Cow milk, why is it so bad for you?!

Question: Cow milk, why is it so bad for you!?
Why is cows milk so bad for you, our ancestors adapted to drinking it, so what is so bad!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ah, the former gym nudist, you're back!

Okay, that our ancestors had to adapt to drinking it means it isn't really natural!. But I suppose we do a lot of stuff that isn't really natural!.

However, cows' milk is designed to bring a 90-pound calf to about 2,000 pounds in the space of about a year!. No other species drinks the milk of another and no other species consumes milk beyond infancy!. Okay, there are some misguided people who give their cats milk, but that's a human thing!.

Cows' milk has fat and cholesterol!. It has no iron, no fiber, nothing!. Any calcium and vitamin D is added in because the milk is overprocessed to remove as many impurities--blood and pus--as possible!.

There is a difference between pulling plants from the ground or plucking fruit from trees and breeding cows so they'll produce milk!. And our bodies were designed to digest plants, not animal flesh, not mammals' milk!.

Furthermore, many societies consume no cows' milk at all--such as most Asian socieites, have lactose-intolerance rates approaching 100 percent and osteoporosis rates approaching zero!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's not that it's bad for you, but we were never meant to drink cows milk, animals make milk for specific reasons, to feed their babies!. I know that you don't want to go through a life of breast feeding off mom, but that is also why there is a weaning factor!. Milk is meant to give babies nutrients and the immune system to fight off illnesses!.
And you also have to think of how the milk is retrieved!. Cows are injected with hormones, whatever that cow is taking into it's body, you are drinking!. The pain that they experience from filling up so fast is unbearable and then they are hooked up to milking machines!. So, we have hormones, topped off with antibiotics that they give the cows for when their utters get infected from being milked by machines!. Then, in turn, they still milk the utters that are infected so you get a certain amount of puss in your milk (ever wonder why it has such a short expiration date!?) The FDA actually allows milk to pass through with a small amount of puss in it!. If you are going to drink milk, make sure that it's organic, you don't need antibiotics and hormones in your body!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dairy cows are injected with hormones and antibiotics, and their food is laced with pesticides!. (This is to decrease the amount of insects attracted to their feces, a major problem in industrial dairies!.) Residue from the hormones, antibiotics and pesticides are found in milk!. These have been linked to cancer and compromised immune systems!.

All milk found in grocery stores is from corporate operations, and all of them, even Horizon Organic, milk by machine and take calves away at birth!. (The boy cows, by the way, then have the genuine thrill of becoming VEAL!) Machine milking causes mastitis, with which close to half of all dairy cows are afflicted!. This painful condition also adds a healthy dose of pus to your dairy beverage!.

Cows milk has unique properties that other milk simply does not have due to the fact that a cow has 4 freeaking stomachs!. It is a machine that breaks down plant material into a form that we can consume!.

Blood and Pus in milk, it always there, the pasturazation process removes it as well as any pesticides that might have leaked in!. Your arguement is null and void!. Most of you vegans have never even been to Dairy, the modern advances in technology has reduced most animals suffering, but then again, who freaking cares, its a walking steak, slit its throught, wipe its butt and put it in mah belly!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well , the thing is cow milk contains fat !.
An I know there`s even low fat , but its like water
you know , doesn`t have alot of caluim !.
The full fat one is with fat , thats why cow milk is bad
for "us" !.
Okay , but I can advice you , like other than cow
milk you can drink Soy milk which doesn`t come from
cow, its very healthy indeed !

it gives people acne and makes them fat
also clogs up respiratory system with mucous
also there are lots of hormones, antibiotics and other weird stuff that contaminates milk because of the practices used today
its a cows breast milk made for baby cows, so our bodies react negatively to it
People used to drink it cos there was not much other food aroundWww@FoodAQ@Com

I think a lot of other folks have hit the nail in the head on the subject, so I won't repeat what they said!. But I do see a lot of folks talking about the pasteurization process!. Here's what I found and I'll also post the link where I found it:

Pasteurization is a process of heat treating milk to kill bacteria!. Although Louis Pasteur developed this technique for preserving beer and wine, he was not responsible for applying it to milk!. That was done at the end of the 1800s as a temporary solution until filthy urban dairies could find a way to produce cleaner milk!. But instead of cleaning up milk production, dairies used pasteurization as a way to cover up dirty milk!. As milk became more mass produced, pasteurization became necessary for large dairies to increase their profits!.


