Homemade vegetarian pet food recipe?!
is there such a thing!?
i know you can buy some online but it is way to expensive!. anybody that can help me!?
i know that it is natural for dogs to eat meat, but i am not comfortable with it!.
and i may be able to use fish in it since we have a pond, although i would prefer not too
thanks in advance and i swear i am not a troll, i was reading over this and i sound like one, but im notWww@FoodAQ@Com
i know you can buy some online but it is way to expensive!. anybody that can help me!?
i know that it is natural for dogs to eat meat, but i am not comfortable with it!.
and i may be able to use fish in it since we have a pond, although i would prefer not too
thanks in advance and i swear i am not a troll, i was reading over this and i sound like one, but im notWww@FoodAQ@Com
Give him natural balance vegan dog food!. And be sure to supplement with A raw egg twice a week!. And a spoon of yogurt daily!. Fish oil too if thats ok with you!. also, I found this product called Antlerz!. It's just 100% deer antlers and dogs love to chew these!. This does not involve killing the deer because their antlers fall off once a year and then they grow back new ones!. So no cruelty involved!.
But do not make your dog vegan!. And certainly not your cat!. Vegetarian diets are not as healthy as meat-diets for dogs and cats, but If you add eggs and dairy, your dog will be able to get by!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
But do not make your dog vegan!. And certainly not your cat!. Vegetarian diets are not as healthy as meat-diets for dogs and cats, but If you add eggs and dairy, your dog will be able to get by!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Not trying to be rude, but I have always wondered why people get a dog or a cat when they are not "comfortable" feeding them meat based foods!?!?!?!? Why not avoid carnivores and get a herbivore!?!?!?
You can make a decision to eat by what your views are, but forcing a carnivore to eat that way goes against it's nature!. They do make some vegan dog foods, but many times not a lot of research has gone into them and they are geared to people at the expense of the animal!. They are also sometimes used in rare situations where some dogs are unable to handle most animal proteins!.
You would not want someone to take you and MAKE you eat meat, and you should respect the nature of your dog!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can make a decision to eat by what your views are, but forcing a carnivore to eat that way goes against it's nature!. They do make some vegan dog foods, but many times not a lot of research has gone into them and they are geared to people at the expense of the animal!. They are also sometimes used in rare situations where some dogs are unable to handle most animal proteins!.
You would not want someone to take you and MAKE you eat meat, and you should respect the nature of your dog!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Okay, why did you get a dog if you are going to force your beliefs on it!? Dogs are CARNIVORES!. Humans are omnivores and have the CHOICE to choose what they want to eat, and their bodies can adapt!. Dogs CANNOT!.
Forcing your beliefs on an animal is very ridiculous!. It's unhealthy for the dog!. Unless the dog has a medical condition, you should NOT be feeding it a vegetarian diet!.
You SHOULD be comfortable and HAPPY that your dog eats meat because you're giving the dog a happy life!. In the wild with his wolf buddies he would be hunting caribou!. Is that making you feel uncomfortable, too!?
Humans domesticated dogs, so it's our job to take care of them, not make them suffer for our extremist beliefs!.
If you're veg, be veg, but making your dog always eating veggies because you're "uncomfortable" is not a valid excuse!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Forcing your beliefs on an animal is very ridiculous!. It's unhealthy for the dog!. Unless the dog has a medical condition, you should NOT be feeding it a vegetarian diet!.
You SHOULD be comfortable and HAPPY that your dog eats meat because you're giving the dog a happy life!. In the wild with his wolf buddies he would be hunting caribou!. Is that making you feel uncomfortable, too!?
Humans domesticated dogs, so it's our job to take care of them, not make them suffer for our extremist beliefs!.
If you're veg, be veg, but making your dog always eating veggies because you're "uncomfortable" is not a valid excuse!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you are not willing to provide your pet adequate care, which involves providing a species-appropriate diet, you shouldn't have it!. I'm not trying to be rude, just realistic!. Wanting to feed a dog a vegetarian diet because of your own beliefs is as silly as someone wanting to feed their rabbit steak because the pet-owner likes steak!.
