Did this happen to you when you went vegetarian...?!

Question: Did this happen to you when you went vegetarian!.!.!.!?
Well it's been at least 4 months since I've been vegetarian and at first mum was fine with it!.
But recently at every chance she gets she says something derogatory!.
Examples include;

* When I had the flu and had no appetite and was therefore weak, "It's because your not eating meat"

* When people are over for dinner and they say something like "So how long have you been vegetarian!?" I'll reply with "Around 5 months-" only to be cut off with "But I'm hoping she'll change her mind soon!"

* Someone asks me "So you're NEVER EVER going to eat meat EVER again!?!!?!" mum will say "Well we don't know that, I'm still hoping!"

* She'll say things like "Oh I wish you could have the stir fry WITH the meat, just this once!" or something like that implying I'm vegetarian because I'm fussy or something! I'm not fussy, I eat more varities of food than all my friends, the healthy types of food too!

Even if I just mention I don't feel 100% it will be linked to not eating meat!
I'm 15 and you'd think she could understand this is important to me and it's not a phase =[
Did this happen to you!? How did you deal with it!?
Thanks =]Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, that happened to me and I was 20 when I first went veg!
My mother would poke fun at my diet!. She'd beg me to eat meat, she'd try to trick me into it and, like your mum, she used to always tell people that I was just experimenting!.

After you've been veg for a while, she'll see that you are serious!. But in the meantime, it's really annoying - I totally feel your pain!.

I think that my mother was a tad insulted that I decided to go veg!. I think she felt as though I was saying that the food she reared me with wasn't good enough anymore or her methods of cooking (frying dead animals) was flawed!.
Perhaps your mom is taking it personally like mine did and doesn't have any other ways to express it (!?)!.

My suggestion would to be sit down with her and have a nice talk!.!.don't wait until she decides to make a snide jab at your diet!. That way, you will both have your emotions in check and you can lay everything out for her!. Let her know that you're serious about this!. You're healthy, you feel good and you're committed!. It's not a phase!. Offer to fix dinner one evening that is veg-friendly so she can see that you're not starving and that your food isn't tasteless!. Try to bring her into your world so she can see what you're seeing - but just make sure you do it in a non-confrontational/non-preachy way!.

Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, I've been vegetarian for a year and some of my co-workers are still like that!. Seriously, I can't take a bite of a cucumber without one of them going "I just don't think it's healthy not eating meat!"

I guess some people are just terribly old fashioned when it comes to food and simply can't drop the idea of vegetarians being weaklings!.

Sometimes it helps being sarcastic, like if your mother gets ill, you should go "it's probably because you eat meat" or something like thatWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah lol, my mum still does it now sometimes and I became a veggie about a year and a half ago! I get the feeling she's still not completely happy with my choice not to eat any living creature!.
also, we were going past a fish restaurant in the car the other day and my dad said suddenly, 'why don't u eat fish, then!?' as if fish are different to other animals and that even if I don't eat meat, I can still eat fish!? that annoys me too!
good luck anyway, hope things improve with your mum!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The people who have answered your question have given you some really excellent advice and keen insight into what's up with your Mom!. I have to agree, talk with her about the nutrition you are getting!. Take her on a journey through your favorite websites and involve her in your meal planning and most importantly learn how to laugh at the silliness!. Nothing is better armor than a keen wit and sense of humor!. So put on some strong boots and and a big smile and keep on keeping on you path to health and vitality!.

Brandnew!.!.i had to answer purely because your suggesting getting round slightly insulting questions be telling her she will die early because she eats meat!.!.!.!.!.how is that going to make her a bigger person!.!.!.!.your angry the mother is making fun of her daughetr!.!.!.!.would you be equally angry with her doing the same to her motherWww@FoodAQ@Com

Oh wow, a very good discussion here! I'm not vegetarian, but you can tell your mom that when I don't feel good, I stop eating meat for a few days, and I always feel so much better afterwards!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i just wanted to point out that if you are a vegetarian, you dont eat sea food!.!. they're living, breathing animals that feel pain too!.

Here's what's happening: your mom is insecure about her own beliefs and by going vegetarian you are making her feel inferior because she doesn't have your willpower or ethics!. This guilt has translated into her being rude and bullying you about your choices at every opportunity!. Here are some things you could try!.

1) Obviously everyone gets the flu, whether they be vegetarians or not!. Next time she has any sort of minor illness, tell her, "It's because you're eating meat!"

2) When she says "I'm hoping she'll change her mind soon," respond that, "I don't understand why!. Are you a sadist who wants me to die early on!? Because by eating meat I would be increasing my risk of stroke, heart disease, and colon cancer!. I would hope that as my mom you would want me to be as healthy as possible!."

