What is a good Vegan bread?!
Well i wanted to go vegan for a month, try it out, im already a lacto ovo vegitarian!.!.!. so i figure it shouldnt be that hard!. the only problem is im a college kid living with two roommates, one a veggie like me and the other an omnivore!. So we already incorporate vegan meals, ie, lentils and brown rice, Scrambled tofu, and a few others, but my main meal is peanut butter and whole wheat bread, its quick and simple, i also eat fake meat sandwhiches, from yves, so my queestion is, where can i find some good whole wheat vegan bread!? i believe trader joes has some, and i know there is that ezekiel brand, but is there any others!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
Every vegan should own a food dehydrator and a food processor!. Make raw bread from scratch - it is not processed, and all enzymes are intact which makes for easier digestion!.
6 Large Slices
* 1 Medium Zucchini Shredded
* 1 Large Carrot Shredded or 2 Medium
* 2 Large Onions Sliced in a FP or Slicer
* ? cup Olive Oil
* 1 tablespoon Braggs
* ? cup Water
* 1 cup Ground Flaxseed
* 1 cup Ground Sunflower or Pumpkin Seeds
Mix Onions Zucchini and Carrots!. Then add water, Bragg's and Olive Oil!. Then add in Ground seeds!. Mix well and spread onto Texflex sheet and dehydrate at 100 degrees for 12hours!. At 12hours, flip the bread onto a regular dehydrator tray and continue to dehydrate for 12 hours!. At this point check to see if the bread is dry on the outside, otherwise continue for a couple more hours!. Slice bread and enjoy with fresh tomatoes!Www@FoodAQ@Com
6 Large Slices
* 1 Medium Zucchini Shredded
* 1 Large Carrot Shredded or 2 Medium
* 2 Large Onions Sliced in a FP or Slicer
* ? cup Olive Oil
* 1 tablespoon Braggs
* ? cup Water
* 1 cup Ground Flaxseed
* 1 cup Ground Sunflower or Pumpkin Seeds
Mix Onions Zucchini and Carrots!. Then add water, Bragg's and Olive Oil!. Then add in Ground seeds!. Mix well and spread onto Texflex sheet and dehydrate at 100 degrees for 12hours!. At 12hours, flip the bread onto a regular dehydrator tray and continue to dehydrate for 12 hours!. At this point check to see if the bread is dry on the outside, otherwise continue for a couple more hours!. Slice bread and enjoy with fresh tomatoes!Www@FoodAQ@Com
have you considered the horrible terror and pain the wheat is exposed to with all the processing and grinding and all!. Not to mention that yeast is a living thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
not all bread is vegan, but I was surprised to find that a lot of it is!. you just have to read those tiny ingredient lists!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Just to comment on Master T's answer, no all bread is vegan!. because some bread is made with eggs!. also sometimes there are hidden animal ingredients in some breads also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com