Why is peta so against poultry, hog and dairy farms?!
People have to eat!. If poultry both egg and meat farms did not exist we would not have eggs and chicken on our tables!. If dairy did not exsist we would not have milk, cheese and yogurt, icecream, etc!. Cattle and hogs for meat!. Have these people at peta lost their minds!? What say you!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
peta is **** **** the meat rocks!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
most of these vegs are dillusional idiots, don't even bother with them, i am vegan, but i DO NOT support peta in the slightest they are an evil corporation and this is why!.
Peta kills almost 90% of the animals they take in, some of these animals are badly injured and need to be put down, but a much greater percentage are perfectly healthy and adoptable!. Peta is supposebly a non profit organization, but they rake in 30 million per year and spend little to none of that on the animals, most of it is spent on advertizing and hiring celebrities to do campaigns!.
People for the ethical Treatment of Animals is a group that would have you believe that its motivations are altruistic and pure - warm and friendly organization that exists only to help animals!. It might have started out that way, but today nothing could be further from the truth!. The fact is PeTA is Unethical!. A closer look reveals that PeTA is nothing more than an extremist group that financially supports and aids arsonists, violent criminals, and terrorist groups!. PETA kills over 90% of the animals they take from pet owners!.
Peta's President has even stated that even if a cure for AIDS was found through animal testing they would be against it!. How can anyone support peta when they are against a cure that could save MILLIONS of people!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Peta kills almost 90% of the animals they take in, some of these animals are badly injured and need to be put down, but a much greater percentage are perfectly healthy and adoptable!. Peta is supposebly a non profit organization, but they rake in 30 million per year and spend little to none of that on the animals, most of it is spent on advertizing and hiring celebrities to do campaigns!.
People for the ethical Treatment of Animals is a group that would have you believe that its motivations are altruistic and pure - warm and friendly organization that exists only to help animals!. It might have started out that way, but today nothing could be further from the truth!. The fact is PeTA is Unethical!. A closer look reveals that PeTA is nothing more than an extremist group that financially supports and aids arsonists, violent criminals, and terrorist groups!. PETA kills over 90% of the animals they take from pet owners!.
Peta's President has even stated that even if a cure for AIDS was found through animal testing they would be against it!. How can anyone support peta when they are against a cure that could save MILLIONS of people!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA promotes veganism!. So obviously their objective is to get more people to stop eating animal products!.
I think more people should go without meat, dairy, and eggs because of all the unnecessary animal suffering, worker exploitation, and environmental degradation!.
You are causing so much destruction all for the sake of your "precious" meat and milk!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think more people should go without meat, dairy, and eggs because of all the unnecessary animal suffering, worker exploitation, and environmental degradation!.
You are causing so much destruction all for the sake of your "precious" meat and milk!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
"What say you!?"
I say eat grains, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables instead!.
I say eat FOOD, not animals!.
There!.!.!.!.!.it wasn't THAT hard to understand, now was it!?
EDIT: I have never watched a slaughterhouse video and don't ever plan on doing so!. All it takes is common sense to see that it's completely possible to get a balanced diet without killing sentient beings!. "What say you!?"
EDIT: OF COURSE we're biased!.!.!.!.!.you're in the vegetarian and vegan section! What!? You were expecting people to tell you that you're right!? How interesting!.!.!.!.!.
If by "wickedry" and "demonism" you mean "sarcasm"!.!.!.!.yes, you will find plenty of that if you keep asking questions that you could find out for yourself with 5 minutes of searching on Yahoo or Google!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I say eat grains, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables instead!.
I say eat FOOD, not animals!.
There!.!.!.!.!.it wasn't THAT hard to understand, now was it!?
EDIT: I have never watched a slaughterhouse video and don't ever plan on doing so!. All it takes is common sense to see that it's completely possible to get a balanced diet without killing sentient beings!. "What say you!?"
EDIT: OF COURSE we're biased!.!.!.!.!.you're in the vegetarian and vegan section! What!? You were expecting people to tell you that you're right!? How interesting!.!.!.!.!.
If by "wickedry" and "demonism" you mean "sarcasm"!.!.!.!.yes, you will find plenty of that if you keep asking questions that you could find out for yourself with 5 minutes of searching on Yahoo or Google!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
there not against eating (some are) they are against how they are raised, kept, fed, and harvested!.!.!.it is People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals!.!.!.!.they hate how animals are confined to close quarters often never seeing daylight and force fed optimal foods to fatten them quickly!.!.!.!.!.i am not an activist for animal treatment at all!.!.!.but i know a few!.!.
i find it funny that you feel the need to come here to pick a fight!. grow up little man!. if you really wanted the answer to this question!.!.!. use your search engine!.
this is a place for questions and answers!. go find a discussion board if you feel the need to fight this out!.
this is a place for questions and answers!. go find a discussion board if you feel the need to fight this out!.
tell me please!. how do they fake kicking a pig to death!? how do they fake smashing chickens against wall!? how do they fake chopping chickens beaks off to stop them pecking!? how do they fake animals squashed in tiny cages with no room to move!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
the bad thing is ,the way the poor creatures are treated prior to butchering just look at the video in you tube meet your meat ,i guess they are against the treatment of the animals and after i saw it i realized they have a pointWww@FoodAQ@Com
This is a joke question, right!? Don't believe what happens to animals before they are slaughtered for food!? Watch Earthlings, if that doesn't convert you into a believer, then nothing will!. Just Google it, it will come up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Oh yeah, they definately faked bashing open a pigs head with their shoe!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
That's actually not a bunch of faked bull crap!. Haven't you ever taken a tour or seen the slaughter floors!? Additionally, there are many reports of workers becoming injured or even losing a limb because of the demand for speed, which proves the careless attitude taken to this!.
