What is good and what is bad about becoming a vegetarian?!
PROS: A vegetarian or vegan diet can be much healthier than a traditional one, providing you consume a variety of foods like beans, peas, tofu, dark green vegetables, whole grains and fruits!.
In response to the argument that humans are biologically designed to eat meat, most human teeth are designed for grinding- like a horse's!. Canine teeth could just as easily be for tearing the husks off of corn, or piercing vegetable rinds!.
Besides, biology isn't destiny!. Biologically, women should probably have a baby every year!. We evolved beyond that!.
The reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet have less to do with any warm fuzzy feelings for animals, and more to do with environmental concerns, (deforestation to create more foreign grazing land) global hunger concerns (It takes SIXTEEN pounds of grain and soybeans to produce one pound of beef) and health concerns!. (Animals raised for food are fed increasingly harmful amounts of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics!.)
CONS: trolls saying its unhealthy Www@FoodAQ@Com
In response to the argument that humans are biologically designed to eat meat, most human teeth are designed for grinding- like a horse's!. Canine teeth could just as easily be for tearing the husks off of corn, or piercing vegetable rinds!.
Besides, biology isn't destiny!. Biologically, women should probably have a baby every year!. We evolved beyond that!.
The reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet have less to do with any warm fuzzy feelings for animals, and more to do with environmental concerns, (deforestation to create more foreign grazing land) global hunger concerns (It takes SIXTEEN pounds of grain and soybeans to produce one pound of beef) and health concerns!. (Animals raised for food are fed increasingly harmful amounts of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics!.)
CONS: trolls saying its unhealthy Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are many good reasons to become a vegetarian in today's society!. Besides the ethical reasons (the idea that animals raised for food in the modern industry are treated very cruelly, for instance) there can be certain health benefits!. You should look at Dr!. Dean Ornish's website, it's fairly balanced in that regard!.
The biggest downside to becoming vegetarian is, despite the claims of those who are passionate about vegetarianism, our bodies were designed to have a diet that includes meat!. It's very hard to get some of the vitamins you need on a vegetarian diet without taking supplements!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The biggest downside to becoming vegetarian is, despite the claims of those who are passionate about vegetarianism, our bodies were designed to have a diet that includes meat!. It's very hard to get some of the vitamins you need on a vegetarian diet without taking supplements!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Q: Vegetarianism: Pros and Cons
A: Dr!. Gourmet Says!.!.!.
There are not many cons to being vegetarian!.
For vegetarians, a healthy diet is possible!. There is a lot of research that suggests eating much less or no meat is very healthy!. Some vegetarians don't eat any meat at all but will eat milk or cheese and others will eat eggs also!. The most important aspect of being vegetarian concerns food sources of protein!.
Proteins are made up of amino acids but there are amino acids that our bodies can't make and we must get these in our diet!. Meats and fish are sources of proteins as are dairy products and eggs!. The proteins found in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs have a complete set of amino acids!. No vegetable has all the amino acids that the body doesn't make, however, so different vegetables must be combined to get a complete set!. An example would be combining beans and rice!. Either of these by themselves is incomplete in some amino acids but combined they have a full set!.
A good source of basic information is found in the book Diet for a Small Planet!. There are many good vegetarian cookbooks including The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest, by Mollie Katzen who is the owner/chef of Moosewood Restaurant!.
One problem with many vegetarian recipes is that they are not very moderate in the number of calories or the amount of fat!.
The answer to your last question is pretty easy!. If you eat too much, you can get fat!. And you can get too many calories being a vegetarian!. Often this can be because these are higher fat diets without use of a lacto-ovo (milk/egg) regime!. Strict vegans often add extra fat to boost flavor, texture and to extend the "full" feeling!.
A lot of vegetarian snacks can be high in calories and fats too--so be careful!.
There is a great deal of controversy about the health effects of obesity, but the most recent research says that being overweight shortens life span!. It also contributes to illnesses like heart disease and diabetes!.
Dr!. Gourmet
A: Dr!. Gourmet Says!.!.!.
There are not many cons to being vegetarian!.
For vegetarians, a healthy diet is possible!. There is a lot of research that suggests eating much less or no meat is very healthy!. Some vegetarians don't eat any meat at all but will eat milk or cheese and others will eat eggs also!. The most important aspect of being vegetarian concerns food sources of protein!.
Proteins are made up of amino acids but there are amino acids that our bodies can't make and we must get these in our diet!. Meats and fish are sources of proteins as are dairy products and eggs!. The proteins found in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs have a complete set of amino acids!. No vegetable has all the amino acids that the body doesn't make, however, so different vegetables must be combined to get a complete set!. An example would be combining beans and rice!. Either of these by themselves is incomplete in some amino acids but combined they have a full set!.
A good source of basic information is found in the book Diet for a Small Planet!. There are many good vegetarian cookbooks including The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest, by Mollie Katzen who is the owner/chef of Moosewood Restaurant!.
One problem with many vegetarian recipes is that they are not very moderate in the number of calories or the amount of fat!.
The answer to your last question is pretty easy!. If you eat too much, you can get fat!. And you can get too many calories being a vegetarian!. Often this can be because these are higher fat diets without use of a lacto-ovo (milk/egg) regime!. Strict vegans often add extra fat to boost flavor, texture and to extend the "full" feeling!.
A lot of vegetarian snacks can be high in calories and fats too--so be careful!.
There is a great deal of controversy about the health effects of obesity, but the most recent research says that being overweight shortens life span!. It also contributes to illnesses like heart disease and diabetes!.
Dr!. Gourmet
I'll tell ya what's bad!. Alot of people that become vegetarians forget that they still need their diet to be at least 30% protein (most commonly received from meat)!. Without protein, the body eats away at muscle tissue to convert it to energy instead of converting fats!. People lose weight, but they have no muscle tone and they become sickly!.
Although I'm not a vegetarian I don't eat much meat!. I think a bad thing would be the lack of iron you get but this can of course be remedied with supplements!. The good things!? Well I imagine it would give you a good detox and you would just feel healthier!. I'd like to go veggie but I love chicken too much!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Coming from pretty much a carnivore!.!.!.
-You'll more than likely have to take supplements!.
- No more steak, lamb chops, roast dinners, sushi, BBQ's, egg and bacon breakkies, burgers, fish n' chips!.!.!. List goes on!.
- Only vegetarian pizza's!.
- With spag bog you'll have to use that vegetarian stuff they think tastes like meat, if not, no spaghetti!.
- The animals well being!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
-You'll more than likely have to take supplements!.
- No more steak, lamb chops, roast dinners, sushi, BBQ's, egg and bacon breakkies, burgers, fish n' chips!.!.!. List goes on!.
- Only vegetarian pizza's!.
- With spag bog you'll have to use that vegetarian stuff they think tastes like meat, if not, no spaghetti!.
- The animals well being!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
there is nothing bad about being vegetarian!.
my family is a vegetarian family and have not suffered in anyway due to this!.
on the other hand there must be something so cruel about making our stomach a graveyard for other living things!.!.
my family is a vegetarian family and have not suffered in anyway due to this!.
on the other hand there must be something so cruel about making our stomach a graveyard for other living things!.!.
The best part of becoming a vegetarian is that you get to enjoy the wholesome goodness of carrots often!. The bad part is you no longer get to enjoy the taste of steak!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
your health
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the pigs health
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go to www!.kentuckyfriedcruelty!.com and you'll see whats good!
go to www!.kentuckyfriedcruelty!.com and you'll see whats good!Www@FoodAQ@Com