So, I just bought an artichoke, what to do with it.....?!
What's your favorite way of eating an artichoke!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wash the artichokes thoroughly, spreading the leaves a little to make sure there is no dirt in there!. Rinse well, turn upside down to drain!.
Cut or trim artichokes with a stainless steel knife to reduce discoloration!. Whack off the base so it will sit flat!. Pull off the shrimpy little leaves right next to the stem!. Trim off the top 1/2" or so straight across with your sharp knife!. If you have time, or plan to stuff the artichokes, you can also trim off the leaf barbs with your kitchen scissors- holding the stem end in the palm of one hand, trim the leaves straight across, rotate, trim, rotate, until done!. Put straight into water that has a dollop of vinegar or lemon juice in it, until you finish all the artichokes- they should all start cooking at the same time!.
Cooking Fresh Artichokes:
The color oxidizes or darkens unless the cooking water has a little acid added!. To reduce darkening, add lemon, onion, wine or vinegar to the cooking water, and DO NOT use an aluminum pan!. No matter how it is cooked, an artichoke is done when a leaf pulls off when you try to lift the artichoke out by the leaf!. Or you can stick a thin, pointed stainless steel knife into the top-middle and push straight down!. If it goes all the way down easily, the artichoke's done! Drain upside down!.
Stovetop, boiled
Bring the largest pot of water to a boil, put 2-3" water in it!. Slice in a lemon, half an onion, a drizzle of olive oil and some whole peppercorns!. Add the artichokes, cover, cook about 35-50 minutes until done!. The water is bitter- don't use it for vegetable broth!.
Traditional Dips for Artichokes
1) melted butter, usually with lemon
2) Hollandaise sauce
3) mayonnaise or curried mayonnaise
Eating an artichoke
Pull a leaf from the artichoke, dip it in the sauce, then hold the fleshy bit at the bottom between teeth and pull!. This action scrapes the flesh from the leaf!. Eat the outer leaves until encountering the very thin inner leaves that cover the choke!. These smallest leaves may be bitten right off below the little barb, or set aside!. The choke is the plants natural protection against foraging cows: it is spiky-looking, and reminds me of a fur ball!. Scoop out the choke with a spoon!. The portion that is left is the artichoke heart!. Make sure that everyone who is eating gets a portion of the heart!. It is the sweetest and tastiest part of the artichoke!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wash the artichokes thoroughly, spreading the leaves a little to make sure there is no dirt in there!. Rinse well, turn upside down to drain!.
Cut or trim artichokes with a stainless steel knife to reduce discoloration!. Whack off the base so it will sit flat!. Pull off the shrimpy little leaves right next to the stem!. Trim off the top 1/2" or so straight across with your sharp knife!. If you have time, or plan to stuff the artichokes, you can also trim off the leaf barbs with your kitchen scissors- holding the stem end in the palm of one hand, trim the leaves straight across, rotate, trim, rotate, until done!. Put straight into water that has a dollop of vinegar or lemon juice in it, until you finish all the artichokes- they should all start cooking at the same time!.
Cooking Fresh Artichokes:
The color oxidizes or darkens unless the cooking water has a little acid added!. To reduce darkening, add lemon, onion, wine or vinegar to the cooking water, and DO NOT use an aluminum pan!. No matter how it is cooked, an artichoke is done when a leaf pulls off when you try to lift the artichoke out by the leaf!. Or you can stick a thin, pointed stainless steel knife into the top-middle and push straight down!. If it goes all the way down easily, the artichoke's done! Drain upside down!.
Stovetop, boiled
Bring the largest pot of water to a boil, put 2-3" water in it!. Slice in a lemon, half an onion, a drizzle of olive oil and some whole peppercorns!. Add the artichokes, cover, cook about 35-50 minutes until done!. The water is bitter- don't use it for vegetable broth!.
Traditional Dips for Artichokes
1) melted butter, usually with lemon
2) Hollandaise sauce
3) mayonnaise or curried mayonnaise
Eating an artichoke
Pull a leaf from the artichoke, dip it in the sauce, then hold the fleshy bit at the bottom between teeth and pull!. This action scrapes the flesh from the leaf!. Eat the outer leaves until encountering the very thin inner leaves that cover the choke!. These smallest leaves may be bitten right off below the little barb, or set aside!. The choke is the plants natural protection against foraging cows: it is spiky-looking, and reminds me of a fur ball!. Scoop out the choke with a spoon!. The portion that is left is the artichoke heart!. Make sure that everyone who is eating gets a portion of the heart!. It is the sweetest and tastiest part of the artichoke!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think the best and easiest way to cook and eat an artichoke, is by just boiling it!.
Bring a pot of water to a boil, and salt, and then add the artichokes for about 15-20 minutes!.
Drain them, and let them cool for about 10 minutes!.
Then you pull of the leaves, and dip them in melted butter, or maniose!.
You scrap the bottem part of the leave with your teeth!. That's it, don't eat the rest of it!.
The when you get to the middle, take a pariring knife, and cut out the *choke* part!. It's really stringy, you'll know what it is!.
After you clean that out, you eat the part that is called the heart!.
Bring a pot of water to a boil, and salt, and then add the artichokes for about 15-20 minutes!.
Drain them, and let them cool for about 10 minutes!.
Then you pull of the leaves, and dip them in melted butter, or maniose!.
You scrap the bottem part of the leave with your teeth!. That's it, don't eat the rest of it!.
The when you get to the middle, take a pariring knife, and cut out the *choke* part!. It's really stringy, you'll know what it is!.
After you clean that out, you eat the part that is called the heart!.
cut the sharp edges and boil it or steam it until its soft but not too mushy!. then dip them in an artichoke dip!. thats it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think they are gross!.!.!.good luck!. Steam them than suck them out of the leaf!. May dip in butter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
In a salad!.!.!.but that is artichoke hearts!.!.I don't know how to extract the heart!.!.lol!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com