Are you a vegetarian? If so, why; if not, why not?!
Is it wrong to eat meat!? Should we become a vegetarian!?
Most men and women eat meat, although some (mostly in rich countries) eat much more than others!. Almost all of this meat is the flesh of domesticated livestock - animals born and raised on farms to be killed and sold for their meat!. People who make a choice never to eat meat are vegetarians, although there are different views about what this can mean!. Some vegetarians eat fish if it has been caught in the wild, many will not eat flesh of any sort!. Some people are vegans, choosing not to eat any animal product, include eggs and dairy (milk) foods such as cheese, butter and yoghurt!. Vegans and many vegetarians also refuse to wear leather or fur because it comes from animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Most men and women eat meat, although some (mostly in rich countries) eat much more than others!. Almost all of this meat is the flesh of domesticated livestock - animals born and raised on farms to be killed and sold for their meat!. People who make a choice never to eat meat are vegetarians, although there are different views about what this can mean!. Some vegetarians eat fish if it has been caught in the wild, many will not eat flesh of any sort!. Some people are vegans, choosing not to eat any animal product, include eggs and dairy (milk) foods such as cheese, butter and yoghurt!. Vegans and many vegetarians also refuse to wear leather or fur because it comes from animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i'm a vegetarian!.!.!.its kinda in the religion(not exactly tho)!.!.!.basically cuz u shudnt be killing animals for ur own meals when u have the choice of veggies!.!.!.its a bit selfish!.!.!.it doesnt really make sense to me if u say tht u dont eat beef but u eat the other types!.!.!.cuz they're the same!.!.!.and i think its healthier(if u eat the rite kind of food)!.!.!.meat is harder to digest
so its wat i believe!.!.!.yeah we shud become if we can!.!.!.doesnt mean ur wrong if u eat it tho!.!.!.like some1 said to each his own!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
so its wat i believe!.!.!.yeah we shud become if we can!.!.!.doesnt mean ur wrong if u eat it tho!.!.!.like some1 said to each his own!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am a meat eater myself!. I have considered the vegetarian thing because it's supposed to be better for you but I just have a hard time thinking about eating tofu instead of meat or beans instead of meat!. I think some people are hard wired to desire certain foods!. Some people just really prefer vegetables to meat because meat is hard on their digestive systems!.I don't eat alot of dairy because it is hard on my system!. I have heard of vegetarians eating meat and getting really sick from it!. I would think that as a vegetarian I would be like a bird ALWAYS eating!. I am hard wired for meat!. I don't need fur but I don't hold it against anyone for wearing it and I love leather anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm vegetarian!. I was raised on a meat diet by my vegetarian mother until I decided I didn't like it when I was about 7!. At that age, the only reason for my change was I didn't like the taste of meat anymore, and I never liked fish anyway!. I was far too young to think about the moral reasons for going vegetarian!.
No I don't think it is wrong to eat meat, everyone is entitled to eat what they like!. I don't have a problem with those who eat meat, fish, are vegan or whatever!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No I don't think it is wrong to eat meat, everyone is entitled to eat what they like!. I don't have a problem with those who eat meat, fish, are vegan or whatever!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i'm a vegitarian becouse I can't stand the idea of something else having suffered for someone to eat them purely becouse they like meat!. if humans NEEDED meat it would be a different story!.
as soon as I get out of highschool im going to become a rawfoodist (only eating non-cooked fruits and vegitables, no dairy or meat at all)
I would do it now but its kinda hard while your in highshool!.!.!.even just to be a vegitarian
as soon as I get out of highschool im going to become a rawfoodist (only eating non-cooked fruits and vegitables, no dairy or meat at all)
I would do it now but its kinda hard while your in highshool!.!.!.even just to be a vegitarian
Both my twin sister and I are vegetarians,
We just can't think of hurting a living creature!.
We also deeply care about the environment!.
I think it's MUCH healthier to be vegetarian that be a meat eater!.
In my opinion, I think meat is disgusting anyway!.
It was easy for my sister and I to become vegetarian, you just need the right protein and iron!.
Vegetarianism is great!. :]
GO VEG!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
We just can't think of hurting a living creature!.
We also deeply care about the environment!.
I think it's MUCH healthier to be vegetarian that be a meat eater!.
In my opinion, I think meat is disgusting anyway!.
