Can someone please explain veganism?!

Question: Can someone please explain veganism!?
What do vegans eat, and what dont they eat!?

also, I heard about some types of vegans wont eat vegetables such as carrots, because if you pick a carrot it kills the whole plant (because the whole plant is just the one carrot)!. But they will eat tomatoes because if you pick a tomatoe, the rest of the plant can still live!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

The simplest definition of a vegan is one who does not eat any animal product!. That means no fish, eggs, or dairy products!. There are many motivations for veganism!. The type of vegan you are talking about is a fruititarian, meaning they will only eat plants that can be plucked without killing the whole plant (not that they just eat fruit)!. Fruititarians, raw vegans (those who won't eat anything cooked above 116 degrees F), and macrobiotics are sometimes considered fringe groups!.

Oh yeah, most vegans avoid using non-food animal products, such as wool or leather, and avoid any products tested on animals!. If a person eats no animal products but does not seek to cut animal products and products tested on animals out of the rest of his or her life, that person is usually called a strict vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, the typical definition of a vegan is as follows:

It is a diet and a lifestyle, in which the person does NOT eat animals, use their fur/body for any purpose that would harm it, or use any products that contain/have been tested on animals!. Not only do vegans not want to eat meat, but they also refuse animal products because it it is eco-friendly, animals are usually treated poorly in production farms, and many animals contain hormones which are detrimental when consumed to human health!. Vegans are different from vegetarians because they do not eat dairy products!. What makes up a vegan diet!? Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grain products, seeds, nuts, and legumes!.

As for the not eating carrots thing-that's just a personal choice, I guess!. Not all vegans do that, but I guess it is possible that some do!. Doesn't leave a lot of food choices!Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegans dont eat animals or anything made by animals!. This includes beef, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, dairy such as cheese, milk, eggs!.
A true vegan will also not eat soups made with chicken or beef stock!. As a rule, vegans will eat vegetables!.

There are different personalities and beliefs for every group, but as a rule vegans of course eat all vegetables, as long as they are not combined with, or cooked with, an animal!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

here's the site for you to learn more about vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a vegan!. =)

We can't eat any animal or anything that comes from an animal!. Like cheese honey milk ect!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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