A questions to the Vegetarians/Vagans?!
Are there more males or females that re Vegetarians/Vegans!?
What do you think of people that eat meat!?
and last question
Why did you became a vegetarian/vegan!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
What do you think of people that eat meat!?
and last question
Why did you became a vegetarian/vegan!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am taking a shot in the dark here, but my guess would be that there's probably about the same amount of females and males that are vegetarian/vegan!. I don't think anything about people who eat meat, to each their own!. You know!? It's my choice not to eat meat, it's theirs to eat meat!. I became a vegetarian because I love farm animals as much as domestic and wild animals!. I would never eat my dog, so therefore I'm not going to eat a cow or a chicken!. Animals feel the same pain as us and our pets!. I'm not eating anything with feelings or personalities!! I hope I helped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm going to go with more females!.
As for people who eat meat, I just guess they don't see things the way we do!. They see life in what they're eating, we see meat as death instead!. It's really just a matter of habit and personal opinion!. I really don't mind, because it is just a matter of personal choice, and I have absolutely nothing against meat eaters!.
Why did I become a vegetarian!? Because nothing's life should be taken away just to satisfy my shallow, temporary desire!. I also think meat tastes gross and I don't believe in speciecism!. So overall, I just don't feel somfortable doing something that will take away someone's life or cause them needless suffering!.
As for people who eat meat, I just guess they don't see things the way we do!. They see life in what they're eating, we see meat as death instead!. It's really just a matter of habit and personal opinion!. I really don't mind, because it is just a matter of personal choice, and I have absolutely nothing against meat eaters!.
Why did I become a vegetarian!? Because nothing's life should be taken away just to satisfy my shallow, temporary desire!. I also think meat tastes gross and I don't believe in speciecism!. So overall, I just don't feel somfortable doing something that will take away someone's life or cause them needless suffering!.
I think there may be an equal number of both men and women veg!.
I don't judge people who eat meat!. To each there own!. Not everyone will share the same compassion for life that I have!. I respect God's creatures and believe they should be treated humanely and valued in our world!. The problem I have is not with meat eaters, but yet with meat providers!. If people educated themselves on the whole process of what happened before there hamburger was slapped on a bun, they would never eat meat again!. From the dangerous fillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones that they stick in these animals daily!. To the in humane and disgusting living conditions that these animals are placed in!. (just picture your hamburger, yes it is a cow, standing in a small space forced to reside knee deep in there own bacteria filled feces!. Makes you want to squirt some ketchup on top and gobble it up huh!? yeah not so much!.!.!. these hazardous living conditions is why they pump them with antibiotics, because they can't keep them healthy naturally in such inhumane living conditions!.) Now if the short lived, abuse filled life of the cow doesn't make you scream in disgust of a big mac, the slaughterhouse surely will!. I won't even get into the terrible acts of mutilation and evil that happen in there, but on a sanitary note, go do your research, its disgusting!. And I for one don't want that in my belly! If you want to eat meat, do yourself and the animal a favor and by farm raised, organic meat!
Why did I become a vegetarian, see above! (America's meat is so disgusting and filled with crap, that other countries, stopped buying it from us)
The government should put our health on the top of there list, and should stop allowing these big companies to fill our foods with damaging drugs and to treat our animals with no respect!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't judge people who eat meat!. To each there own!. Not everyone will share the same compassion for life that I have!. I respect God's creatures and believe they should be treated humanely and valued in our world!. The problem I have is not with meat eaters, but yet with meat providers!. If people educated themselves on the whole process of what happened before there hamburger was slapped on a bun, they would never eat meat again!. From the dangerous fillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones that they stick in these animals daily!. To the in humane and disgusting living conditions that these animals are placed in!. (just picture your hamburger, yes it is a cow, standing in a small space forced to reside knee deep in there own bacteria filled feces!. Makes you want to squirt some ketchup on top and gobble it up huh!? yeah not so much!.!.!. these hazardous living conditions is why they pump them with antibiotics, because they can't keep them healthy naturally in such inhumane living conditions!.) Now if the short lived, abuse filled life of the cow doesn't make you scream in disgust of a big mac, the slaughterhouse surely will!. I won't even get into the terrible acts of mutilation and evil that happen in there, but on a sanitary note, go do your research, its disgusting!. And I for one don't want that in my belly! If you want to eat meat, do yourself and the animal a favor and by farm raised, organic meat!
Why did I become a vegetarian, see above! (America's meat is so disgusting and filled with crap, that other countries, stopped buying it from us)
The government should put our health on the top of there list, and should stop allowing these big companies to fill our foods with damaging drugs and to treat our animals with no respect!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
1) Complete guess on my part but I'd say more women than men!.
2) Grossly misinformed, under-educated about the issues and unwilling to think of the all-ecompasing meaning of the word "life" (specifically as it refers to life outside of their own)!.
On the surface though, I just smile and nod!.
3) Animal rightsWww@FoodAQ@Com
2) Grossly misinformed, under-educated about the issues and unwilling to think of the all-ecompasing meaning of the word "life" (specifically as it refers to life outside of their own)!.
On the surface though, I just smile and nod!.
3) Animal rightsWww@FoodAQ@Com
my guess would be more women than men as well!.because women wants to be healthy and it's more to the characters and compassions of the person!.
i'm trying to become a vegetarian is just because 2days ago i had arguements with my parents and there's some problems that i'm having right now!.and there u go i just decided to became a lacto-vegetarian!.
edit:i missed your second questions!.i'm a meat eater and i know that it's our choice and preference!.because we're born in a non vege family and grow up eating meat so it's became normal to us and we don't feel anything!.peoples can't change their habits in a day!.i think it's ok if u just eat normal meat like chicken,fish and beef!.but i feel it's wrong to eat wild animals or eating at seafood restaurant because they cooked the animals alive!.if u wanna eat them eat the one that's already dead and not cooked them or killed them alive just to become a humans food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i'm trying to become a vegetarian is just because 2days ago i had arguements with my parents and there's some problems that i'm having right now!.and there u go i just decided to became a lacto-vegetarian!.
edit:i missed your second questions!.i'm a meat eater and i know that it's our choice and preference!.because we're born in a non vege family and grow up eating meat so it's became normal to us and we don't feel anything!.peoples can't change their habits in a day!.i think it's ok if u just eat normal meat like chicken,fish and beef!.but i feel it's wrong to eat wild animals or eating at seafood restaurant because they cooked the animals alive!.if u wanna eat them eat the one that's already dead and not cooked them or killed them alive just to become a humans food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I know a lot of girls that are vegetarians, but I don't know any guys!. It doesn't matter to me if people eat meat it's their decision!. I'm a vegetarian because 1!. I hate the fact that animals are tortured their whole lives just to be eaten and 2!. it bothers my dad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
1!. its vegans not vagans
2!. females
3!. its their choice if they can live with the fact they are killing approximately 100 animals a year
4!. i can not imagine being an animal and loosing everybody I love just so a human could be fed for a few hoursWww@FoodAQ@Com
1!. its vegans not vagans
2!. females
3!. its their choice if they can live with the fact they are killing approximately 100 animals a year
4!. i can not imagine being an animal and loosing everybody I love just so a human could be fed for a few hoursWww@FoodAQ@Com
More vegetarian women than men, i think its their choice, and i became it a few months agoWww@FoodAQ@Com
More women than men!. People who eat meat must make up their own minds when they are ready!. I once ate meat!.
Health and also why should an animal die for me!!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Health and also why should an animal die for me!!?Www@FoodAQ@Com