Foods with Animal Fat?!
I recently became a vegetarian!. But my mom says I'm not really one!. I'm a lacto vegetarian, and I stay away from gelatin and rennin!. But she says that all the carbs I eat have animal fat!. Is that true!? I don't even eat junk, but really!. Do all carbs have animal fat in them!? Then what carbs are safe to eat!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Er, no: this is a fib on your mother's part!. Carbs are not animal fats: the closest connection they have is that sometimes the two can be found together in the same foods (e!.g, cheese), or the same meal obviously!. But most carbs in their natural state do not come from animal products!.
You might want to talk to your mother about her motivations for telling you something like this: kindly, not accusingly!. Sounds like she may have some fears or misconceptions about vegetarian eating and diets, which is coming out in the shape of trying to give you statements like these which are not true!.
Try vegsoc!.org and veganhealth!.org for information about veggie nutrition too: it's important to be educated about these needs, and in talking with your mother, it might be a good idea to be well informed!.
Edit: I don't know why hooru has got the idea that refined breads have eggs and animal fat!. The vast majority do not - I eat refined breads occasionally, and I've never yet seen eggs and animal fat on an ingredient list!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You might want to talk to your mother about her motivations for telling you something like this: kindly, not accusingly!. Sounds like she may have some fears or misconceptions about vegetarian eating and diets, which is coming out in the shape of trying to give you statements like these which are not true!.
Try vegsoc!.org and veganhealth!.org for information about veggie nutrition too: it's important to be educated about these needs, and in talking with your mother, it might be a good idea to be well informed!.
Edit: I don't know why hooru has got the idea that refined breads have eggs and animal fat!. The vast majority do not - I eat refined breads occasionally, and I've never yet seen eggs and animal fat on an ingredient list!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Your mom is wrong!. I don't know what carbs you are eating, but any plant carbohydrates (from grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds) do not have any animal fat in them!. That is simply not possible!.
If you drink milk, there is animal fat in milk, as well as carbohydrates in the form of sugars!. This does not mean you are not a vegetarian if you drink milk!. You are not a vegetarian if you eat meat and meat products, so if you avoid those then you are a vegetarian!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you drink milk, there is animal fat in milk, as well as carbohydrates in the form of sugars!. This does not mean you are not a vegetarian if you drink milk!. You are not a vegetarian if you eat meat and meat products, so if you avoid those then you are a vegetarian!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
No!.!.!. carbs literally are chains of sugar in various forms, like starch, and are usually found in pasta, corn, potatoes, bread, etc!. Animal fat and carbs are way different!.!.!. not even close!. That's why when people are on low carb diets they eat meat almost exclusively!.
sounds like your mom may have an agenda to get you to eat meat again!.
sounds like your mom may have an agenda to get you to eat meat again!.
If the carbs you are eating are refined breads, they are made with eggs and animal fat!. Your mum's right!.Www@FoodAQ@Com