3) When she says that, just adjust #2 response accordingly!. "You're hoping that I die earlier than I need to!? Because by eating meat I would be increasing my risk of stroke, heart disease, and colon cancer!. I would hope that as my mom you would want me to be as healthy as possible!."

4) "Just this once would be one time too many, mom!. Go ahead and make the stir fry with meat, but I won't have any, because I know that it's wrong and I refuse to contribute to something that is unethical!."

I'm sorry you have to go through this!. It's a shame she's acting like this!. Just remember that no matter what she says you ARE doing the right thing, for the animals, for your health, for the environment, and for the people in 3rd world countries (if everyone were vegetarians, there would be no world hunger)!. I hope this helps!. Good luck!

If you ever need to talk, please feel free to send me an email!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

my dad constantly bugs me about it b/c I'm vegan (him and my mom are divorced so it doesn't happen so frequent but like every time i see him!.
"I bet you're not healthy!."
"Why not!? Meat isn't healthy!. I don't eat junk food all the time" (which he does)

Just restate every time why you are a vegetarian!. Like how meat is not healthy, it causes high blood pressure, and high cholesterol which causes heart disease, heart attacks, strokes!.!.!.!.
Eventually it should go away!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The problem is, your mom is old-fashioned!. However, she is your mother, and she does want you to be healthy!. Trust me, I'm a fifteen year old vegetarian, too!. The best way to solve her ways of complaining about food is to start cooking your own food, that's what I did to get my mom to quit fussing about it!. As for her regular rude remarks, you basically should tell her that if she wants to be a meat-eater, that's fine but you choose to be a vegetarian and that it's not just some "phase" but a real commitment! Another good idea is to go to your doctor, and bring your mom along!. Have your doctor explain to her that you're healthy and well, and that there is nothing wrong or unhealthy about your vegetarianism!.

Hope I helped! :]Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh yeah- everyone freaks out around you because suddenly you are showing some sort of self control for what ever reason you decided to become a vegetarian!. My husband tends to make comments, and "oh just try a bite of it!." when he is eating steak!. I have humane reasons behind my becoming of a vegetarian, and im stickin to it!. I get that whole "that is why you are sick" bull $hit all the time!. Gee, funny - im only sick maybe once a year -compared to the rest of the carnivores i know always coughing and sick!.!. And for some reason people love to say, but you NEED meat!. You NEED protein!. Dude- im not a moron, i do know how to sustain a healthy balance of all the things i need to consume!. Wow- thanks for letting me vent!. ANy ways, yeah- i know what you mean!. Just tell them to shove it!. That works for me :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was in my 30s when I went veg, so it was a little easier for me, as I live in a different city from my folks!. However, when I do see my family, they have to adjust and figure out how to feed the vegan!. Sometimes they do better, and sometimes they fail miserably!.

As for getting sick, I got sick when I ate meat, and I sometimes get sick as a vegan!. I have stress in other areas of my life, and I suspect that is a big contributor!.

You might want to check out "Living Among Meat Eaters" by Carol J!. Adams!. It tells you how to deal with the people in your lives who just don't get it!.

And the next time your mom starts going off on what you eat or don't you might want to point out that you're every mom's dream: a kid who eats her vegetables!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

About 6 months after i became a vegetarian, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder!. So, yes, my entire family blamed it on my diet!. My doctors all said i follow a very healthy diet!. I have a chronically low white blood count, and i still never get sick!. lucky, and great nutrition!. and i take my vitamins!.

My mom has broadened her way of thinking on this!. Screw the rest of the family!. The best way I've found to stay healthy and earn respect at the same time is to be as educated as possible!. Learn what you need, and where to get it!. And don't eat that stir fry!. Not even once!

I suspect that your mom makes these comments based on the reaction she sees, or expects to see, from others!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I work in a restaurant and I get this question daily!. My dad is a hunter and my family doesn't understand!. Tell people you're comfortable with how it makes you feel!. Most of the time people don't listen to your response!. They are assessing you and putting a question mark on it!. If they want an answer tell them you need more than a breath!. Or if it's for my original justification (hormones), say it's bad politics!. I tell people who probe further, after I sense they might actually want to learn something, that by my food choices I feel a lot more at ease in my body and I like feeling like I control my food, it doesn't control me!. Without fast food and all that garbage in me, I am almost new! I have a great book that I offer to friends that truly seem interested!. But if your case, if you get the feeling they're judging you or looking down on you then no answer is correct!. Simply smile, say it makes you happy and let people know you don't will your diet on anyone, but it works for you!. Then wish them luck with heart disease!. :PWww@FoodAQ@Com

