How do I tell my parents I am trying to go vegetarian?!

Question: How do I tell my parents I am trying to go vegetarian!?
My family always eats meat and I know what they do to animals, but my family surrounds its diet around meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just say i looked at peta!.com and they kill animals very harshly
so i dont want to eat meat anymore!. thats what i did!.and anyway there is meat replacements like tofu!. good luck! :]Www@FoodAQ@Com

The very first thing to do is to familiarize yourself with the dietary information that will guarantee yourself a balanced and healthy diet and be willing to take on the added work and yes, expense, of your own dietary choices!.
And you have to be very careful not to blame your family for their choices or become too emotional in your appeal!. You choice is to enhance a peaceful lifestye so do not make the dinner table a battle field!.
Good Luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, you have to come right out and tell them!.

Are you underage!? If so, you could refuse to eat any meats, which is probably a bad idea, but if pushed you may have to go there!.

If your not a minor, you can always bring your own food to family functions!.

I think you are probably a minor though!.

So, just tell them this!.

Mom, Dad, I know that this family eats a lot of meat, but I think that killing animals to eat them is wrong, and I would like to go vegetarian!.

They will accept it, trust me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think its great that you are trying to go veg! I can't live without my meat, but a lot of my friends are vegetatrian and I think its great that you can commit to it!

Well, first, make sure you have a lot of facts to support your reason of going vegetarian, which will make your case more persuasive!.

Secondly, make sure NOT to change your entire FAMILY'S diet, but focus on your own!. For example, if they are having pork for dinner, you need to be responsible for yourself and make a salad and a smoothee!.

If they do not approve of you being a vegetarian, say "Okay" then bring the case up a couple weeks later!. This will show that you are mature and your parents will respect that!.

Best of luck!

Start telling them what you've learned about the treatment of animals on large farms, start asking them to buy meat from farms that don't abuse anybody, and when they freak out over the price of "happy animal" meat, tell them you might just so ahead and cut out meat altogether!. It's more economical for them if you do!. :D


If you want to eat differently from your family, you should pay for your own food!. I'm sure your parents are doing their best to make ends meet with how horrible the economy is now!. Don't put more pressure on them by demanding that they make separate meals for you!. If it's that important to you, get a part time job and pay for it yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell ur parents that u want to have a discussion!. After u all sit down let them know that u think its great to get ur protein but i want to become a vegetarian!. It might sound dumb but i care bout these animals!. My friend was becoming a vegetarian so when i went to her house she told them about it!. They said i don't think that's right ur going to eat meat!. Then she said but i want to become a vegetarian!. Then they finally said ok!. Try to have a tiny little argument with them!. It will get there attention and let them hear u out!.
Good Luck!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you live at home and mom's cooking your meals, it's tough!. there's a lot more too it than just skipping the obvious meats!. my mother sneaks chicken broth into everything!. well, she did anyway!.

if you're from a family of hard core carnivores, you'd better be ready to answer a lot of questions, and have very well researched answers!. This will benefit you tremendously!. Your family will initially assume this is a phase and that you will fail!. so before you decide to do this, make sure you're ready for the long haul!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its not that big of a deal!. almost every family in America surrounds it's meals around meat!. Just say i want to be a vegetarian and eat the veggies and starches your family makes!. if they don't make those, earn some money and buy food yourself and learn to cook!.


life is too short!. why limit yourself when you'll only be on this earth for a short while!. Live a little!. God didn't put us on this earth so we can Limit ourselves!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My advice is to just tell your parents!. Nastiest thing they can do is ask you why!. Then tell them, either your reason, and its just a phase that your going through, or you dont like animal cruelty!. A lot of people go through with being vegitarians!. Its not wrong, but it is advised you eat meat and protein!. You need the vitamins!. But Im not stopping you!. Good luck!. Just eat tofu with soy sauce instead, DELICIOUS!! MM Look up protein substitutes and explain that to your parents!. They are going to find out sooner or later, so mind as well get it out of the way!. Good Luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, just tell them!. if they scoff or ask why, give them your personal reasons why, without going out of your way to offend them!. if it's because of the unethical treatment of slaughter houses, tell em!. if it's because you want to try something new, tell them!.
they are your parents and should support you!.
they may just assume you;re just going through a phase, but that's okay!. as long as they respect your decision!. that's what's important!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell them you are going to try something new, because you think it is cruel the way that mass producers treat the animals and then slaughter them!. You can tell them that this is your choice and they may or may not support it but let you at least try it and see for yourself!! Try that Www@FoodAQ@Com

OMG I LOVE chicken!! Seriously no lie it da diggidy bomb!! Are you sure you want to be a vegetarian!?!? I had a bit of my friend's veggie burger today and it totally tasted nasty as hell ( no offense)!. I mean God put animals on this planet so we could eat them! ya they're living things or blah blah blah but they taste so good so I'm going to continue eating them!. also look at it this way, animals eat humans too right!.!.!. So it's only fair! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bring up the issue at the dinner table and discuss it with your family!. Becoming vegetarian solo is often hard, as sometimes you must make two different dinners, but try and see what will work!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just be honest tell them how you feel there your parents they should want to support you in anything you want to do but you also have to be open to what they want to do too!. everyone can be happy if everyone helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Just tell them you want to be a vegetarian and your serious about it!. Youll make your own meals, stuff like that!. Its not going to be that bad, its not like your coming out of the closet!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

tell them you want to be a vegetarian!. explain to them that you will get the right amount of nutrients and you will stick to the veg ways!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just do it and tell them its not a bad thing honey!.!. thats actually really good i tried it once for like i week couldnt do it but im slowly trying to work on it Goodluck! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

its called talking, you open your mouth, try the words "im becoming a vegetarian"

for every animal you dont eat im going to eat twoWww@FoodAQ@Com

Just tell them directly, it is actually a respectable decision!. There might be other convenient methods to let them know, but I am pro-honesty!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just say it!, in this day and age and with the hideous rising costs of food -well they may even be happy for one family member to help cut the food shopping bill!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell them that you don't really want to eat meat anymore straightforward because their your parents and they will support your decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't worry about it! Just tell them hw yo feel about it and they will be fine with it! At the end of the day, they can't exactly hate you because you care for animals can they! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dont know
i just told them i was becomming vegetarian
and at the beginning they wernt happy but i just refused to eat it
so there wasnt much they could to about it !. now they dont mindWww@FoodAQ@Com

just say "i'm tired of meat i think i wana be a vegie" they'l accept your decision there your parentsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Simply tell them you want to be a vegiterian!. You aitn telling them your gay, its a simple thing!.

'Hey Mum, I dont like meat anymore - can you serve me cabbage!.'Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just tell them!.

Word of advice: DON'T become one of those militant vegetarians who thinks people who eat meat should be shot!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

So, just eat vegetables!. What parent would be against that!. And if you do not approve of how they cook and eat, cook for yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You could have a little bit less meat every time you eat meat!. Then they should eventually find out!. When they do find out you could just ask them and see if they say yes or no!. Good luck Www@FoodAQ@Com

keep skipping meat at dinner!. eventually they may ask or you could just mention to them that you are now vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to refute millions of years of evolution so that I can one day become a sickly Vitamin pill popping *** who pushes her views and opinions on others without their consent to do so"Www@FoodAQ@Com

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