It goes on to say that the process kills vitamins and minerals and that they have to be added back into the milk in synthetic form!.
The whole article is very interesting and if you have time, you should read it!.
You might want to also check out www!.milksucks!.com
It too has tons of good info about milk and the dairy industry!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

humans were not made to drink cow's milk!. people used to drink it as a treat and to fatten them up when they were starving!. we weren't meant to be able to order it with every 12oz slab of meat we stuff into our bodies at any given moment of the day!.

i don't preach about this often, but i think people need to wake up and realize what we are doing to our bodies!. especially americans!Www@FoodAQ@Com

OMG LOL, Rivers, your answer is RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. Study every word of what he/she just said - he/she knows EXACTLY what he/she is talking about!!! Same goes for Jen's response!!

If these two brilliant posters didn't make you change your mind about cow's milk, then I frankly don't know what will!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It isn't so bad but hard to digest!. You can drink it but not too much like liter a day!. Easier to digest is sheep and goat milk and more easier is horse milk!. The better to digest is breast milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cow milk is not bad for you unless it is coming from a sick cow or is faty (whole milk, 2%)!. It is a very good source of calcium, vitamin C and other things!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its not bad for you!.!.its really good, it has vitamin d and calcium!. But the milk needs to be pasteurized, so all the germs can be killed before drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well put it this way!.!. humans have drank it for thousands of years, its only now that someone starts to complain!.!.!.!.
I think everything in excess can be bad and in moderation can be goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

Because if you do it for too long, they cow might fall asleep and lay on you!. They are quite heavy you know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They say it is because of all the hormones added now!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dr!. Colin Cambell says that cows' milk is possibly the most potent carcinogen exposed to man on a day to day basis!. It's hardly surprising that another species' milk meant for it's infants is going to be cancerous to humans!. No other animal drinks another animals milk, what makes it stranger is that fully-grown humans are drinking this when we should have been weened as small children!. The civilising process from a very early age has skewed our perception with social norms, when really this is a very strange, cruel and unhealthy parasitical relationship!. It's not-so-common sense that drinking something meant for another species' infants is going to cause cell mutations!. Even organic milk contains growth hormones - those that are naturally present in a mother's milk that will prompt growth in her child, except humans are not the children of cows, so drinking their milk is like telling your feet to grow into hoofs!

As well as that, cows' milk contains traces of blood and pus, a result of intensive breeding that causes mastitis, a painful udder infection, in many cows!. I don't know the exact implications of this on human health, but it's bound to not be good!.

also, animal protein runs the high risk of giving you osteoporosis in your later years, as it saps the calcium right out of your bones, so 'the white stuff' really isn't all it's cut out to be!.

Sure, cows' milk has some protein and calcium, but it's nothing we can't get in a much healthier and less risky plant-based source!. More notably, a source which doesn't require the systematic rape, kidnap, abuse and murder of other feeling, thinking beings!.

What would you do if presented with a tall glass of human breast milk, or perhaps cat or rat milk!? You'd freak out! This really shows how strange drinking milk is as an adult, especially when it belongs to a different species of animal!. Rat milk is actually far closer to human milk than cows' milk is, but I don't see people drinking that!. It goes to show you the effect of advertising and social norms!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cancer is apparently caused by at least 3,000,000 things today!. (i heard cookies cause cancer)

If you're worried about milk giving you cancer, you should be more worried about how you're going to live with yourself being so stupid!.

Milk builds strong bones and provides massive amounts of calcium!. Without it, people would be skinny little munchkins with slim jim-sized arms!.

Milk causes acne!?! No!. Not showering regularly causes acne!.

and you say it is unnatural to drink milk from any other animal, but have you ever seen a 5-87 year old human being suck the teat of a woman!? because women stop nursing and can't provide milk at a certain point!.!.!.!.and plus thats just plain sick!.

And for those who think drinking milk makes you fat!.!.!.!.
get off your *** and work out!. people don't realize that if a human doesn't get enough excercise, they'll get fat!. it's as simple as that!.

anything (blood, pus, whatever) is removed through a little process called PASTUERIZATION!.
this process, which was invented by the wise Louis Pasteur, uses temperature differences (extreme heat) to kill germs and make milk pure for human consumption!.

and I don't have anything against other animals or even cows for that matter, but you can't stop living you're life to worry about an animal that craps in the grass that it eats!.
also, if cows had the brain ability to get a job to help spend money to revitalize our economy, then maybe i'd worry my life away with how thier treated!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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