If you want a vegetarian pet, buy a rabbit or something similar!.
Dogs are carnivores, they need meat to thrive!. They can survive on a vegetarian diet, but I don't consider merely "surviving" a very good way to live!.
Feed your dog a high-quality, meat-based dog food!. Check the 4, 5, and 6 star foods here for some good examples: http://www!.dogfoodanalysis!.com/dog_food_!.!.!.
If you want to feed home-made, I recommend looking into a raw diet!.
And yes, you can do it if you're vegetarian, here are plenty of people that do: http://www!.dogster!.com/forums/Raw_Food_D!.!.!.
If you want a vegetarian pet, buy a rabbit or something similar!.
Dogs are carnivores, they need meat to thrive!. They can survive on a vegetarian diet, but I don't consider merely "surviving" a very good way to live!.
Feed your dog a high-quality, meat-based dog food!. Check the 4, 5, and 6 star foods here for some good examples: http://www!.dogfoodanalysis!.com/dog_food_!.!.!.
If you want to feed home-made, I recommend looking into a raw diet!.
And yes, you can do it if you're vegetarian, here are plenty of people that do: http://www!.dogster!.com/forums/Raw_Food_D!.!.!.
"i know that it is natural for dogs to eat meat, but i am not comfortable with it"
So sod the natural needs of the dog!.!.!.!. you are not comfortable with it!. Is that your attitude!?
Do not the needs for the well being of the dog take preference!? It is not designed for a vegetarian diet!.
How long would a cow live if it were fed on nothing but mutton or beef!?
You are happy to have a natural carnivore as a pet providing it does not eat meat!. What a pet lover you are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
So sod the natural needs of the dog!.!.!.!. you are not comfortable with it!. Is that your attitude!?
Do not the needs for the well being of the dog take preference!? It is not designed for a vegetarian diet!.
How long would a cow live if it were fed on nothing but mutton or beef!?
You are happy to have a natural carnivore as a pet providing it does not eat meat!. What a pet lover you are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That would be very unhealthy for your dog!. Dogs were built to eat meat!. I know many many people who aren't comfortable with the consumption with meat but they still feed a raw diet which is raw meat (I know you aren't asking about a raw diet)!. I don't think you want to put your dog at risk for health problems and I don't see the need to accuse you of it!. But I do have to say if you really really care for your dog you should feed him/her a meat based dog food!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Seriously, Im a veggie, but I still feed my dog meat and dog biscuits!. Think about when they were wolves, all they ate was meat, you cant change their history!.
Why not try and think of it as though you are balancing out the meat he eats to the meat you dont eat!.
You can buy dog food made out of free range animals!. Wouldn't you rather kill a chicken that has had a really good life than slowly make your dog unhealthy, and have to be put to sleep!.
It tough, but you have to think for what is right for your dog!.
Why not try and think of it as though you are balancing out the meat he eats to the meat you dont eat!.
You can buy dog food made out of free range animals!. Wouldn't you rather kill a chicken that has had a really good life than slowly make your dog unhealthy, and have to be put to sleep!.
It tough, but you have to think for what is right for your dog!.
Honestly, dogs bodies are made to survive on meat!. where would they get their needed nutrients if they were just fed vegetables!.
just look at their teeth, sharp and pointy like any other carnivore!. look at ours - ground down from eating fruit and vegetables!. although we have evolved to eat meat as well!.
dogs can have extra's in their food like rice and corn, but trying make a dog vegetarian is like trying to feed an anerexic - it gets you no whereWww@FoodAQ@Com
just look at their teeth, sharp and pointy like any other carnivore!. look at ours - ground down from eating fruit and vegetables!. although we have evolved to eat meat as well!.
dogs can have extra's in their food like rice and corn, but trying make a dog vegetarian is like trying to feed an anerexic - it gets you no whereWww@FoodAQ@Com
I've never seen a recopy, but you could feed your dog the same stuff you eat!. They are omnivores so, unlike cats, they can get by on a non meat diet!. I'd definately include dairy and eggs in a dogs diet though!.