This is the most efficient and cost-effective way to do it!. Do you think that the animals are out there gallivanting in the fields until it's time to kill them and that's how they end up on your plate!? No!. That takes too much time and money, and we live in a society that emphases quantity over quality, health, or basic common sense rules on portion control and pesticides!.
I didn't go vegan because of this, but I do know that it's a fact!. Even if you think that's too crazy to be true, you have to know something of simple economics and you'll understand why it works that way!. They aren't doing it TO be cruel to the animals, but they certainly aren't taking any steps to prevent it!.
While you may think, "Who cares, it's just a dumb animal," (which is your right to think), you must also remember a few things:
1!. Slaughterhouse animals (SA's) are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to help them grow and prevent disease!. While you may have heard of things like girls who start puberty too soon, I know a guy who owned a pig!. He got the pig from his friend, who sold the rest of the piglets to a meat company!. Three months later that friend visited and was amazed at how small the pig was!. My friend asked what he meant, and the guy said, "All the rest of his brothers and sisters have already blown up, been fattened, and have been processed and sold as pork products!"
Additionally, the antibiotics added have caused negative effects in humans, most notably a destruction of the digestive bacteria in our intestines!. Chronic and very real problems like IBS can arise from this!.
2!. Animals in distress don't taste as good!. This is why people who like deer don't eat deer killed by a car!. For a similar reason, beluga caviar is harvested from live-but-unconscious beluga sturgeon!.!.!.once they die, they release a nasty fluid into the eggs!.
3!. Farm-raised animals that have had the chance to fully mature taste so much better than SA's!.
Eating meat or not eating meat is your choice, but know the facts when making that choice instead of just screaming "OMG FAIKE!!!!111"
EDIT: Thumbs down!? I'm sorry you don't believe it, but screaming and covering your ears isn't going to make it less true, friend!. I'll bet you think America's economy will fix itself if we all just "believe" it isn't happening!. ;)
EDIT 2: "It appears there is alot of bias, wickedry, and demonisism in your answers!. I worry about the "cult type" behavior you promote!."
So this isn't a question so much as it's trolling!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
This is the most efficient and cost-effective way to do it!. Do you think that the animals are out there gallivanting in the fields until it's time to kill them and that's how they end up on your plate!? No!. That takes too much time and money, and we live in a society that emphases quantity over quality, health, or basic common sense rules on portion control and pesticides!.
I didn't go vegan because of this, but I do know that it's a fact!. Even if you think that's too crazy to be true, you have to know something of simple economics and you'll understand why it works that way!. They aren't doing it TO be cruel to the animals, but they certainly aren't taking any steps to prevent it!.
While you may think, "Who cares, it's just a dumb animal," (which is your right to think), you must also remember a few things:
1!. Slaughterhouse animals (SA's) are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to help them grow and prevent disease!. While you may have heard of things like girls who start puberty too soon, I know a guy who owned a pig!. He got the pig from his friend, who sold the rest of the piglets to a meat company!. Three months later that friend visited and was amazed at how small the pig was!. My friend asked what he meant, and the guy said, "All the rest of his brothers and sisters have already blown up, been fattened, and have been processed and sold as pork products!"
Additionally, the antibiotics added have caused negative effects in humans, most notably a destruction of the digestive bacteria in our intestines!. Chronic and very real problems like IBS can arise from this!.
2!. Animals in distress don't taste as good!. This is why people who like deer don't eat deer killed by a car!. For a similar reason, beluga caviar is harvested from live-but-unconscious beluga sturgeon!.!.!.once they die, they release a nasty fluid into the eggs!.
3!. Farm-raised animals that have had the chance to fully mature taste so much better than SA's!.
Eating meat or not eating meat is your choice, but know the facts when making that choice instead of just screaming "OMG FAIKE!!!!111"
EDIT: Thumbs down!? I'm sorry you don't believe it, but screaming and covering your ears isn't going to make it less true, friend!. I'll bet you think America's economy will fix itself if we all just "believe" it isn't happening!. ;)
EDIT 2: "It appears there is alot of bias, wickedry, and demonisism in your answers!. I worry about the "cult type" behavior you promote!."
So this isn't a question so much as it's trolling!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Far be it from me to defend PeTA because I'm frankly not a supporter!.
