Has anyone else been put off peta?!

Question: Has anyone else been put off peta!?
i was a member and was a vegi (if you don't know my story check out my vegi answers, to get the gist, i almost died) after having to go back to eating meat i was told my membership had been revoke as a meat eater can not possibly care enough for animals!.
to me this is fools logic, what do you think!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Surely there is a difference between eating a bit of chicken owned by a nice organic farmer and clubbing a seal to death for it's fur!?!?!?

I would do the first but not the second - does that mean that I hate all animals and am no better than one of them there seal clubbers!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I doubt that anyone would have said that, unless you have some sort of special case (and I am no doctor) it's likely there was a concern about protein or something similar!. When I became vegan I didn't incorporate protein in my meals and I felt terrible!. Anyways, don't worry about Peta!. I think respecting animals is a huge responsibility, and one we owe to each of them, but they're not (to me) an ideal outlet!. I think that to get someone's trust you have to earn it!. But I like that they've taken risks!. It is an error to think that people that consume animals do not care for them!. My father is a doctor, he's alleviated pain and given many of his patients the ability to live!. A close friend of ours went from being in a wheelchair and not being able to hold a can of soda to being a whole, happy and fully functioning mother!. also, he is a hunter!. The distinction isn't between man an animal for him, though that's what many may say!. He's a compassionate person that values life!. If anything I think he respects animals more than I!. Much of his meat consumption comes from animals he kills himself!. This may sounds barbarous, but these are animals that weren't trapped, abused or modified with hormones, etc!. He will hunt a deer, kill it as swiftly as possible and consume everything he can from it!. Although I wish he and I were more similar in our diet, I still understand that he loves animals!. He cares, and some vegans may be abhorred by this, but I get it!. When I became vegi I wanted to alleviate suffering!. His food lives before it dies!. Before I became vegan I don't think my food lived!.!.!. I suggest finding a less extreme ally to rally for animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

PETA is a joke!. They are exhibitionists who will exploit people and animals as long as they get publicity!. To actually make positive change PETA has to stop trying to convert people and make change in a positive way, you truly cannot change people by showing them gory images!. I am a proud vegetarian who adopted a shelter dog and tries to make a change in terms of animal welfare whenever I can!. But I will never become a "PETA freak" Extremism in any form is wrong and is a huge factor in most of the problems facing modern society!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That's ridiculous!. I agree with you!.

The way they slaughter animals is terrible, but there is a difference between eating more meat than one needs and eating meat to survive!.

Many animals kill and eat meat to survive in the wild!. It's natural for a person to eat it too if they need the nutrition that comes from it!.

I think that people should cut back on meat if they can, but if your life is endanger than I don't believe your in the wrong at all!.

Absolute rubbish!.

You claimed that you have suffered from malnutrition in previous posts - THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING AS VEGETARIANISM! The fact that (if we believe what you say is true - which i don't) you didn't eat anything, or that only ate junk food was a personal choice!. If your doctor said that it was due to vegetarianism, they were wrong!. If this ridiculous scenario has occurred - take some responsibility for yourself! YOU chose to eat a rubbish diet, and YOU caused the problems!.

I work for a company which is entirely vegetarian/vegan - several "life" vegetarians!. What exactly makes you think that YOU can't survive without meat, despite the fact that others do, and are extremely fit and healthy!?!? What particular nutritional value do you claim that you need from meat that you couldn't as a vegetarian!?

And the stuff about Peta - rubbish!. They are a charity - why on earth would they refuse your money!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hi queen of no plants ,
Well , My uncle`s a member of peta , to be honest
I am saying even I WAS a non-veg , but no more !.
When I saw the videos of Peta , the first time , I felt like
kinda leaving it , but then as i saw more and more the thing came
into my mind that how poor those creatures are and how
badly they are suffereing !. I did feel sad for them , I am a veg now !.!.!.
But sometimes have a little meat too !
But being a pure veg is type a hard !.!.!.its okay but !
Ooh , your no more Peta`s member , are you !?
Okay , I understand you !.!.some people really love meat , I
mean edicted !.!.its very hard to leave so alright !.!.!.
But you do have feelings for them , don`t you !?!?
You must be knowing alot and everything whatever happens ,
so help them !!
Still , even if you leave the membership , you can do
a good deed , give money to them monthly or 3 times
in a year !. It sure will be good , wouldn`t it be !?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dislike PETA!. Spend an afternoon on a dairy farm!. I think the majority of what they say is a lie!.

You can still love animals, support them,and try to end cruelty in other ways!.

I sympathise with you on the meat issue!. I have a friend who is a huge animal activist yet something similar happened to her!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

peta is a huge organisation!. i dont think they would notice if you dived into a pork chop with your knife and fork!. and if you almost died then your diet was seriously wrong!. im vegetarian and im not dead!. my diet is fine!. im fit!. i swim and run!. you have gone back to eating meat because you wanted to!. no one suffers from lack of meat!. i think you are telling stories!. i dont believe youWww@FoodAQ@Com

I agree, they are silly!. You would think PETA would want all the support they could get!.

They do things like dump paint on old ladies wearing fur coats!. That's not going to help their cause, it's going to make people think they're mean!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I highly doubt they said that to you!.

I am thank full for PETA in some ways and discouraged by them in other ways!. I don't give them my money!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How did they find out you went back to meat!? Either way there are other things you can do besides give your money to peta that shows you love animals!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sorry, but this story of yours is a lie!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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