KFC treating chickens badly?!
I really don't understand why people think KFC wastes their time mistreating chickens!? I'm pretty sure KFC buys their chicken from other places that have it all ready skinned and stuff, I think it's stupid people are that stupid as to believe something that probably some PETA wacko said!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My aunt, before she died, had a farm where they raised chickens for resale to KFC, and she made a very nice living doing it!. The chickens had all their beaks, claws, ate very well and went on to someone's bucket!. She had thousands of chickens, and do people realize how much more work it would be to saw off their beaks, cut off their wings and do all the atrocities the PETA people say they do!? That's just silly!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's the slaughter houses that kill chicken and cleans them!. KFC just buys the parts, same as McDonalds doesn't own a "farm" with cows and makes thier own patties!. Really, how can you treat a frozen piece of chicken badly!? It's already breaded by the time it hits the stores!.
I don't go around throwing paint on peoples fur coats, either!. That's just malicious!. To me, that's like keying a new car because I can afford a better one than you can!.
People need to get off the soap boxes and realize that what I DO with my life is my personal idea of a good life!. I don't buy into your religious BS, don't dink around with my pantry and freezer!
Thanks, I needed that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't go around throwing paint on peoples fur coats, either!. That's just malicious!. To me, that's like keying a new car because I can afford a better one than you can!.
People need to get off the soap boxes and realize that what I DO with my life is my personal idea of a good life!. I don't buy into your religious BS, don't dink around with my pantry and freezer!
Thanks, I needed that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
peta is a joke, there are many people who believe that THEY hurt and torture animals and stage scenes for their shock videos, it would make sense, they are afteral, extremists!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
i don't know about this!.i always like kfc,mcd and pizzahuts!.now i need to find a new place to eat since i'll eat only vege and dairy from now on!.so no more kfc,mcd and pizzahuts for more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
kfc , i think makes ppl waste their time, by making them think if kfc gets dressed chicken or , if they dress it themselves, neways , ppl do waste their money eating kfc chicken,gluttonly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are people out there that still believe that Kentucky Fried Chicken changed there name to KFC because they were selling mutated birds that could not legally be called chickens!!!
Why do these things still surprise us!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why do these things still surprise us!Www@FoodAQ@Com
no, they are already dead!. Why don't people just eat what they want and mind there business!. I don't harass people that eat soy on a daily basis!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com