Is tofu supposed to have a slight smell?!
i put my nose up to my tofu just to check, and it smelled slightly iky, im not sure how its supposed to smell!. is it supposed to have this very very mild stench!? almost sourWww@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, tofu has a very slight beany smell!. Nothing to worry about!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes , Tofu`s usually have a slight smell !.
Maybe the tofu you have has been expired ,
when things expire !.!.!.they usually smell iky or the
taste changes and isn`t fresh or good as before !.!.!.!.
so your tofu must have expired , see the expiry date onto the
tofu and then have it !. Then , check !.!.!.the smell won`t be
iky as your saying !Www@FoodAQ@Com
Maybe the tofu you have has been expired ,
when things expire !.!.!.they usually smell iky or the
taste changes and isn`t fresh or good as before !.!.!.!.
so your tofu must have expired , see the expiry date onto the
tofu and then have it !. Then , check !.!.!.the smell won`t be
iky as your saying !Www@FoodAQ@Com
Check the expiration date on it, if it's within the date, then it's probably OK as long as you've kept it in the package and in the water that it came with!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is fermented soy, so it has a very mild smell!. Check the sell by date to make sure it isn't old!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes it tends to do!. If you smell a very strong pungent smell that is not good, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com