (eggs, milk, etc) an animal!. Don't know about Honey though!.!.!.
Vegetarian can be anything from: will eat almost anything (although meat is limited to poultry and fish), to borderline Vegan!.
A TRUE Vegan is also someone whom does alot of reading and research, since many medicines (vaccines in particular) are made with animal by-products or animal sources, and by their own beliefs, they can not accept those treatments!.
Good Luck!
EDIT: Definition time, folks!.!.!.
Omnivore: Omni = all, vore = eat!. An omnivore is a creature that will eat any edible item, whether animal or plant!. Anyone telling you different is ignoring the OED!. :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarian can be anything from: will eat almost anything (although meat is limited to poultry and fish), to borderline Vegan!.
A TRUE Vegan is also someone whom does alot of reading and research, since many medicines (vaccines in particular) are made with animal by-products or animal sources, and by their own beliefs, they can not accept those treatments!.
Good Luck!
EDIT: Definition time, folks!.!.!.
Omnivore: Omni = all, vore = eat!. An omnivore is a creature that will eat any edible item, whether animal or plant!. Anyone telling you different is ignoring the OED!. :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
Vegan is a lifestyle choice!. Beyond eating, they try their best not to use animal products, including silk, leather, etc!.
Vegetarians do not eat meat, but may eat dairy or eggs (ovo- or lacto-)!.
Someone who eats fish is a pescetarian, not a vegetarian!.
Someone who eats any sort of meat, be it chicken, turkey, beef, pork, etc, is not a vegetarian at all!.
All the different definitions are used because too often there is someone who claims they are vegetarian but will still eat fish or chicken, claiming it's "not real meat"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians do not eat meat, but may eat dairy or eggs (ovo- or lacto-)!.
Someone who eats fish is a pescetarian, not a vegetarian!.
Someone who eats any sort of meat, be it chicken, turkey, beef, pork, etc, is not a vegetarian at all!.
All the different definitions are used because too often there is someone who claims they are vegetarian but will still eat fish or chicken, claiming it's "not real meat"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Only the people who "eat nothing from animals at all" are called vegans!. This would include meat, fish, dairy, eggs, and honey!.
Vegetarian has more lax definitions - but most people would define a vegetarian as someone who does not eat meat (including fish)!.
Some vegetarians eat products made by animals, such as dairy products, eggs,and/or honey!.
People who eat fish shouldn't be considered vegetarians at all, IMO!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarian has more lax definitions - but most people would define a vegetarian as someone who does not eat meat (including fish)!.
Some vegetarians eat products made by animals, such as dairy products, eggs,and/or honey!.
People who eat fish shouldn't be considered vegetarians at all, IMO!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans: Do not use any anmial products!. No meat, fish, poultry, leather, or any product tested on animals!. No honey, no dairy, no eggs!.
Vegetarians: Do not eat any animal products!. Many object to leather and products tested on animals!.
Omnivore: Don't eat meat but do eat fish!. Same with chicken!.
I should add that Lacto-vegetarian means that you eat dairy but not eggs, and Ovo-vegetarian means that you do eat eggs but not dairy!. Anybody who eats ANY MEAT, whether it be cow, pig, guinea pig, cat, dog, fish, chicken, pig, is not a vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians: Do not eat any animal products!. Many object to leather and products tested on animals!.
Omnivore: Don't eat meat but do eat fish!. Same with chicken!.
I should add that Lacto-vegetarian means that you eat dairy but not eggs, and Ovo-vegetarian means that you do eat eggs but not dairy!. Anybody who eats ANY MEAT, whether it be cow, pig, guinea pig, cat, dog, fish, chicken, pig, is not a vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Because the vegan lifestyle is poorly defined!. From what I understand, vegans refrain from consuming / using any animal products!. This can range from eating a hamburger, drinking milk, or wearing leather!.
The reality of it though, very few "vegans" have enough commitment to really follow through on these strict rules!. Many people like what being vegan stands for, but don't have enough will power to follow it 100%!. Thats why you see varying methods of practice!.
Too many people want to take pride in not eating steak, but they love ice cream!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The reality of it though, very few "vegans" have enough commitment to really follow through on these strict rules!. Many people like what being vegan stands for, but don't have enough will power to follow it 100%!. Thats why you see varying methods of practice!.
Too many people want to take pride in not eating steak, but they love ice cream!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Cuz it is different for everyone!. Some ppl don't like how dairy cows are being treated, or what is in the milk!. Some don't like eggs, or how the egg laying hens are treated!. Some don't like both!. There aren't rules, it is what you choose to eat and not to eat!. There is always room to change the "rules" if you so how choose, to meet your needs or wants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans eat nothing from animals at all!. That is the only definition of vegan I have heard!. Now there are raw food vegans that also don't cook their food!. The second thing you list is a lacto vegetarian, and the third thing is just someone who only eats fish!.!. they are neither vegan nor vegetarian!. I guess you could say they are 'mostly' vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegetarian's eat no animals but do eat products from animals such as eggs and things made with milk, butter, etc!.!.!.
