If the smart figured out that being vegetarian is the way to go, then why isn't the rest of the world?!

Question: If the smart figured out that being vegetarian is the way to go, then why isn't the rest of the world!?
There were great leaders and very intelligent people that were vegetarian including, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstien, Pythagoras, and Benjamin Franklin!. Since the smartest person in the world was a vegetarian, doesn't that say something!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah right Vegeman, also actors such as Brad Pitt, Jerry Seinfeld singers as Avril, Fiona Apple, The Beatles the list could go on and on!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You only named 4 out of the millions of people with high IQ's!. Doesn't that say something!?

People have eaten meat since the beginning of time!. Doesn't that tell you something!?

It is really a choice that each person has and it's a very personal decision!. I choose to eat a small portion of meat 3-4 times a week, because I do believe on the average people do eat too much meat and not enough colorful vegetables!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

As you said
The Smartest people in the world figured out vegies is the way to go!. Well not everyone in this world is smart, take umm (inserts name) or (inserts name) <- I didn't anger people!.

also some people eat meat because of their religion (there are some that do) and some eat it for calcium, whilst others simply eat what they get (children)!.

good question though =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you look at the carbon footprint in raising a cow, it makes sense for the world too!. I do raise sheep for wool and meat!. They have an extremely low carbon footprint and are actually good for the environment!. I have been a vegan several times in my life, but could never pass on turkey at Thanksgiving!. I still eat one meatless meal a week!. It would be nice if fast food joints had a vegan choice for a main meal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't be judgmental and vindictive about your beliefs!. You're coming off as an evangelical born-again christian, and if you plan on winning any converts, that's not the way to go!.

Give it time!. It's not going to be an overnight thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because you're never going to get the whole entire world to do the exact same thing!. it's like saying!. everyone in the world knows that crime is wrong, why do they still commit it or everyone knows smoking is bad for their health why do they still smoke, etc!.!.


people eat meat because of their culture, tradition, upbringing, taste in food, reliance on it because of where they live!.!.!.

scottishguy111 resorting to insults as usual!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

another vegetarian,leonardo da vincci!.it's peoples choice!.whether or not you want to become vegetarian is up to the individuals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because meat tastes good!.

When he's eating tofu, and I'm eating a steak, Einstien doesn't look all that smart to me!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, we are so smart!. I guess the rest of the world isn't!. Go Vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no willpower!. people like thier meat too muchWww@FoodAQ@Com

well lets start dissecting your hypothesis ,abraham lincoln didn't become a vegetarian by choice,his wife and schedule kept him from eating on a regular basis plus there was a war on so most of the meat went to feed the troops,ever heard of rations!?!.albert einstein became a vegetarian in 1954,he died from an aneurysm in 1955 less than 1 year later!.benjamin franklin due to the cost of meat and his meager wages decided to become a vegetarian to save more money to buy more books however he did not stay a vegetarian and would eat meat if given for a meal!. you need to educate yourself more about history and do more research before relying on a website written by vegetarians trying to look smarter than they are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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