Is vegetarianism right or wrong.?!

Question: Is vegetarianism right or wrong!.!?
just wondering peoples thoughts on this subject!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Of course it is right!
Animals should not be killed just to satisfy someones appetite!.
There are so many foods out there that have nothing to do with an animal and the foods are delicious!. But a lot of people don't realize this, their so ignorant and they think they'll starve to death if they don't have their meat because they think meat is the only thing they can eat!.
(So NOT true obviously) Meat eaters just dont realize how their meat is made and how the animals are slaughtered!. If they watched videos of animals being killed they definitely think of becoming a vegetarian or vegan!. You meat eaters aren't grossed out by meat just because it's dressed up with fancy dressing and what ever you put on your food!. Would you eat your dog or your cat!? My friend showed videos to her friend on PETA of animals being slaughtered and she said she threw up!. And a lot of my friends now are considering vegetarianism and I am so happy! I understand that some people can't be vegetarians but as long as you TRY that's great!.
Animals feel pain just as we do!. When they are hung upside down and cut up, they cry!. We do too right!? They have feelings to, and they desreve repsect just like we deserve respect!.
I think eating meat is WRONG and NOT eating meat is the right thing to do!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarianism is wrong!.

Vegetarians claim to be healthier but it simply is not true!. Many of them eat just as poor a diet as meat eaters do!. For those that do eat healthy they are only healthier than the average person because the average person eats poorly and does not get enough fruits and veggies!. However when compared to people that eat properly and still eat meat vegetarians fall short of them health wise!. A fact they conveniently ignore just to make their own point!. Besides there are a couple of things that we need that cannot be gotten from any source other than animals!.

Other vegetarians claim they do it because of animals feel pain and suffer!. Well science has shown us that plants feel pain as well!. All this proves is that vegetarians are either completely ignorant or blatant hypocrates!. If they are supposedly that sensitive to suffereing then they have no right to make plants suffer either!. That means they should be restricted to aritificial foods only!.

Reguardless of which of the 2 reasons why people claim being a vegetarian is better they simply are lying to you!. Satan is real good ad lying!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The very fact of thinking of it as a matter of right and wrong identifies vegetarianism as a religion!. And like all religions, its adherents necessarily regard it as right and all others as wrong!. We omnivores are more moderate in our view: Being a vegetarian harms no one (except perhaps the vegetarian her/himself) and should be regarded with amused toleration!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Being a vegetarian is wrong it takes a huge amount of water to grow rice and some other veggies compaired to say chicken for example!. also most legumes/lentils are grown in 3rd world countries where poor farmers cut down animal's homes to grow them (legumes) for stupid western vegans!. Who foolishly think no "furry little animals" were hurt in order to fulfill there silly lifestyle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegtarianism is definatley right!. however veganism is better!.

been vegan all my life, and havnt even thought about eating meat or drinking milk!.

also vegansim is the healthiest diet you can go on!. its also the most natural!.

just make sure if you do go vegan eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables as thats where you will get all your vitamins and minerals from including protien, iron and calcium!.

and if people ask you where do you get your protein from!.

you can say from fruits and vegetbales, you dont see a gorilla taking protein supplimentsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarianism in my opinion is right! it shows superior morality, and compassion towards other living things!. but on the other hand some people argue that it is against human nature!. so, it is neither right or wrong it is simple that prerogative of an individual!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think it is wrong to eat innocent animals that come into this world with nothing but love to give!. i find it wrong that we humans stick the animals in tiny cages and beat them for no good reason!. i think it is wrong for us to kill them when the only reason we have is that they "taste good"

there is no other reason!. there is nothing you cannot find in an animal carcass that you cant find in a plantWww@FoodAQ@Com

I have friends who are vegetarian and i know a few vegans!. I've personally tried being vegetarian for about 9 months and I personally think its better on the stomach/digestive system!. I've seen the PETA videos and all that showing the animals getting slaughtered but it didn't do anything for me!. As long as you eat a healthy, balanced diet, it doesn't matter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Its neither!.

In a democratic society we all make our own choice and we make the choice that best suits us!.

I became a vegetarian mainly for personal health reasons!.

What is wrong is people pushing their own beliefs onto others, and using misinformation to justify it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know about right or wrong but Vegetarianism is wiser than being a meat eater! One being a Vegan is wiser than a Vegetarian! I'm a Vegetarian!. I tried being Vegan but that was too hard and too expensive so I'm Vegetarian!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you want to be vegetarian, it is right as long as you don't use it to hide an eating disorder or strengthen your OCD!.

If you want to eat meat, it is right, as long as you want to kill it yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarianism is fine!. You still have to eat healthy either way but we can have normal healthy lives without ever eating any meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

being vegetarian is much , much and much right, good and its better because it is an healthy food but it is not as much tasty as non-veg thts it! ! !Www@FoodAQ@Com

Its amazing! Ive been a vegetarian for!.!. 2 years!? and im only 11 years young!. So if a youngster like me is doing it!.!.!. its goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

vegetarianism is good for your health, the environment and your wallet!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com



It's o!.k!.
Make sure you get your iron intake otherwise you will end up with anemia!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's your choice!.

I'm personally not a vegetarian because i believe a healthy diet includes meat products!.

And if you're doing for the animals, well!.!.!.the animals are already dead, there's no bringing them back to life by not eating them!. also, the meat producers will not stop producing meat if a handful of people don't eat meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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