I get that from my friends all the time for being a veggie!.!.!. my best answer is that i do drink milk and eat eggs, so i am getting plenty of protein!.!.!. there are no adverse affects of being a veggie, so you are probably much healthier for it rather than less healthy!.!.!. red meat really isn't good for you at all, too high in fat!.!.!. I am sorry people are giving you so much trouble about it!.!.!. just wait it out!.!.!. it took about a year of being a veggie (I started when I was fourteen, and am now sixteen) before people stopped bugging me and just accepted that i was going to stay like this!.!.!. Just hang in there :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ooooohh mmyyyy Godddd!.

Talk about deja vu, this is all coming back to me when I first saw the light 22 years ago!. Everything your mother is doing my parents did to me!. They are hoping that you'll come to your senses and eat meat again!. Luckily for me I was a little older than what you are at the moment, but you do have a lot of support now!. You can turn the computer on and talk to a bunch of vegan/vegetarians anywhere in the world!. I didn't have that!. To top it off, my parents were Italian, and to them it was like I went gay (not that there is anything wrong with that)!.

I remember taking veggies out of meat cooked pots, it was hard but it doesn't need to be for you!.

There are hundreds of actors who are vegan, i!.e!. Brad Pitt, singers Avril Lavigne, Miley the list if you did a search would be huge!.

You'll feel great and you know what!? All my friends that I had when I went veg!. have all aged really badly!. I have not!.

So, if you want proof I can give all they need!. I have also raised 3 beautiful vegan kids, who have never seen a doctor!.

You go Girl!. Be tough!.

This luckily didn't happen with me because more than half the members of our entire family aunts,uncles cousins!.!.!.are vegetarians!.!.!.!.and when we go out together it's onlt veggie food on our plate!.!.!.!.If you want to set them straight and deal with this!.!.!.you must either!.1) Always have an animal cruelty vid stored in your phone or your PC !.!.!.!.so you can disgust them with your reason!. 2) Just tell your family "I'm sorry i don't eat blood and flesh cause that comes out of the body only through inflicting pain"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, almost all of those examples have happened to me before (I'm 8 months Vegetarian today :D)

1!. EVERYONE gets the flu, whether vegetarian or not!.
2!. That hasn't happened to me before!.
3!.Yes, a lot of people ask me "so your going to be vegetarian for the rest of your life!?!" I always say, "no, by then I'll be vegan" then smile and walk away!.
4!. Yeah, a lot of people try to get me to eat meat "JUST THIS TIME!"

I usually just ignore them, people tease you at first, but then get tired of it!. Just don't give them a bad reaction!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That's not really derogatory!. That's mom being mom and worrying about your health!. She's not saying that you're not dedicated, in fact, she's expressing concern that you ARE!. I'd address her concerns for what they are: concerns about your health!. Maybe it would help if you sat down with her and planned some menus with her!. Point out the nutrition that you're getting and be honest about anything your diet might be lacking!. For example, "Well, Mom, I really love these bean tacos, but I'm worried that I don't get enough iron from them!. Do you think spinach would taste good in there!?"

Just talk to her!. Say that it bothers you and explain why!. Give her the chance to express her worries to you!. That's the mature thing to do and it will probably give you more cred!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i just started to eat vege and my parents already said it's troubling and sometimes eat eat as well!.it's not harmful or anything!.the animals died and we can't do anything!.sometimes hearing this can be headache as well!.i hope i can be like you really!.if your mum feel like it's troublesome to only cook vege foods for you why don't you take-out or eat-out at the vegetarian foodcourt or cafe!.it's expensive than most normal foodcourt but it's better than your mum has to cook for oyou only alone!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

UGGH! Your mom sounds like a pain in the rear! I'm 14 and have been veggie for 2 years, so trust me, I can relate!. You just have to hold true to your beliefs, don't let her pressure you into flesh-eating, you're doing a good, a great, thing here!. Next time she says, "I'm still hoping!" try saying, "yeah, still hoping you'll gov vegetarian!." or you can just roll your eyes!.
You might like this: http://www!.veggieboards!.com/boards/showt!.!.!.

Good luck!

well i went vegerterian for 1 monthe cuz i felt bad 4 the animals u know but in that month i just ate sea food, veggies, etc!. but i guess i got weaker cuz i didnt get the right proteins so i just ate meat again but my mom did ask me when i was going to eat meat again but that was a long time ago so i dont really member, hope i helped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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