How hard is it to go from pescatarian to vegan...?!

Question: How hard is it to go from pescatarian to vegan!.!.!.!?
when still living at home with an omni family!? I eat fish and some dairy only because I have to until I'm sixteen!. [I'm 15]
So to those who have made this transition how hard is it!? What are the other options out there or substitutes to keep me healthy if I choose to go vegan!?

Oh yes and would you reccomend a sixteen year old to go vegan!?

Thanks in advance!! Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think it's better for you to start as lacto-ovo vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian before going straight to vegan!.if you feel like you're ready to next level then you can try vegan diet!.but since you're still sixteen!.i guess you'll need lots of energy for school,sports and other activites!.so it's better for you to continue with dairy!.

this site will help you!.

Please don't turn to vegan suddenly, your body cannot take it!.

When you want, you may considering switching slowly into it!.

Let's say eat less meat, more vegetables!. Even a small changes, your body will also react to it!. Some might face itch in their body, some will have other effect!.

You should go very slowly, When it is possible, then you change totally!.

Before anything happen, please do more research on vegetarian and vegan diets!. Perhaps, you may consult your doctor at times, for more advice on vegan diets for your age!.

All the best!Www@FoodAQ@Com

not sure sorryWww@FoodAQ@Com

it will probably be pretty hard, because in all honesty, pescatarians are a joke, YOU EAT MEAT!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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