Basics for Vegetarians?!
Ok so Im a vegetarian & have been for quite some time now I also want to raise my children vegetarian but though Im vegetarian my diet mainly consists of fruits/veggies & fast food! I know!.!.odd combo huh!?!? but I was wondering what do vegetarian kids need growing up!? like when they start eating solids until there a toddler!? is it the same for kids as adults!?!? I get my protein from beans & nuts & I take vitamins,I also eat eggs & drink milk & then everything els is whatever els I want but those are what I use to stay healthy!.!.do I do the same for my kids when I have them!? minus the take out/fast food! also any advice would be nice on raising them vegetarian,like what I can give them to keep them healthyWww@FoodAQ@Com
You've got the essentials right!. Make sure to feed them beans for protein!. Beans can be mashed into a paste or pureed for little ones!. As is the case when introducing any new food, start slowly, and only introduce one new food at a time!.
Eat foods that are less refined to make sure you get optimum intake of vitamins and minerals (micro nutrients)!. In other words, eat less things like refined or enriched flour (white or wheat) and eat more things that list "whole grain" or "whole wheat" as the first ingredient!.
Be sure to choose a variety of foods for yourself and your children!. The basics are simple: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts!.
Just a general health recommendation, minimize consumption of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils!. The more natural your food, the less the will be present, and the healthier your meal will be!.
Do you eat fish!? If so, salmon is an excellent choice!. If not, be sure to get your omega-3 intake somewhere else, such as walnuts!. Include almonds and freshly toasted sunflower seeds for vitamin E and copper!. I'm including an excellent source for information about healthy foods for you to review!. Your question is very broad, and I hope I provided enough information to get you started!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eat foods that are less refined to make sure you get optimum intake of vitamins and minerals (micro nutrients)!. In other words, eat less things like refined or enriched flour (white or wheat) and eat more things that list "whole grain" or "whole wheat" as the first ingredient!.
Be sure to choose a variety of foods for yourself and your children!. The basics are simple: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts!.
Just a general health recommendation, minimize consumption of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils!. The more natural your food, the less the will be present, and the healthier your meal will be!.
Do you eat fish!? If so, salmon is an excellent choice!. If not, be sure to get your omega-3 intake somewhere else, such as walnuts!. Include almonds and freshly toasted sunflower seeds for vitamin E and copper!. I'm including an excellent source for information about healthy foods for you to review!. Your question is very broad, and I hope I provided enough information to get you started!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
if you dont cook meat or serve it in the house then of course they will be raised vegetarian
but if their is meat in the house (husband eats it) then let them eat meat if they want too =)
and thats the worst combo vegetarian and fast food!.!.!.!. thats what vegetarians have a hard time with !.!.!.what is there to eat!?!? anyone can be vegetarian, and alot of overweight vegetarians give us healthier vegetarians a bad name!.!.!. to be vegetarian should mean to be healthy
be healthy eat smart, no jukies or fast food Www@FoodAQ@Com
but if their is meat in the house (husband eats it) then let them eat meat if they want too =)
and thats the worst combo vegetarian and fast food!.!.!.!. thats what vegetarians have a hard time with !.!.!.what is there to eat!?!? anyone can be vegetarian, and alot of overweight vegetarians give us healthier vegetarians a bad name!.!.!. to be vegetarian should mean to be healthy
be healthy eat smart, no jukies or fast food Www@FoodAQ@Com
well u can't really MAKE them be vegetarians!.!.but im not telling u how to parent!. you can feed them
fruit: such as apples, peaches, kiwi, bananas, pears, oranges, tomatoes, etc!.
veggies: carrots, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, etc!.
dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream (maybe) etc!.
drinks: fruit juice, V8 (but it contains lots of sugar), milk, water!. etc!.
and desserts: u can chooseWww@FoodAQ@Com
fruit: such as apples, peaches, kiwi, bananas, pears, oranges, tomatoes, etc!.
veggies: carrots, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, etc!.
dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream (maybe) etc!.
drinks: fruit juice, V8 (but it contains lots of sugar), milk, water!. etc!.
and desserts: u can chooseWww@FoodAQ@Com
kids need meat more so than adults!. its recommended that a child eats meat atleast once per week!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You may have to compromise with your childrens diet!. Getting children to eat vegetables can test your resolve as a parent!. There are times as a parent you just have to allow the best food they can get that you can accept!. I know this having raised kids!. Children's tastes change as they grow up!. You may want to bring your child up as you believe, but when they get to school things may change!. My kids all changed with peer pressure!. Fortunately my kids turned out okay!.
As a child in the 1940's I couldn't get enough vegetables, but my mother tells me it was so different for most of her friends!. I'm sure you'll do the best for your children!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As a child in the 1940's I couldn't get enough vegetables, but my mother tells me it was so different for most of her friends!. I'm sure you'll do the best for your children!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
if you want your kids to be healthy feed them food, not leafs!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com