I'm vegan. and my boyfriend bought me an expensive wool jacket. what should I do?!
I already wear it and he want me to wear it every time we are together!. but I didn't already remind him that I am vegan and I don't wear wool!. what should I do!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wearing wool should not preclude your vegetarianism!. The sheep are sheared, the wool grows back!. Nothing is killed in the process!.
Wear the jacket!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wear the jacket!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Tell him you are vegan and you don't wear wool, it would've helped to tell him that in the first place so he wouldn't have bought it, but tell him so he will not get you anything like that in the future
As for the jacket, if he's offended that you are not wearing the wool jacket he bought you, then he's insensitive for not respecting your beliefs
You can give it away (re-gift) to someone who doesn't wear wool or put in ebay/garage saleWww@FoodAQ@Com
As for the jacket, if he's offended that you are not wearing the wool jacket he bought you, then he's insensitive for not respecting your beliefs
You can give it away (re-gift) to someone who doesn't wear wool or put in ebay/garage saleWww@FoodAQ@Com
Wool does nothing to harm sheep!. I've sheared sheep, so I would know better than most people here (my grandparents own and operate a farm)!. Most sheep actually enjoy being sheared, because with a natural coat, they get stuck in bushes and fences and everything else!.
Perhaps you should learn about the production of animal products (and the real, unbiased production, not what PeTA tells you) and then see if you still disagree with using a product!. It's not like a fur coat, nothing is killed or even harmed in the process!.
Wear the darn coat!. It's warmer and more eco-friendly than any synthetic you'll ever own!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Perhaps you should learn about the production of animal products (and the real, unbiased production, not what PeTA tells you) and then see if you still disagree with using a product!. It's not like a fur coat, nothing is killed or even harmed in the process!.
Wear the darn coat!. It's warmer and more eco-friendly than any synthetic you'll ever own!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
tell him nicely that you love the jacket a lot but feel bad wearing it b/!.c you are vegan!.
+note to those who say its not bad to wear wool!.
Yes wool is just from shaving sheep but how great do you think those sheep are treated!? Not like they are loving animals!. Like they are only money to the factories!.
Local places that have sheep and maybe have a wool business on the side, is fine!. Not all places disrespect their animals but a lot of places do especially those who make expensive wool coats!!
I'm sure her boyfriend didn't realize vegans can't wear wool!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
+note to those who say its not bad to wear wool!.
Yes wool is just from shaving sheep but how great do you think those sheep are treated!? Not like they are loving animals!. Like they are only money to the factories!.
Local places that have sheep and maybe have a wool business on the side, is fine!. Not all places disrespect their animals but a lot of places do especially those who make expensive wool coats!!
I'm sure her boyfriend didn't realize vegans can't wear wool!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
tell your boyfriend how you feel about wool, tell him that you really appreciate it (or however you truly feel) and tell him you felt bad about the scenario(about not telling him and such) and then everything should be peachy cuz, there really isnt any reason fro him to be upset
in response to the ppl saying wool is harmless, some times it is and sometimes isnt, why take the chance!? we can all live just fine without wool!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That seems like a pretty big thing in your life!. You probably should have mentioned that to your boyfriend as you were getting to know him!? I know that if I went vegan, I would pretty much tell my boyfriend first!. He's the one that cooks around here :PWww@FoodAQ@Com
wow man that sucks!.!.!.i dated a vegan!. you should probably be truthful he might not know that vegans are like that!.!.!.!.i didn't till i dated one!. but ya you should probably just tell him!. i mean its who you are and he should have to deal with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wear it!. Shearing sheep does nothing to them!. Wool is one of the oldest fabrics known and still remains one of the most versatile!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Dump him!. If he can't respect your choices in life, he can't respect you either!. You deserve better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Ask him to return it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
they do get wool from shaving sheep!Www@FoodAQ@Com