How Can People Eat Meat?!

Question: How Can People Eat Meat!?
I want to turn vegetarian, but my mom always makes meat for dinner, and I don't like eating it, but I don't know how to tell her!. But anyways, How can People eat meat!? I was driving on the road, and there was a dead deer right by the roade, I can't even explain what It was like, it was just so sad, and then there was a dead bunny on the road in front of my house, SOO SAD!

There's a bunny that lives in my yard, and call it my bunny, but he was still there so!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I tried being vegetarian for about 2 months and the lack of protein almost killed me!.If u really wanna drive yourself veggo watch America under cover about the farms!. btw now I miss my bunnies(sob)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most people learn to eat meat before they are exposed to vegetarians and road-kill!.
Once you have acquired the taste for meat it takes some doing to sway you away; but if you are swayed by a friend or kind Aunt or commercial or seeing Road-Kill they you will soon develop an aversion to meats!.
The worst thing you can do is disparage others choice to their faces!.
Best to go your own way and chose what you eat without a fuss!.
Just tell you mother that you want to experiment with it and maybe she will let you have a separate meal!. If you push it she will balk and you will not start your new Vegan Lifestyle until you start paying for your own food and lodging!.

A lot of people don't know how animals are raised and produced for meat!. I know that I sure didn't!. I didn't even hear of the term factory farm until a couple years ago!. Many have this image that they can roam around fields and are slaughtered humanely and painlessly!. They have never researched it and have probably very rarely thought about the animal they are chewing on!.

Meat is a very gruesome business!. But now consumers don't have to deal with a whole animal!. Meat comes in neat plastic packages, with almost no blood, and are injected with dyes to appear to be fresh!. People don't have to kill their own anymore and if more people did, a lot more would be vegetarians themselves!.

Many religious fanatics say that animals were put here for them to eat which is a very weak argument, especially since humans artificially inseminate animals to be raised for food!. Pure ignorance!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most of us are "conditioned" to eat meat from a young age and were raised to eat, what used to be considered, a "balanced" meal, with meat as the main course!. If I had been left alone as a child I'm sure I would have been a vegetarian because I hated meat but was forced to eat it anyway!. I still eat small amounts of chicken and fish occasionally but most days I don't eat any meat and will probably quit completely before long!. A good question to ask is if a person would eat meat if they had to kill the animal themself!. Honestly answered, many would have to say no!. Of course, there have been times in existence where meat may have been one of the few options for food so people may have had to eat it to survive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

unless your family has money, then wait until you are old enough to pay for your own food and responsible enough to go veg correctly and healthily!.

You sound young, you would need to see a nutritionist to make sure you are getting what your body needs in a vegetarian lifestyle, vegetarian food is also normally more expensive, and i can also understand why many parents are not supportive of young children wanting to turn veg, you guys are constantly changing and going through phases, what seems wrong to you now, may not when you are older!.

Animals get hit by cars hun, and torn apart by other animals, and butchered for food, that's how the world is and it's not going to be changing any time soon!.

edit - @ herb People don't have to kill their own anymore and if more people did, a lot more would be vegetarians themselves!.

I don't know how you can really say that seeing as how, if we needed to kill our own animals, we wold be doing it to survive, and people that chose to not hunt would probably starve, or become malnourished!. I understand what you were trying to say, but that's not really correct!. There are more vegetarians now then there have ever been!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How can people like you NOT eat meat!? It's delicious, and animals are not sentient, so it's not some sort of tragedy if they die!. Furthermore, humans didn't evolve to have an herbivore's diet--we are omnivores!.

Honestly!.!.!.I don't really care what you eat!. It's your life, so eat (or don't eat) whatever you want!. I'm not going to judge YOU for your lifestyle and nutritional choices, so you have no place judging anyone else!. I would never be a vegetarian for a variety of reasons, but I don't go around insulting vegetarians or acting like they're doing something wrong, unlike you!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

How can you eat vegetables, i saw this vegetable lying on the side of the road, people just cut them off their roots, its so savage!.!.!. I saw an apple in the fruit basket rotting away, just makes me wonder how people can eat it!.

Eating meat is simple, you put it in your mouth and chew on it, then swallow!.

A vegetable is black and white, while meat is color, i don't understand how you don't like meat!.

My sister was a vegetarian for awhile, but her diet ended up getting all screwed up, so she ended up eating meat again, but she was a vegetarian for like 8-10 years!.!. She didn't do it because she was sad for the animals lol!.


I eat meat in every meal :) its so delicious, i don't know how people can be vegetarian, it just boggles my mind!. I don't know why people care if they see dead animals on the road or anywhere either if it's not their pet, i shoot squirrels in the neck with pellet guns for fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I Honestly Think the only reason a lot of people eat meat is because they're used to it and its easy!. its a lot easier to not care about what you eat then actually put some thought into where meat comes from!. its like cannibalism except animals don't have voices!.
I make my own food and sometimes i cook for everyone!. i just kinda got used to it!.
I know what you mean about the deer too!. we drove by a dead deer one day and i started crying!.BTW i'm vegan and 14Www@FoodAQ@Com

I enjoy meat, and don't worry about how it gets to my plate!.

You best option is to tell you mother you don't want to eat meat, get it out in the open how it upsets you and about the deer and the rabbit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals

It's been done since the dawn of time!. Meat is yummy! But I love veggies too actually!.

If you don't like it just tell your Mom, she'll understand!.
What Mom would be mad cause her kid wants to eat more veggies!.

So is the deer supposed to just lay there dead and rot!? I'd make some deer jerky out of it! lol I love meat!. Cows weren't put on this earth to be my buddy, they were meant to keep me fed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Same way people eat vegetables, with their mouths!.

When it's dinner time don't eat the meat, just eat the side dishes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My mom used to cook a lot of meat too but then I stopped eating it and soon my whole family became vegetarian with me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because people like to eat meat and there is nothing wrong with it!. Bet you have leather coats, shoes and purses too!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Before I turned vegetarian, I used to like meat!. The evolution of my vegetarianism started when I one day decided to stay away from red meat!. Then my mother made chicken all the time, and I quickly became sick of it! Then I was down to eating some seafoods because being Muslim, I already couldn't eat pork and some seafoods classified as bottom dwellers!. I do remember the days of hamburgers and things, but some people do enjoy meat!. I personally didn't stop eating meat for the reasons that you don't like to eat it!. Many vegetarians think that killing animals is wrong, and so do I, but just because you decide to stop eating meat does not mean that the rest of the world will!. People still wear fur and leather as well!. In addition to all of this, animals kill each other! It's just the circle of life!. Eat or be eaten!. Animals will always kill each other, and people will always eat meat!. I do understand your concern though!. Even though other people still eat meat, I'm glad that I am one less person contributing to the murdering of countless animals!. In their defense though, eating meat doesn't necessarily make you a murderer per say!. I never thought about the killing of the animals, and I never killed any!. All I was thinking about was the fact that meat tasted pretty good to me at the time!. Some people choose to eat it, and there is nothing wrong with that if that's how they choose to live their lives, but I bet if they all visited one of those slaughter houses, they'd be vegetarian in a hot second ^_^ Hope I answered you question!. (And just let your mother know how you really feel about meat!. She will get over it just like my mom did, and if she' s nice enough, she'll respect your decision and work with you!.!.!.my mom respects my diet and fixes me vegetarian meals sometimes =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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