How long to develop an intolerance to meat?!

Question: How long to develop an intolerance to meat!?
I've heard that people who have been vegetarians for a long time get queasy after eating meat!. How long does it take for this tendency to develop!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

You don't really develop a set intolerance!. It all comes down to habit and how you reprogram your body and its enzymes!. There is no special enzyme needed to digest meat, all you need is the enzymes and acid your stomach naturally produces to digest all other food you eat, so you will never lose the ability to digest meat!.

But vegetarians typically don't make as much stomach acid, nor do they make as many enzymes to digest fat and protein!. Meat-heavy meal requires more stomach acid than a vegetarian one; in fact, animals that eat mostly meat-based diets have ten times the stomach acid of animals that eat mostly plant-based diets!. You might get heartburn, indigestion and all stuff like that!.

Remember: these changes are not permanent, your stomach will adjust accordingly to whatever diet you diet, or at least try to as best as it can!.

Actually, there are human societies in places like the Arctic that sometimes go for months at a time eating almost an entirely meat-based diet since vegetation is sparse and not always available!. While they are biologically identical to other people on this planet their stomach acid has adjusted!. Your body is a well-designed machine!.

Hmmm!.!.!. my cousin tried vegetarianism briefly and I remember he said the first time he ate beef it felt excessively greasy and like it adhered to his teeth!. I think he was a vegetarian for about!.!.!. two, maybe three weeks!.

I don't think people ever develop an actual intolerance for meat, as I don't believe it's a known allergen!. I just think that they develop a distaste for it!.

My mom was a vegetarian for about a year before her doctor convinced her to start eating seafood!. The problem wasn't lack of meat, it was lack of any real food (she basically lived on brownies and Sprite Zero for a year)!. It didn't seem to bother her when she started eating meat again!.

As for myself, I've been a vegetarian for less than a year and a half!. I haven't had any meat in that time so I can't tell you how it was/was not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people never develop an aversion to meat (physically for most, mentally for some)!. For example, my husband is an omnivore!. I'm not disgusted whenever he eats meat!. I did have a "break" in my vegetarianism a while back and meat didn't have any adverse effects on me!. Different people experience everything differently!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not sure but its caused because our bodys are not used to breaking down such a heavy, time consuming substance!. Our body digests vegetables and fruit much faster then meat!. So its not that we can't its just our body got programed to only digest veggies/fruits that it'll take a while for it to get used to breakign down meats, which can make us sick the first couple times we eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

uhmm took me about a year to get over redmeat!.!.i get so nausea when i see it!.!.esepcially on the burgerking && wendys commercials!.!.those look discusting!. i have to close my eyes when i see them

i recently when full vegetarian (no chicken/turkey) for about a month now and im not over it yet!.!.!.i get soooo tempted sometimes but i wont break it =]Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was an ovo-lacto vegetarian as a teenager for three years!. When I tried meat again I had sharp stomach pains for awhile trying to be able to digest it again!. I'm sure I would've felt the same way if I had ate meat after only one year though!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

It really depends!. I went vegetarian about two months ago and when i accidentally ate meat, i threw up!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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