Can you eat fish oils and still call yourself vegetarian?!

Question: Can you eat fish oils and still call yourself vegetarian!?
I know that I can't call myself a pure vegetarian due to this (and yes I feel really guilty over this but I'm a student and I really need the DHAs and EPAs in fish oil to study - both of these just aren't really substitutable with flax-based products yet)!. But I'm still effectively a vegetarian whenever dealing with others and am still just as averse to any type of meat, vertebrate or invertebrate, as any other vegetarian is (although I don't avoid eggs)!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, you can!. I think it's a lot simpler most of the time to quietly take your fish oil in the morning and call yourself a vegetarian than to try to explain to people that you're vegetarian except for certain fish oils!. When you tell people you're a vegetarian, it gives them a quick idea of what you will and will not eat, which I think is all most people really want to know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

After much research and self testing I decided to use fish oil because the flax seed or marine algae EFA/DHA are not as effective!. The fish's liver processes the EFA and DHA in a way that makes it far more bio available to humans!.
(of course if you just eat fish and seaweed like the long lived Okinawans then you don't need to supplement<<hint>>)
Just use Norwegian fish source because there is no mercury to worry about!. Carlson's sells an excellent product that I truly feel better and more responsive when I'm taking it!. Flax didn't work as well for me!. Eggs from vegetarian, organic eggs are an excellent source!. I would say focus on building a solid diet from whole food sources first!. Supplements are OK but don't rely on them!. The question to ask yourself when forming a diet is "where did my ancestors get it!?"!.!.!.There were no capsules or supplements to take many many years ago, but there are people that still got their EFA and DHA!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you consume fish or marine products you are technically NOT a vegetarian!. [1] However you may consider yourself a pescetarian [2], that is, a person who is eats vegetables and eggs and seeds etc, as well as fish, but does not eat mammals and birds and other terrestrial animals!.

Hope this helps!. Pescetarianism is not widely known, so you may need to do some explaining!. I suggest you read the sources!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

As a vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products, by definition, you are not a vegetarian!.!.!. However, vegetarianism isn't a religion, the only person who can really decide what things you will and won't eat and why, is you!.


Eating eggs technically says you are not a vegetarian, but if you really need fish oil for the omega 3 then use it AND if your diet really needs eggs then analyze your scruples and eat the eggsWww@FoodAQ@Com

No!. Fish oil involves the death of the fish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You need the nutrition!. But the eggs kind of off-sets the whole thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No!. Take flaxseed oil,and algae oil for vegan sources of omegas!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, you are a Pescetarian, one who eats fish, but not meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com



yeah its a supplement!. It doesnt countWww@FoodAQ@Com

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