I am currently vegetarian and am thinking of going vegan.?!
Ok im 15 years old and have been a vegetarian for a little over two months!. I have been thinking of going vegan but i don't know how hard it is, and i don't want to cost my parents a ton of money and make them make two meals each day!. Any heap!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do it in steps!.
I've been a full on vegetarian for a year now!. I aim to be a vegan, so I'm slowly cutting things out of my diet!.
I first cut out gelatine!. It seemed very easy at first but its hidden in a lot of things, you really have to read every package!.
Then I stopped eating eggs & honey!.
Just cut out the easier things first, then it gets easier as you go on!.
Now I only drink milk in coffee and I find it terribly difficult to live without cheese!.!. The cheese is my downfall!.
Plus its better for you, doing it slowly, a complete change in diet can shock your body!.
I find I buy vegan alternatives and everyone else eats them before I do! So maybe your parents won't mind getting things like vegan butter, as they can use it themselves!. I find I eat a lot more fruit and vegetables, and we grow a lot of them at home, so its actually cheaper!.
Just do what feels right for you!. But starting a vege garden is a good idea, you have an endless supply of food & its cheap, and you know exactly what you're eating, no pesticides and what not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've been a full on vegetarian for a year now!. I aim to be a vegan, so I'm slowly cutting things out of my diet!.
I first cut out gelatine!. It seemed very easy at first but its hidden in a lot of things, you really have to read every package!.
Then I stopped eating eggs & honey!.
Just cut out the easier things first, then it gets easier as you go on!.
Now I only drink milk in coffee and I find it terribly difficult to live without cheese!.!. The cheese is my downfall!.
Plus its better for you, doing it slowly, a complete change in diet can shock your body!.
I find I buy vegan alternatives and everyone else eats them before I do! So maybe your parents won't mind getting things like vegan butter, as they can use it themselves!. I find I eat a lot more fruit and vegetables, and we grow a lot of them at home, so its actually cheaper!.
Just do what feels right for you!. But starting a vege garden is a good idea, you have an endless supply of food & its cheap, and you know exactly what you're eating, no pesticides and what not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its not particularly more expensive to be vegan per serving, but there will be two totally separate shopping lists and two totally different meals to cook!. While as a vegetarian you could just eat much of what was prepared and just skip the meat course, as a vegan the ingredients of every item needs to be scrutinized!. You would not believe the number of common everyday items out there have animal byproducts in them!. Many item you would not even think of until you read the label!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
First of all talk to your parents about why you want to do this!. If they understand, they are more likely to be considerate in making meals!. Second, many family meals can easily be made vegan!. For example if your parents are making spagetthi, ask them to set aside some plain tomatto sauce and pasta, before they add any meat or cheese!. You can then reheat yours when they are ready to serve dinner!. Another easy dinner would be pasta stir fry with veggies!. They can add meat to theirs and set some aside without meat for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Congrats on being a vegetarian, but seriously consider whether you want to be more full on!. A friend of ours became vegan about a year ago and it became absolutely painful because we everytime we went out for lunch/dinner/drinks she was so picky about what she could and couldn't eat, where we could go, where we couldn't go!.
Then she would lay into us about all the chemicals in the food we were eating, the cruely to animals etc etc!. I know it sounds mean but eventually we just stopped asking her out because it just got to be too much of a hassle and we all had to miss out because of her eating habits!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Then she would lay into us about all the chemicals in the food we were eating, the cruely to animals etc etc!. I know it sounds mean but eventually we just stopped asking her out because it just got to be too much of a hassle and we all had to miss out because of her eating habits!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I wouldn't suggest going vegan just yet!. That is a big commitment particularly fro someone who has only been a vegetarian for two months!. It is a difficult thing because there are such few foods you can really eat!. It's a lot of label checking!. If you really want to though try starting with just no milk products and then eventually doing no eggs and such!. However, I don't suggest you go vegan!. your still growing, and don't you want birthday cake and to be able to get ice cream with friends!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Veganism is very hard!. There's eggs and other by products in quite alot of things! I tried Veganism for 2 months and it was just too hard and too expensive!. So I went back to being a vegetarian!Www@FoodAQ@Com
hope this helps!.
Just make sure your parents approve of this craziness Www@FoodAQ@Com