What are the arguments for and against organic farming?!

Question: What are the arguments for and against organic farming!?
I've been pondering this for quite some time and for a while considered (still consider, I think!.!.!.) organic crops to be a moral imperative much like being vegan is!. I'm glad someone else has brought this up for once!.

Organic food is farmed without the use of artificial pesticides, which means far less suffering on the part of insects and other wildlife, and consequently the entire ecosystem including sea life in the end!. Artificial fertilizers and herbicides are also left out, which cause harm to animals, plants and the ecosystem!.

However, I've heard that some 'organic approved pesticides' can be used, I don't know if these are chemical or not and their impacts on wildlife and the environment as a whole!.

Organic farming uses 'natural' pesticides, such as introducing predators to prey on 'pest' to the crops!. This may or may not disrupt the local ecosystem where the farm has been introduced!. The predators may have been bred, which is morally wrong!. If they were not bred, there is still the issue of 'is it our nature to mess with!? Is it for us to decide who will die for our food!?'

I do have quite some concern over the more 'superstitious' aspects of some organic farming, such as the possible use of bone meal and blood meal on farms - farmers are paying for these slaughter products, so paying for the crops could indirectly profit slaughterhouses!. also, what gets into the food from these abhorant materials!? Are we eating animal antibiotics in our organic food!?

also, there is the issue of using manure on organic crops!. I would say that there is no such thing as a by-product of production, since if the by-products profit the producers, they are another important reason for continuing production - organic crop farmers paying for manure are keeping the livestock production going just like the public are in buying dead animal flesh and products!. I really wish manure wasn't used on organic crops, I certainly wouldn't use it myself, but it's so hard to get things ideal!. (Looking to grow most of my own food one day)!.

The greatest benefit of organic food to humans of, apart from the protection of the environment, is that it's better for our health!. Pesticides, apart from causing great suffering and death to innocent animals, aren't too great for us, either - it is poison! Traces of pesticides can be found on conventionally grown food, and this is no good for us!. Crops grown with artificial fertilizers and other non-organic conditions are often forced to grow faster than they would without them, resulting in 'empty' vegetables that have less minerals and vitamins in than organic crops!. Organic food is definitely better for your health!.

There are also other possible organic standards!. I think the Soil Association were considering removing organic status from products that had been shipped x miles or by plane!. Again, organic crops that haven't travelled far, or by plane, are going to be far better for the environment in the form of less carbon and aerosol emissions!.

Cost isn't really an issue!. If we've got money to burn on new clothes and other consumer items, then we've got plenty enough to buy good food!. I'd sacrifice TV, my mobile etc, any day if it meant I could still have the money to buy decent food!. So many people go on about not being able to afford to eat healthily, but they cannot seem to distinguish between their wants (consumer goods) and needs (health)!.

I wouldn't worry too much about whether food really is organic when the packet says it is!. Organic certification means rather a lot, and as long as you look for the right labels or the 'Organic Certification UK 5' etc, sentence, it's organic!. If you say this is untrustworthy, then what about items that are being sold as new!? What if they're actually refurbished!? You have to draw the line somewhere with trust!. But bear in mind that some products made of different ingredients may be marketed as organic when actually only some of the ingredients are organic!. This should become clear when you read the ingredients and see no 'Soil Association Approval' mark or something like that!.

also, the organic certifications I know of also mean that the crops weren't genetically modified!. Humans don't know nearly enough about the natural world to mess with plants' (and animals') genes – it could cause all sorts of problems such as 'genetic pollution' worldwide that will destroy natural species and disrupt ecosystems!. Some people think GM crops are the reason why the bumblebee is disappearing!. It's a very good thing for food to be GMO free!.

The real conflict for me is the fact that conventionally grown crops cause loads of insects to be killed and other animals and the environment as a whole to be damaged as much, but organic crops may be causing exploitation of farm animals indirectly through the purchase of manure and other animal products!. What is worse!? It's very difficult to quantify!. For now I'll rest on my impression that organic farming is causing less net suffering!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

From the producer prospective:

Pro- It can be more profitable and some producers feel they are better stewards of the environment for doing it!.

Con- It is a major hassle, especially if blended into a conventional farming operation (separate everything) and it takes years of certifications before you are approved as an organic producer!. (I don't know where people's fear of being mislead come from!. In California, certification standards for organic are quite strict!.)

As far as eating it: No evidence has ever been shown that organic produce is better for you or better tasting that conventional!. And the effects of pesticide residues are in effect, insignificant!. When a pesticide is certified, the level of acceptable residues are established and then reduced by a factor of 100 for adults and then by a factor of 1,000 for children!. 1000 times below the acceptable limit!!! That then becomes the standard!.

As Dr Dean Edell says,
"The levels of pesticides that are contained in the fruit and vegetables are all below what are established standards!. I have never seen anybody prove any adverse health affect from eating any fruit or vegetable in this country containing anything in it!."


Pro - it "can" help support small, local family farms!.

Con - As the organic trend intensifies, it is leading to a rise in the number of organic factory farms!. There are loopholes to organic farming, and these corporate farmers know them all!.

Personally, I think it is much wiser to purchase food that is grown locally, by a small family farmer (think farmer's market or local food co-op), than to purchase "certified organic" food from a large grocery store!.

Factory farms, whether organic or traditional, are not a good thing!. Support your local family farmers!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Organic farming tends to yield a smaller harvest so produce is either much more expensive or the employees are paid less!. This all depends upon the labor regulations of the area the produce is coming from!.

Likewise there is very little tangible standards as to what "organic" means!. In some instances it just means no pesticides or herbicides applied to the plant, but does allow for the soil to be seeded!.

The benefits are if, and only if you are buying from a reputable source and can verify what the certification means your product will be free of pesticides and herbicides!. Likewise the farmers are growing in a more ecologically friendly way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

for it to ensure that the produce you eat is not genetically modified and that it doesn't contain pesticides and other chemicals!.

against it because of cost and do you really know what you are getting, or is it truly organic!. HOw about the soil before the organic produce was produced!. etc!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pro-It's produces higher quality products and is better, on the whole, for the environment!.

Cons-For vegans, issues arise in the use of animal based pesticides and fertilizers, each supporting the meat industry in it's own way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think it is a boad of bul as i live near a farm and i see what goes on so i will leave it there Www@FoodAQ@Com

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