Where can I find vegan nail polish remover in NYC? ?!
I live in the East Village area and hardly ever have a reason to go above 16th st!. People are always saying go look in health food stores!. I shop at the Trader Joe's and Whole Foods in Union Square; neither of those stores carry vegan nail polish remover even though Whole Foods carries other No Miss nail polish products!. I also know that many of the products at the Body Shop are vegan!. The Body Shop near Astor Place doesn't carry any nail products!. Could someone please give me a specific location where I could find vegan nail polish remover!? Does anyone know if the giant Whole Food on Houston carries it!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
Priti Organic Spa:
http://www!.pritiorganicspa!.com/products!.!.!.!. (at the bottom)
There's a review here:
http://www!.pritiorganicspa!.com/products!.!.!.!. (at the bottom)
There's a review here:
Meat for the winWww@FoodAQ@Com