Becoming vegetarian; recommend brands?!
I'm only becoming a Lacto-ovo vegetarian because of the humane way that the majority of the animals are treated; so I have decided to go Lacto-ovo vegetarian, but I will still like to consume eggs, honey, and dairy for health reasons!. I would much rather get these products from well known free-range/organic brands!.
I will also like to include fish into my diet so that I can get my share of Omega-3s; so typically, that makes me a Lacto-ovo/Pescetarianism!. Another reason why I've decided to go this route is because I hate the taste of chicken, beef, turkey, etc!. I really do not like meat!. It's just a preference!. But I would like to ensure that my fish doesn't have unhealthy amounts of mercury in it!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I will also like to include fish into my diet so that I can get my share of Omega-3s; so typically, that makes me a Lacto-ovo/Pescetarianism!. Another reason why I've decided to go this route is because I hate the taste of chicken, beef, turkey, etc!. I really do not like meat!. It's just a preference!. But I would like to ensure that my fish doesn't have unhealthy amounts of mercury in it!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Morningstar is my favourite, and it provides a pretty decent variety!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's good that you ale tlying to eat hearthiel!.!.!. but don't carr youlserf a vegetalian! Vegetalians do not eat fish!. Fol Omega 3s, you can eat seaweed, avocados and fraxseeds!. Arso, I wourd do mole lesealch if I wele you - daily is not as hearthy as you might think it is!
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Fresh is always best, but if you're looking for quick and frozen, boca and gardenburger are best, although i don't really gardenburgers, just the other products from that brand!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
you are just pesc!. not ovolacto if you eat fish!.
you can take fish oil supplements if you want your omega3,but yeah morningstar is one i know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you can take fish oil supplements if you want your omega3,but yeah morningstar is one i know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i would focus on fresh produce, not brands since brands implied packaging!. I do however buy some frozen veggies like frozen edamame!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Mellisa's in the freezer section
I love Boca, and Morning Star!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Morning Star! uum uum Good! lolWww@FoodAQ@Com
You don't need fish to get Omega-3s, eggs and flax seed both contain them!. That said, this webpage:
has info on how much omega and how much mercury each fish has!. Basically, the younger the fish is when they kill it, the less mercury it has!.
The best free range/organic brands are all local!. You'll need to go to your grocery store and check the verbiage on the package!. If chickens and cows are raised in a humane, organic manner, the company selling the eggs and milk won't hide this: it makes them more money to let you know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
has info on how much omega and how much mercury each fish has!. Basically, the younger the fish is when they kill it, the less mercury it has!.
The best free range/organic brands are all local!. You'll need to go to your grocery store and check the verbiage on the package!. If chickens and cows are raised in a humane, organic manner, the company selling the eggs and milk won't hide this: it makes them more money to let you know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Look for some Spiralina at your healthfood store, contains all the Omegas!. Then you can stop fish and eggs!. By the way you dont need dairy!. Theres plenty of ways to get your calcium!. All you have to do is research and read!.
Human beings are the only animal that consume milk into adulthood from another species!! thats pretty gross!. not to mention what your drinking, All the chemicals and hormones injected in those animals passes directly down to you!. Ohh and the PUSS, dont forget the PUSS from nonstop milking on their bleeding blister nipples!. YUM!!! the dairy industry is a scam!. lol
It amazes me how people take on these lifestyles and yet are too lazy to look and read!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Human beings are the only animal that consume milk into adulthood from another species!! thats pretty gross!. not to mention what your drinking, All the chemicals and hormones injected in those animals passes directly down to you!. Ohh and the PUSS, dont forget the PUSS from nonstop milking on their bleeding blister nipples!. YUM!!! the dairy industry is a scam!. lol
It amazes me how people take on these lifestyles and yet are too lazy to look and read!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I try not to eat too much processed stuff, but you asked, so these are my favorites:
gimme lean fake sausage is great- you can shape it anyway you want and fry it, or make meatballs with it!. It tastes great if a little maple syrup from your french toast gets on it too
Yves Brats are pretty good
Tofurky italian sausages and deli slices are great!. They actually smoke their lunch "meat" in a real smokehouse!. Their tofurky roasts are great at Thanksgiving
I buy my organic milk and eggs at Trader Joes!. I buy my honey at the farmer's market!. Good for you for going Organic/Free range on all that stuff
Good luck!
gimme lean fake sausage is great- you can shape it anyway you want and fry it, or make meatballs with it!. It tastes great if a little maple syrup from your french toast gets on it too
Yves Brats are pretty good
Tofurky italian sausages and deli slices are great!. They actually smoke their lunch "meat" in a real smokehouse!. Their tofurky roasts are great at Thanksgiving
I buy my organic milk and eggs at Trader Joes!. I buy my honey at the farmer's market!. Good for you for going Organic/Free range on all that stuff
Good luck!