Vegans eat no part of any animal even if it is something like milk, eggs, etc!.!.!.
some vegetarian's do eat fish but there is no other name for themWww@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans eat no part of any animal even if it is something like milk, eggs, etc!.!.!.
some vegetarian's do eat fish but there is no other name for themWww@FoodAQ@Com
Rules!?!?!?!?!?!? I mostly lean towards being a vegetarian but I still have a problem with the Costco pizza window!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegans don't eat any animal bi-productsWww@FoodAQ@Com
I'm a vegan, and wrote this as a post for my friends on Facebook some time ago to help them understand my veganism and different people's preferences too!. hope it's useful, and if I'm inaccurate in any way, please people let me know, and I'll correct it!. Enjoy!.
Over the years many people have asked me, when I tell them I’m a vegan: “what don’t you eat, what can you eat!? How do you differ from a vegetarian!? Can you eat fish!? Dairy!? Is that like a fruitarian, etc!?
I don’t feel this really grasps what a vegan is about, or reflects necessarily what different diets mean!. So hopefully, this “comprehensive” list for reference below will do the job for anybody curious as to what it's all about!. Enjoy!.
MEAT EATER (also classed as omnivore/carnivore) - Has at least one meat, game or poultry product as part of their diet, and normally will include various meats, or meat products (including ham, pork, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, pheasant, grouse etc!.)!. also likely (but may not) include seafood (fish, shark, crabs, etc), dairy products (e!.g!. butter, cheese, milk, ice cream) and eggs in diet!. Will also generally wear and use clothing and other products made with animal products (e!.g!. leather shoes, belts, jackets, coats; soaps made from animal fat etc!.)!.
PESCOTARIAN – excludes meats, game and poultry products from diet, but will include forms of seafood (fish, shark, crabs, etc!.)!. May or may not include dairy products and/or eggs in diet!. May or may not wear clothing and use products made from animals!.
Bit of a blurred category this one I feel!. Some feel this falls under pollotarian/ porcotarian/beefotarian type labelling below!. Still debated widely as to its intention, validity and meaning!.
POLLOTARIAN/PORCOTARIAN/BEEFOTARIAN – eats no meats, apart from chicken/pork/beef respectively !. Can seem to some (especially in the veggie community) as a fancy label to try and get some praise or appreciation for “enlightened dietary practices” from other people!. In my opinion: get over it! You’re a meat eater!. If you’re going to be a vegetarian, a vegan, or a meat eater: be one!. Please quit trying to get on somebody else’s bandwagon, or diminish what somebody else is practising, through clever use of words!.
It’s probably wiser, if you’re striving to eat meat, be vegetarian, be vegan, or be anything else, to say you’re trying, but haven’t achieved that yet!. That avoids any confusion, or wrong usage of words and terms!.
SEMI-VEGETARIAN – eats “small amounts” or “reduced” amounts of meat, game and poultry products in their diet!. See comments on porcotarian/beefotarian above!.
VEGETARIAN – does not consume animal flesh, of any kind!. This includes meat, game, poultry, and fish!. Includes dairy products and/or eggs in diet!. May or may not wear clothing and use products made from animals!.
VEGITAN (ve-gee-tan) – does not consume animal products of any kind – this includes meat, game or poultry products, dairy products, and eggs!. Likely to practice this diet for health or religious reasons!. May or may not wear clothing and use other products made from animals!.
VEGAN (vee-gun) – person practising (or attempting to practise) ethics based on reducing and ending cruelty, suffering, violence and pain to all sentient creatures that can feel pain (including humans)!. By necessity, part of this ethical approach means not consuming animal products of any kind – including meat, game and poultry products, dairy products, and eggs!. (Yes, cruelty is involved in the dairy and egg industry, whether free-range, organic or otherwise)!. The plant foods vegans consume may be cooked, or uncooked!.
also, does not wear clothing made from animals, and strives and promotes alternative choices that could be made from animal and cruelty-free materials!. also avoids using all other products derived from animals, and materials derived from cruel production methods, wherever possible!. Promotes alternative products and research into alternative products, using animal-free and cruelty-free materials!. Vegans are normally opposed to animal testing, and certainly any animal testing causing extreme pain and dubious scientific benefit!.
Vegans also oppose animal or human slavery, and human and animal rights abuses!. In summary, endorsing peaceful coexistence between animals and humanity!.
RAW FOODIST – consumes only uncooked foods!. Likely to include only plant foods!. Raw foods of animal origin can be included, but no foods of animal origin are often the case (this is because many raw foodists hold vegan ethics whilst practising raw!. Can also be due to hygiene and safety issues present in preparing and eating raw animal foods)!.
