My dad is angry at me for begin veg?!
Ok so about two months ago i went vegetarian, and my dad hasn't liked it!. So today we go to waffle house and i get a waffle and an egg, and now he is all "Oh that's animal cruelty! You shouldn't eat that! The chicken was put in a cage!" so i go "fine them im going vegan if it will shut you up!" and now he wont get off my back about stuff he wouldn't normally care about, like how i hang my clothes up, or that i don't know how to check my grades on the internet, yet my brother does!. I have all A's and maybe a b and he is mad at me for grades and being a veg!? My brother almost failed science and he didn't get any trouble, because he eats meat!Www@FoodAQ@Com
it sounds to me that your dad is just being plain rude to u now!. i cant belive that he is bugging you to do things he never cared about!. also about how he doesnt care about ur brothers grade cause he eats meat! if i were u i would try to talk to my dad about it and tell him how u feel!. if that doesnt work then try giving him the silent treatment!. i tried to go vegetarian once and my dad wasnt happy about it either but he didnt go all out like ur dad did!. i just gave me dad the silent treatment for awhile and he eventually apologized and said he would accept me and always love me fr whoever i am, and whatever i want to do!. if ur dad loves u enough ( which i am SURE he really does ) then he will evetually understand and appreacatie u for who u are!. goood luck : DWww@FoodAQ@Com
The reason people find vegetardos so annoying is that they are constantly telling others about how they dont eat meat, and what a horrible thing it is!. Its annoying!.
Keep it to yourself and dont mention it, or ask for special preparations from the cook!. Learn how to use a computer and a coat hanger and wait till you master that before you go into lifestyle changes!.
At your age, you may develop breasts if you dont eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Keep it to yourself and dont mention it, or ask for special preparations from the cook!. Learn how to use a computer and a coat hanger and wait till you master that before you go into lifestyle changes!.
At your age, you may develop breasts if you dont eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
my mum didn't understand me being vege as well!.and keep saying how hard to find vege foods!.our parents didn't understand us because we suddenly choose to go vegetarian!.many peoples thought that eating meat is normal because we're omnivires!.but we can change and less persons eat meat less animals getting killed!.it's fine if your dad didn't understand!.the most important is what you think you're doing is right!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
haha your dad sounds funny, can't blame him for wanting a non gay son tho
i bet you play with barbie dolls in a tutu while you eat your salad, right!?
actually, he tells me that my close mindedness is one of my best qualities!. nice try though troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i bet you play with barbie dolls in a tutu while you eat your salad, right!?
actually, he tells me that my close mindedness is one of my best qualities!. nice try though troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
maybe he is a sexiest and thinks men should eat meat!. you should explain to him that it's a life Style choice explain the difference between vegan and vegetarian!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You did not say how old you were so it is difficult to comment,but hearing the one side of the story,it appears there are two sets of rules in your household which is setting a bad example in my opinion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I say stay strong and true to yourself!!!! It is the way you chose to live your life and he needs to respect that!. Just because your a veg doesn't change who your are and hopefully your dad will see the error of his ways soon!. GOOD LUCK!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
just be your self he will come aroundWww@FoodAQ@Com
Maybe it's not your being a vegetarian that he is so mad about but the fact that you are very disrespectful about it!. Did you bother to ask his opinion first before you "converted"!? Did you ask him if it was okay!? You do live under his home!. Did you think saying "fine then I'm going vegan if it will shut you up" is the proper way to talk to your parent!?
Stop using your brother as an excuse!. You are like a little kid who points at another when caught with something:"Yeah I broke it but (insert name here) picks his nose!!"!. If you don't like how your father feels about it, move out!. But you can't do that can you!? Because you are 100% dependent on you the person who has provided you with everything you have ever needed in your entire life and the only way you can talk to him is to tell him to shut up!.
Tell you what, as long as your father does not make you do anything illegal, you cannot complain like a 5 year old about how he treats you!. You are under his care, his responsibility!. If you can't handle it, then wait until you can and move out and be whatever you want to be!.
Sad that out of all the kids in this world who have barely ANYTHING to eat, it is the spoiled brats who have everything that make the loudest compalints
Ironic that you publicly whine about your father using the computer he bought for you connected to the internet through the service he is paying for!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Stop using your brother as an excuse!. You are like a little kid who points at another when caught with something:"Yeah I broke it but (insert name here) picks his nose!!"!. If you don't like how your father feels about it, move out!. But you can't do that can you!? Because you are 100% dependent on you the person who has provided you with everything you have ever needed in your entire life and the only way you can talk to him is to tell him to shut up!.
Tell you what, as long as your father does not make you do anything illegal, you cannot complain like a 5 year old about how he treats you!. You are under his care, his responsibility!. If you can't handle it, then wait until you can and move out and be whatever you want to be!.
Sad that out of all the kids in this world who have barely ANYTHING to eat, it is the spoiled brats who have everything that make the loudest compalints
Ironic that you publicly whine about your father using the computer he bought for you connected to the internet through the service he is paying for!. Www@FoodAQ@Com