I've recently fell in love with avocados. Is it true they aren't available during winter?!

Question: I've recently fell in love with avocados!. Is it true they aren't available during winter!?
if so, what do I do to fulfill my cravings for avocados!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are 2 type the smaller Haas and the larger Floridian type, the smaller one are tastier, but they vary in the winter, you will need to probably ripen them at home longer, an apple or a banana in a paper bag over night will soften them!.

They are rich in vitamins, iron, and potassium like bananas, and while slightly fat, it is a good fat not a bad one!. I use them in salad, dips, soups and in veggie mexican dishes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My store has them all year long although the quality is not really good!. If you can't find them, look in the frozen food department and you can find them frozen and prepared guacamole!. I buy frozen ones from the Schwans Food delivery man also that delivers to homes in my area!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes, you can get them, but they come to the supermarket rock-hard, and don't ripen evenly on the shelf!. My suggestion would be guacamole, unless you happen to live in California!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unless you live way off the beaten path you'll find Avocados year round in the U!.S!.!.
We now ship our food in from all over the world!., But TX!. CA!. & FL!. all have year round food growing areas that grow avocados, citrus, tomatoes etc!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is not so!. Avocados keep extremely well on the tree, up to 2 years!. This means that although they are only grown during one season, they can be harvested all year long!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they are available, but they need to be shipped from the southern hemisphere so quality will be way low and price will be HIGHWww@FoodAQ@Com

i can find avacados year round in my grocery store here in south carolina!.!.!. you shouldn't have a problem!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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