FRUITARIAN – consumes only the fruits of plants that are available in nature!. Can be cooked or uncooked fruit!. May (but not likely) to wear clothing and use other products made from animals!. Many fruitarians also hold vegan ethics as part of their practise!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Over the years many people have asked me, when I tell them I’m a vegan: “what don’t you eat, what can you eat!? How do you differ from a vegetarian!? Can you eat fish!? Dairy!? Is that like a fruitarian, etc!?
I don’t feel this really grasps what a vegan is about, or reflects necessarily what different diets mean!. So hopefully, this “comprehensive” list for reference below will do the job for anybody curious as to what it's all about!. Enjoy!.
MEAT EATER (also classed as omnivore/carnivore) - Has at least one meat, game or poultry product as part of their diet, and normally will include various meats, or meat products (including ham, pork, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, pheasant, grouse etc!.)!. also likely (but may not) include seafood (fish, shark, crabs, etc), dairy products (e!.g!. butter, cheese, milk, ice cream) and eggs in diet!. Will also generally wear and use clothing and other products made with animal products (e!.g!. leather shoes, belts, jackets, coats; soaps made from animal fat etc!.)!.
PESCOTARIAN – excludes meats, game and poultry products from diet, but will include forms of seafood (fish, shark, crabs, etc!.)!. May or may not include dairy products and/or eggs in diet!. May or may not wear clothing and use products made from animals!.
Bit of a blurred category this one I feel!. Some feel this falls under pollotarian/ porcotarian/beefotarian type labelling below!. Still debated widely as to its intention, validity and meaning!.
POLLOTARIAN/PORCOTARIAN/BEEFOTARIAN – eats no meats, apart from chicken/pork/beef respectively !. Can seem to some (especially in the veggie community) as a fancy label to try and get some praise or appreciation for “enlightened dietary practices” from other people!. In my opinion: get over it! You’re a meat eater!. If you’re going to be a vegetarian, a vegan, or a meat eater: be one!. Please quit trying to get on somebody else’s bandwagon, or diminish what somebody else is practising, through clever use of words!.
It’s probably wiser, if you’re striving to eat meat, be vegetarian, be vegan, or be anything else, to say you’re trying, but haven’t achieved that yet!. That avoids any confusion, or wrong usage of words and terms!.
SEMI-VEGETARIAN – eats “small amounts” or “reduced” amounts of meat, game and poultry products in their diet!. See comments on porcotarian/beefotarian above!.
VEGETARIAN – does not consume animal flesh, of any kind!. This includes meat, game, poultry, and fish!. Includes dairy products and/or eggs in diet!. May or may not wear clothing and use products made from animals!.
VEGITAN (ve-gee-tan) – does not consume animal products of any kind – this includes meat, game or poultry products, dairy products, and eggs!. Likely to practice this diet for health or religious reasons!. May or may not wear clothing and use other products made from animals!.
VEGAN (vee-gun) – person practising (or attempting to practise) ethics based on reducing and ending cruelty, suffering, violence and pain to all sentient creatures that can feel pain (including humans)!. By necessity, part of this ethical approach means not consuming animal products of any kind – including meat, game and poultry products, dairy products, and eggs!. (Yes, cruelty is involved in the dairy and egg industry, whether free-range, organic or otherwise)!. The plant foods vegans consume may be cooked, or uncooked!.
also, does not wear clothing made from animals, and strives and promotes alternative choices that could be made from animal and cruelty-free materials!. also avoids using all other products derived from animals, and materials derived from cruel production methods, wherever possible!. Promotes alternative products and research into alternative products, using animal-free and cruelty-free materials!. Vegans are normally opposed to animal testing, and certainly any animal testing causing extreme pain and dubious scientific benefit!.
Vegans also oppose animal or human slavery, and human and animal rights abuses!. In summary, endorsing peaceful coexistence between animals and humanity!.
RAW FOODIST – consumes only uncooked foods!. Likely to include only plant foods!. Raw foods of animal origin can be included, but no foods of animal origin are often the case (this is because many raw foodists hold vegan ethics whilst practising raw!. Can also be due to hygiene and safety issues present in preparing and eating raw animal foods)!.
FRUITARIAN – consumes only the fruits of plants that are available in nature!. Can be cooked or uncooked fruit!. May (but not likely) to wear clothing and use other products made from animals!. Many fruitarians also hold vegan ethics as part of their practise!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I dont kno why they follow so many rules!. I wouldnt even attempt trying that out!. Cruelty to animals is wrong, but animals like cows and chickens were put on this earth to eat (in my religion)!. So idk, to many rules, id break half of them trying!. Another thing is shoes!. I heard you can wear a shoe made a specific way!. its weirdWww@FoodAQ@Com
Because Veganism is trying to run peoples lives and eventually overthrow the governmentWww@FoodAQ@Com