Most standard dry dog food is 99!.5% soy and other grains, with a little meat flavoring added!.
Most standard dry dog food is 99!.5% soy and other grains, with a little meat flavoring added!.
Trying to make homemade dog food alone is bad!.!.!. dogs are meant to eat mostly meat!. Dogs do like to eat vegetables but they love meat! Since YOU are not "comfortable" with it why don't you just get an animal that is also a veggie!. You guys will have a lot in common! Veggie dog food probably would taste bad anyway! So do the right thing and let your dog eat what it wants to eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com
They really do need some animal protein!.Would you be comfortable feeding them eggs and cottage cheese!? If you cooked brown rice with vegetables and lentils and added an egg or some cottage cheese to the mix everyday,plus a multivitamin and a fatty acid supplement,it might be OK,but you need to ask your vet to make sure that the diet is complete and balanced!.You'll need to add the right amount of calcium as well!.
Dogs are carnivores!. You will be slowly killing your dog by depriving it of the very nutrients it needs!. Get over yourself and feed the dog!.
It is the same as saying: I am watering the plants with wine because I want them to celebrate with me!.
Get your priorities straight!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is the same as saying: I am watering the plants with wine because I want them to celebrate with me!.
Get your priorities straight!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
perhaps you should get an animal that does eat fruit and veg, eg, rat, hamster, gerbil, rabbit, since you dont want to feed a dog meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Dog food or canned food is much better- although taking the time to consider a vegetarian diet is very admirable!. But dogs are carnivores, and their digestive systems were not made to eat plant products!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
if u want a herbivore pet, get a bunny!. dogs NEED meat!.
if u don't feed them meat, then i swear, i will call animal cops on u cause that's abuse!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
if u don't feed them meat, then i swear, i will call animal cops on u cause that's abuse!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
seriously, get a rabbit!. your dog would be much happier with someone who can provide a natural and fulfilling diet!.
put yourself in your dog's position, it's pretty selfish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
put yourself in your dog's position, it's pretty selfish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Dear Shaif Hirboush,
You are right and I am wrong!. I apologize for upsetting you!. There is no need to turn this question and answer forum into an argument!. That's not what it's here for, so please accept my apology!.
I was only trying to defend the asker (against those people who were a little harsh with their answers) by pointing out that many people do unconventional things without harming anyone!.
If you still feel the need to e-mail me by swearing at me and insulting me, feel free to do that!. I remain unoffended!. But I would just like to say that no matter what, I do wish you the best and respect your opinions!.
I hope my apology will help diffuse your anger because at the end of the day I'd rather we all were smiling!.
You are right and I am wrong!. I apologize for upsetting you!. There is no need to turn this question and answer forum into an argument!. That's not what it's here for, so please accept my apology!.
I was only trying to defend the asker (against those people who were a little harsh with their answers) by pointing out that many people do unconventional things without harming anyone!.
If you still feel the need to e-mail me by swearing at me and insulting me, feel free to do that!. I remain unoffended!. But I would just like to say that no matter what, I do wish you the best and respect your opinions!.
I hope my apology will help diffuse your anger because at the end of the day I'd rather we all were smiling!.
dogs are carnivores, they are an animal that naturally eats meat and will not do well on anything else!. There stomachs are not made to digest vegetables!.
My grandparents own a pet store and you know how we tell what types of dog food to carry!? we look at the ingredients, the ones that contain more vegetable matter(usually it's corn) in place of meat are ALWAYS the cheaper brands, like iams, eukenuba, etc!. While brands like wellness contain more meat!.