But their name says it all: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals!. They don't believe that breeding, feeding, medicating, mutilating, transporting and slaughtering animals for food (that's not remotely necessary for human nutrition) is ethical!. Animals have the capacity for suffering and the ethical thing for humans to do is not to inflict unnecessary suffering on them!. Not having eggs, chicken, milk, cheese, meat, etc!.!.!. on out tables IS THE POINT!. This is where I agree with PeTA (it's their tactics and some of their more extreme views that I take exception with!.)
They don't have to fake videos, nor are they the only animal welfare organization taking undercover footage of the ugly realities of factory farming and the slaughter industry!. Earlier this year the Humane Society released footage of downed cattle being treated inhumanely by Westland-Hallmark (and making it into the human food chain, in violation of laws put in place to protect meat eaters from things like Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, the very real human version of mad cow) and it was all over the mainstream news!. Whenever animals are treated as a commodity humans do not have their best interests at heart; it's a business and these companies exist to make money!. Any shortcut that harms an animal but furthers the bottom line is bound to be implemented because, well, if they're just going to kill the "product" in the end, who cares how it's treated!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
But their name says it all: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals!. They don't believe that breeding, feeding, medicating, mutilating, transporting and slaughtering animals for food (that's not remotely necessary for human nutrition) is ethical!. Animals have the capacity for suffering and the ethical thing for humans to do is not to inflict unnecessary suffering on them!. Not having eggs, chicken, milk, cheese, meat, etc!.!.!. on out tables IS THE POINT!. This is where I agree with PeTA (it's their tactics and some of their more extreme views that I take exception with!.)
They don't have to fake videos, nor are they the only animal welfare organization taking undercover footage of the ugly realities of factory farming and the slaughter industry!. Earlier this year the Humane Society released footage of downed cattle being treated inhumanely by Westland-Hallmark (and making it into the human food chain, in violation of laws put in place to protect meat eaters from things like Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, the very real human version of mad cow) and it was all over the mainstream news!. Whenever animals are treated as a commodity humans do not have their best interests at heart; it's a business and these companies exist to make money!. Any shortcut that harms an animal but furthers the bottom line is bound to be implemented because, well, if they're just going to kill the "product" in the end, who cares how it's treated!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well, we can survive without meat!
Chickens are kept in tiny cages (search battery cage), their beaks get cut off, they grow extra limbs, and other things!. They feel pain, just like us and they are given nothing to help with their ailments!. Any eggs that hatch which are male are thrown away, or grinded up!.
Cows are artificially inseminated over and over and over again until the day they take them to slaughter!. Cows are kept in filthy conditions, are oftern diseased and their babies are taken away from them to go to veal farms or to be thrown in a ditch and shot!.
Pigs are confined in gestation crates where they can barely move a muscle!. I was told from a friend who worked at a pig farm (he only lasted a few hours) that they picked up the baby pigs, cut their "nuts" off and threw them across the room!.
During transportation to slaughter the animals are put in double decker semis!. I have seen many of these trucks, the cows are always filthy and they moan!. Not moo, MOAN!. The chickens are crammed in cages very tightly!. These trucks topple over often, causing great stress and pain to the animals that survive, only then taken to be killed!.
At the slaughterhouse many animals are aware of what is happening to them, they are hung by the back legs, throats slit, and skinned!. Pigs are boiled and not all are dead before they are put in the water!.
I say, NO they have not lost their minds!. I say that they are compassionate people who are trying to help animals who cannot stand up for themselves!.
Edit: I have not watched the videos fully, after the chicken and turkey parts I couldn't handle anymore!. The transportation of the animals I have seen first hand, and have been told by someone how the pigs were treated who worked in one!. There is no possible way to kill thousands of animals a day and do it humanely!. I don't need a video to know that, it is called common sense!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Chickens are kept in tiny cages (search battery cage), their beaks get cut off, they grow extra limbs, and other things!. They feel pain, just like us and they are given nothing to help with their ailments!. Any eggs that hatch which are male are thrown away, or grinded up!.
Cows are artificially inseminated over and over and over again until the day they take them to slaughter!. Cows are kept in filthy conditions, are oftern diseased and their babies are taken away from them to go to veal farms or to be thrown in a ditch and shot!.
Pigs are confined in gestation crates where they can barely move a muscle!. I was told from a friend who worked at a pig farm (he only lasted a few hours) that they picked up the baby pigs, cut their "nuts" off and threw them across the room!.
During transportation to slaughter the animals are put in double decker semis!. I have seen many of these trucks, the cows are always filthy and they moan!. Not moo, MOAN!. The chickens are crammed in cages very tightly!. These trucks topple over often, causing great stress and pain to the animals that survive, only then taken to be killed!.
At the slaughterhouse many animals are aware of what is happening to them, they are hung by the back legs, throats slit, and skinned!. Pigs are boiled and not all are dead before they are put in the water!.
I say, NO they have not lost their minds!. I say that they are compassionate people who are trying to help animals who cannot stand up for themselves!.
Edit: I have not watched the videos fully, after the chicken and turkey parts I couldn't handle anymore!. The transportation of the animals I have seen first hand, and have been told by someone how the pigs were treated who worked in one!. There is no possible way to kill thousands of animals a day and do it humanely!. I don't need a video to know that, it is called common sense!.Www@FoodAQ@Com