Can i call myself vegan if I have to force myself not to eat meat?!

Question: Can i call myself vegan if I have to force myself not to eat meat!?
you can call yourself whatever you like But you don't need a labelWww@FoodAQ@Com

Why would you force yourself to do anything!? The reason people usually become vegan is because it's something they truly want because they feel passionately about it, not something they do strictly out of a sense of obligation!. Your diet and lifestyles should be about what you believe in and what works for you, not what you feel you HAVE to do or what someone else says you should do!. If you want to give up meat and animal products, then you will learn how to, on your own accord!. If you don't want to do that, then you shouldn't!. There are other ways to be healthy and help animals without necessarily having to be vegan!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

To be vegan is to try your upmost not to exploit animals by the way in which you live, which involves a vegan diet devoid of meat and animal products!. If you're just not eating meat, then technically you'd be a vegetarian!.

I don't know why'd you'd have to force yourself!. It's dead animal carcass that has been murdered and is ridden with bacteria, saturated fat and cholesterol!. I'd have to force myself to eat meat if there was some reason that I had to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would have to ask why you have to force yourself!? Most vegans (if not all) are repulsed by the idea of consuming animal products!. I personally have switched to environmentally friendly farming, and eat meat, poulty, and eggs that are free roaming and fish that is wild caught, when I don't hunt or fish it myself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you don't consume any animal products in any form (food, clothing, etc!.) then you are a vegan!. If you don't want to have to force yourself not to eat meat -- watch the videos about factory farming and slaughterhouse footage -- it won't be hard to feel like throwing up when you even think of putting meat in your mouth after that!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegan means having no animal products at all in your diet (eg,dairy produce,eggs etc)!. I don't imagine it would be easy to be vegan,it must be hard to have a balanced diet, but plenty of people manage, and are healthy!. It wouldn't be for me, I like cheese to muchWww@FoodAQ@Com

that depends,
vegan doesnt just mean you cant have meat
it also includes not having cheese, milk, honey [ANYTHING! that comes from an animal)

so ask yourself if you're a vegan now,
then you can celebrate your veganism :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe "Unwilling Vegan"!.

I don't understand why you're doing it if you have to force yourself, It should be a choice you make willingly, but I suppose people have their reasons!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yea your only having a hard time not eating meat becaise you grew up on it
be strong the urges go fast!.!.

protein and iron rich nuts and beans helpWww@FoodAQ@Com

You'll have to do a lot more than that to be vegan!. You have to avoid animal products whether they're food or not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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