Seriously, you should not have ever gotten a dog if you aren't prepared to feed him correctly, feeding him vegetables is almost as bad as actually killing an animal in my book!. you commited to caring for this dog and you need to do it the right way!. you need to do more research next time before you take the plunge into caring for a living animal!.
im sorry if i sound harsh, but it's the truth and i think for your dogs sake you need to hear it!. I will pass this along to the dog community so you can get some other answers from dog people!.
edit - i WAS being nice, i was just trying to help your dog, but obviously since you're an idiot i have to get mean!. the ONLY reason places that sell vegetarian dog food exist is because of idiots like you that would rather deprive their dog of the nutrition it needs and force their beliefs upon an animal!. they do it because they know there are people stupid enough to essentially be killing their dogs!. they do it to make MONEY!.
people can live an ok life eating vegetables, we are omnivores and can eat both, dogs are carnivores, they have no choice, they need meat!. the only thing a dog hopes for is to have a competent owner that will feed him the right things!.
if you love your dog you will feed him a meat diet, this has nothing to do with me not liking vegetarians, it has to do with me wanting to see your dog grow up and stay healthy!.
edit - @reader!. are you an idiot, your dog would eat chocolate and chick peas if you gave it to him!? well, no ****, because he's been DOMESTICATED to trust you to feed him what is healthy for him, and further, where the hell is a dog going to find candy bars and chick peas in the wild anyways!?
stop trying to get this girl to kill her dog!. some of you vegans and vegetarians are just so stupid you don't even realize it, some animals need meat to survive, it's that simple!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My grandparents own a pet store and you know how we tell what types of dog food to carry!? we look at the ingredients, the ones that contain more vegetable matter(usually it's corn) in place of meat are ALWAYS the cheaper brands, like iams, eukenuba, etc!. While brands like wellness contain more meat!.
Seriously, you should not have ever gotten a dog if you aren't prepared to feed him correctly, feeding him vegetables is almost as bad as actually killing an animal in my book!. you commited to caring for this dog and you need to do it the right way!. you need to do more research next time before you take the plunge into caring for a living animal!.
im sorry if i sound harsh, but it's the truth and i think for your dogs sake you need to hear it!. I will pass this along to the dog community so you can get some other answers from dog people!.
edit - i WAS being nice, i was just trying to help your dog, but obviously since you're an idiot i have to get mean!. the ONLY reason places that sell vegetarian dog food exist is because of idiots like you that would rather deprive their dog of the nutrition it needs and force their beliefs upon an animal!. they do it because they know there are people stupid enough to essentially be killing their dogs!. they do it to make MONEY!.
people can live an ok life eating vegetables, we are omnivores and can eat both, dogs are carnivores, they have no choice, they need meat!. the only thing a dog hopes for is to have a competent owner that will feed him the right things!.
if you love your dog you will feed him a meat diet, this has nothing to do with me not liking vegetarians, it has to do with me wanting to see your dog grow up and stay healthy!.
edit - @reader!. are you an idiot, your dog would eat chocolate and chick peas if you gave it to him!? well, no ****, because he's been DOMESTICATED to trust you to feed him what is healthy for him, and further, where the hell is a dog going to find candy bars and chick peas in the wild anyways!?
stop trying to get this girl to kill her dog!. some of you vegans and vegetarians are just so stupid you don't even realize it, some animals need meat to survive, it's that simple!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
To the person who would feed their dog chocolate and saying we don't breast feed our children:
Are you clinically insane!?
Anyways, to the asker, get a rabbit!.
This is the same as not putting a goldfish in water because you have aqua phobia!. Bit of a exaggeration but it's true!.
edit: sorry for "piping in" on yahoo answers where everybody can submit an answer in order to help the asker!. Instead of helping the asker, you are telling her it's okay to deprive her dog out of the necessary nutrients it needs and assuming that everyone else who didn't agree with you is "a hardcore carnivore person"!. By the way, after reading my answer again and again, I don't see how I implied that I was perfect!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Are you clinically insane!?
Anyways, to the asker, get a rabbit!.
This is the same as not putting a goldfish in water because you have aqua phobia!. Bit of a exaggeration but it's true!.
edit: sorry for "piping in" on yahoo answers where everybody can submit an answer in order to help the asker!. Instead of helping the asker, you are telling her it's okay to deprive her dog out of the necessary nutrients it needs and assuming that everyone else who didn't agree with you is "a hardcore carnivore person"!. By the way, after reading my answer again and again, I don't see how I implied that I was perfect!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
here is a link it has recipes