How can i start converting myself to a vegetable eater ?!

Question: How can i start converting myself to a vegetable eater !?
i saw the video on you tube and i want to start being a vegetarian or at least purchase my meat from some one that does not torture animals like the video shows only real answers or sources ,how do i go about becoming a vegan also i am diabetic will that affect me in any bad wayWww@FoodAQ@Com

well first things first, never listen to the guy who calls himself "the 'correct' answer"!. =]

the only way you can purchase meat from somewhere that doesn't torture animals is if you personally know someone who raises and slaughters animals which i would assume is torture also for animals who like and care for the farmer that feeds them everyday!. plus you cant be there every minute!. so who's to say that these animals are abused!.

bless your heart for watching that video!. all i did was read testimonies from people who were involved and/or witnessed abusive behavior in those slaughter houses and i cant even look at meat with out feeling sick!. i cried reading it!. it was horrible!.

i don't know much about being diabetic, but i would assume you can have a small amount of natural sugars like in fruit!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you're diabetic, this will certainly help you as long as you follow a natural diet!. Cake can be vegetarian and vegan cake exists, and soda and kool-aid are vegan, but it won't help your diabetes!.

If you want to start out slow, there are always farms nearby that usually sell produce AND meat!. You can even visit the farm to make sure they treat the animals well!.

Just do what I do and abstain from meat but only when you are not eating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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