It was easy for my sister and I to become vegetarian, you just need the right protein and iron!.
Vegetarianism is great!. :]
GO VEG!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
people who eat meat are killers and deserve to be executed!. They may get away with thier crimes in this world but they will burn in hell just like they way they roasted meat, chicken etc!.!. Crazy people!. The human teeth is not designed to eat flesh and God made it that way!. God wants us to take care of the lesser evolved animals in the world!. I see people twisting facts and quoting religious books!.
PETA rules!. Please support them with your contributions!. Animals also deserve a chance just like any of us!. Please give them a chance!. They have a family too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA rules!. Please support them with your contributions!. Animals also deserve a chance just like any of us!. Please give them a chance!. They have a family too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am a vegetarian and i dont think that eating meat is wrong!. People feel that eating meat is wrong since it involves killing animals basically life!. But even the vegetarian food that we eat has life!. Plant, vegetables, fruuits all have life too!. I think the way we are is just perfect!. Some veg and some non veg!. This way the ecological balance on earth is maintained i guess!.
So i guess there is no need for people to change!.
So i guess there is no need for people to change!.
I am a vegetarian!. I cant stand the sight of non-vegetarian food!. I cant even eat at a table where someone else is having non-vegetarian food!. I was raised as a vegetarian and would love to remain one for the rest of my life!. Though I am vegetarian due to religious reasons, I would like to remain one on personal choice and likes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am not a vegetarian because I was raised eating meat but I eat mostly chicken and I eat a lot of veggies and pastas with no meat so I could become a vegetarian pretty easy I think!. Every now and then I eat red meat or pork but mostly just pastas and fruits and veggies!. To each is own though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
We have to eat something!. that is true!. And we are killing a lot that is also true!. we even kill ourselves!. It is a fac that the plants and trees are also have a life!. The fruits have a function of its own!. They are not supposd to be our food!. So it happens!. i prefer veg!. but if there is no good veg food available i may take chicken, or fish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think that death comes to all living things and that destroying the lives of plants to sustain my existence is not necessarily "better" than destroying animals lives!. I do prefer that the animals live reasonably "happy" lives prior to death so I do not eat veal for instance!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think that death comes to all living things and that destroying the lives of plants to sustain my existence is not necessarily "better" than destroying animals lives!. I do prefer that the animals live reasonably "happy" lives prior to death so I do not eat veal for instance!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
No - Habit
People should become vegetarian because it is greener!.
When we eat meat from livestock, we end up consuming more of the Earth's resources, as the livestock is fed many times more than its weight !. i!.e!. to produce 1 kg of meat requires several kgs of grain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
People should become vegetarian because it is greener!.
When we eat meat from livestock, we end up consuming more of the Earth's resources, as the livestock is fed many times more than its weight !. i!.e!. to produce 1 kg of meat requires several kgs of grain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes i am (going on vegan) I think it's wrong to eat meat, It kills me thinking that a poor animal died just for a meal we don't need!. And I'm certain that in the future we'll have no choice but to become vegan because of environmental issues!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
i am vegetarian !.ilove vege foods!.imyself hate people cutting animals!.if i ever see cutting or blanching iwlldefinately warmit!.but if some love those food i have no objection !.if any one ask my choice i am not in favour of killing animalsWww@FoodAQ@Com
genisis 9;3 God said to man I give you all living things so you may use them as food even the green herb
Man has been hunting for over 1000,000 years and farming for around 6,000
look at your teeth you are a meat eater!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Man has been hunting for over 1000,000 years and farming for around 6,000
look at your teeth you are a meat eater!Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is not wrong to eat meat!.I like non-veg food more than veg food!.No specific reason on being a non-veg!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes i m a vegetarian because I love animalssss :-D
I am a vegetarian!. It's just good karma!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's not nice to eat animals!!!!! and I'm sorta HinduWww@FoodAQ@Com
if ur family is a non veg (eats) so u eat or may not!.!.!.!. it is not a crime to eat non vegWww@FoodAQ@Com
I am not a vegetarian for several reasons!. Humans have evolved to be omnivores (eat both meat and vegetation)!. This gives us an advantage over a lot of species because we can eat what's available!. By becoming vegetarians, we drastically reduce our choices and our chances of survival!.
