Q. for vegetarians who love animals?!
Hi!. I don't eat any type of meat except fish, shrimps, octopus, etc (seafood)!. i'd like to know one thing because i'm willing to stop eating these even though i love this type of food more than anything!. so, how are they killed!? are they just left to die or!? thanxWww@FoodAQ@Com
Fish are mostly "left to die", but it basically means that they are "suffocated" to death by being left out of water where they can't survive!. Sometimes they are clapped on the head to kill them just before being sold!.
Many other kinds of seafood are actually cooked alive, especially lobsters which are "traditionally" thrown alive into boiling water!.
Good luck, whatever decision you make!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Many other kinds of seafood are actually cooked alive, especially lobsters which are "traditionally" thrown alive into boiling water!.
Good luck, whatever decision you make!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
ooh a good **although heart wrenching** video for that would be meet your meat http://www!.goveg!.com/factoryFarming!.asp this video will tell you a bit about every animal used for meat!. If you would want videos on how leather is made and things like that peta has many many videos (animal testing, slaughter houses, how animal are killed for fashion, and more just visit the site)!. Take a look!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Fish are kept alive in holding tanks until they are butchered!. Atleast they get to live a normal life until they are caught!.
If you like fish you should go fishing: catch, kill and butcher it yourself!.
BTW: Vegetarians don't eat fish!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you like fish you should go fishing: catch, kill and butcher it yourself!.
BTW: Vegetarians don't eat fish!. Www@FoodAQ@Com