What do vegans think of lacto ovo vegetarianism?!
lacto ovo vegetarians eat eggs and cheese but not meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think that it's their choice and that they are at least trying!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If a person is lacto-ovo for religious or health purposes, I can sort of understand their reasoning!. If a person is doing it for animal ethics or animal rights I don't get why they still consume dairy or eggs, unless they just don't know how bad the conditions are!. Dairy cows and egg laying hens suffer just as much, possibly more than animals raised for meat!. And when they are no longer productive they are killed too!.
I realize there are some people who have limitations, like they are young and still living with family or they travel often and it would be hard to always eat vegan on the road, but for the vast majority of people, I think it's an easy step to reduce your contribution to the ways of the modern "farm!."
If people must consume dairy and eggs, I suggest they find a local farm (preferably an organic farm) where they can take a tour and see what goes on and ask questions!.
It's not my place to judge anyone, but it's just my thinking that lacto-ovo vegetarianism doesn't make much sense from an animal rights point of view!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I realize there are some people who have limitations, like they are young and still living with family or they travel often and it would be hard to always eat vegan on the road, but for the vast majority of people, I think it's an easy step to reduce your contribution to the ways of the modern "farm!."
If people must consume dairy and eggs, I suggest they find a local farm (preferably an organic farm) where they can take a tour and see what goes on and ask questions!.
It's not my place to judge anyone, but it's just my thinking that lacto-ovo vegetarianism doesn't make much sense from an animal rights point of view!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As long as the person drinks milk from the cow that are not nursing or the cow has extra milk!. I see no objection!. I know some elderly people consume milk to provide added calcium to their diet!. I'm trying to be tolerant of others needs and differences!. But I see the egg consumption differently, for fertilized eggs are animal category in the making!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
well it depends on how that person truley feels!.!.!. if they really cared for the animals than they wouldn't want to contribute to anything that deals with violating the animal!.!.!.!. so some ppl see lacto ovo veg!. as "posers" n others mite accept them!.!.!. i have to say that i'm 1 of those who belive that if you want to be a veg!. u have to be serious n care about ur physical health as opposed to the animalsWww@FoodAQ@Com
Much better than meat eater or those that claim to be vegetarian but eat fish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Statistically Lacto veg's are actually the smartest group of people with an average IQ of 105, so i'd say they are doing pretty well for themselves!.
coming in second is us meat eaters at 100
and coming in last with brain power nearly 10% lower than that of a vegetarian are my vegan friends, but that's ok, i love retards!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
coming in second is us meat eaters at 100
and coming in last with brain power nearly 10% lower than that of a vegetarian are my vegan friends, but that's ok, i love retards!. Www@FoodAQ@Com