If we were all vegetarians, we would not have enough room on this planet to grow everything we needed!. We would have to crowd out every other animal species (including livestock) to make room for crops!. I can't imagine a world without wild animals and horses!.
If we were all vegetarians, we would have to drastically reduce our own numbers and do genetic screening to ensure only those who could survive on such a diet were allowed to reproduce!. Some of us cannot adapt to a pure vegetarian diet and, if fish and seafood, are in short supply, we'll go looking for the only other source readily available!.
Hi, neighbor!. Want to come to dinner!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
If we were all vegetarians, we would not have enough room on this planet to grow everything we needed!. We would have to crowd out every other animal species (including livestock) to make room for crops!. I can't imagine a world without wild animals and horses!.
If we were all vegetarians, we would have to drastically reduce our own numbers and do genetic screening to ensure only those who could survive on such a diet were allowed to reproduce!. Some of us cannot adapt to a pure vegetarian diet and, if fish and seafood, are in short supply, we'll go looking for the only other source readily available!.
Hi, neighbor!. Want to come to dinner!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am from a Non Vegetarian family, but I am vegetarian, Actually when I left meat eating it was a disaster in our family, but I still left it, at that time I was 15 years old, I went to buy meat with someone in family, while the elder person entered in the shop I stood outside for reason of smell, while I was standing, I saw the animals in a large trap, they were bundled there tightly, then they were all shreiking in panic, what hapened to their chirps, they could no more fly, they were trapped for days, may be for weeks, also the owner of shop does not give them food and water, they were all lookinh at me, the goat there was also looked so sad, I started feeling shameful, I am human, I am powerful, I must save them, give shelter to thm they are innocent humans, just like small babies, why to kill them and eat them, just because we feel it tasty, I hated myself at that time, I started as if they were all questioning me, I had no answers, they knew I was their to buy one of them, may be their brother, they cursed me, I cried then for my past15 years, how enjoyed meat taste, I was just ashamed, since the I left meat, my family my relatives did not like this, but I was surely a vegetarian since then, plants are also living, but it is still a lesser crime!. also after I became vegetarian, I became more peaceful, I cook nice veg food, i also make variety in itWww@FoodAQ@Com
hi for this answer everyone has his views!!
For me I m a vegetarian!!
And thats because I dont like meat and Don't like any living thing to be slaughtered for my food of one time!!
The animals that meat eaters eat are in some religions sacred though!!
like cow and buffalo in hindu religion!. they usually worship that animal and keep it in their homes and feed it just for their inner satisfaction!!!
Maybe the meat eaters dont think about it and they also would say that even plants are living things but as far as plants are concerned they are meant to be eaten and thats why fruits are sweet and vegetables are not !!!
I wouldnot eat meat or harm any animal for my one time food!!
no offenses to meat eaters and i dont really hate people eating meat but its just i feel so and believe!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
For me I m a vegetarian!!
And thats because I dont like meat and Don't like any living thing to be slaughtered for my food of one time!!
The animals that meat eaters eat are in some religions sacred though!!
like cow and buffalo in hindu religion!. they usually worship that animal and keep it in their homes and feed it just for their inner satisfaction!!!
Maybe the meat eaters dont think about it and they also would say that even plants are living things but as far as plants are concerned they are meant to be eaten and thats why fruits are sweet and vegetables are not !!!
I wouldnot eat meat or harm any animal for my one time food!!
no offenses to meat eaters and i dont really hate people eating meat but its just i feel so and believe!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm a vegetarian, trying to turn vegan!. My story of going vegetarian began when one year and one month ago I went to a steakhouse!. I ate a lot of meat!. The next day, not surprisingly, I felt really sick!. My first class was history and we were learning about how people used to eat peacocks and other birds in the Middle Ages!. I thought that eating peacock was just barbaric!. Then I suddenly realised how a peacock is really not that different to a chicken and how hypocritical it was to say that eating peacocks was wrong, but eating cows and pigs and chickens etc!. was okay!. It didn't make sense!.
Now I can't stand the thought of eating the flesh of a dead animal!. But one thing that I absolutely hate is when vegetarians and vegans try to force their beliefs on others!. And vice versa, of course!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Now I can't stand the thought of eating the flesh of a dead animal!. But one thing that I absolutely hate is when vegetarians and vegans try to force their beliefs on others!. And vice versa, of course!.Www@FoodAQ@Com