What is natural, what is your reasoning?!

Question: What is natural, what is your reasoning!?
I have seen allot of people out there say things about different food and how they aren't natural and aren't meant for humans to eat, my question is what are we meant to eat!.

And be sure to add some though to your question for a more richer response!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

An omnivorous diet, heavy in meat, is probably the most natural diet for humans!. Consider what the environment was like over 10,000 years ago before agriculture!. Most of the crops we have now are the product of thousands of years of unnatural selection!. Grains were not eaten as they are indigestible unless cooked!. Same goes for legumes!. Grass and leaves are inedible for humans because we don't have the tools to digest them!. And unless you are in the tropics, the forests are not filled with fruit and berries - especially years round!.

So that pretty much leaves humans eating meat, fish and whatever edible plants they can get their hands on!.

In addition to behavioral adaptations to hunting - tool use, tracking, etc!. - humans also evolved physical adaptations to hunting!. Namely the ability to run long distances without tiring!. Humans are not the fastest animal on the planet, but we are one of the best endurance runners!. One of the earliest forms of hunting is believed to be the persistence hunt!. Essentially a man or small group of men separate an animal from a herd and chase it down until it collapses from exhaustion!. You don't need sharp teeth, claws or even a lot of tools to do that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We weren't 'meant' to eat anything!.

There's nothing 'divine' about nature, it has no intentions and is not a moral agent!.

Whether or whether not exploiting animals and eating certain foods is natural or not, we can see from RATIONAL reasoning whether to do it or not!.

Don't look to nature for support, guide your actions with these factors:

1!. Ethics - does it cause suffering!?
2!. Neccesity - do you need to do it!?
3!. Health - what will it do to you!?

There's plenty of evidence out there to provide the answers to these questions, you don't have to try and justify your actions with 'nature', whatever that is!. There are so many definitions of nature, so I find it amusing when people apply this blanket term in order to defend their eating habits of lifestyle choices!. If I use the word 'nature', it is to signify that something is naturally adapted to our bodies and is therefore more likely to be safe to consume, such as fruits that have evolved to be eaten and our bodies that have evolved to consume various foods!. However, ethics is always the most important consideration that should NEVER be overlooked!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Humans don't really get our food "naturally" at least not as it applies to animals!. We don't kill our prey with teeth and claws!. I don't know very many people that I think could chase a gazelle or wrestle a bear, or whatever it is that animals do when they hunt!. We don't forage for our vegetables; we cultivate them!. Animals don't farm for their food, at least not usually!. So I think it's not a question of what is natural for us humans!. We have a choice what we eat and with our higher intelligence I think we should make the "right" choice for our environment and for our health and for animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that it is up to each person what they eat, and all this debate between meat eaters and veggies is a total waste of time and energy, in my mind eat what you like and I'll eat what I like, and I won't be critical of your choices if you won't be critical of mine!. I eat what I like and will take the consequences of that, I pay national insurance and for private health care so if my meat eating ways land me in hospital I will not be a burden on society!. I eat a balanced diet, I actually rarely eat meat but when I do I love it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lot of fruits green vegetables & Fish that includes sea food also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

ok the human body is designed for a herbivore diet!.


the human body does not have any features of a carnivore or omnivore (an omnivore has the same features as a carnivore)!.

however the human body has all the features of a herbivore!.

the human species is 99% genetically identical to that of a gorilla!. and what is a gorilla, a herbivore!.

also if we were carnivores, don't you think that we would have some natural feature that would help us in the killing of an animal, we dont have any claws, long sharp canine teeth, speed!. have you ever tried running down a deer like a real carnivore would!.

but if we have all the features of a herbivore ie!. digestional tracks, doesnt that mean that we are herbivores!. and if we were meant to eat meat how come our stomach acid is made up of dilute hyrdochloric acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a carnivore, the carnivore needs this high acidic stomach so it can digest meat, where humans do not have this high acidic stomach, which means, naturally we're not meant to eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Everything!. Some things I may categorize as unusual, but everything is natural/nature!.

Some people like to separate human behavior from nature but, as animals, everything we do is also part of nature!. Nature isn't just a doe running through a field!. It's water flowing down instead of up!. It's going to a grocery store for food because that is how we feed ourselves!. It's sending our children to school to learn and protecting our children at all costs!. It's everything!. Everything you can possibly think of or imagine!.


BTW- there is no evidence of human ancestors eating meat that's more than approx!. 125,000 years ago!. Beyond that is speculation!. Our ancestors began eating meat from the sea off the coast of southern Africa around that time and it is believed to be the catalyst for the genetic mutation into the homo sapiens brain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If being 100% vegan were NATURAL then vegans wouldn't have to take so dang many supplements to live like that!.
I'd hate to see what happens to vegans if the transportation chain collapses and they can't get their soy protein and iron tablets shipped in!.
I on the other hand, with my laying hens, vegetable garden and hunting license will be just fine!.
Humans are omnivores!. However, our bodies are pretty adaptable and will take quite a bit of punishment whether that punishment come in the form of a fast food diet or a vegan diet!.
I have no problem with vegans, that's their belief system, but, if it was natural it wouldn't be so hard to maintain!.
Browsing the wilds I doubt you'd find enough to eat being vegan!. Fruits and vegetable are largely seasonal and humans cannot effectively digest grasses without cooking them!.
I see the argument all the time that we can't catch animals and kill them with tooth and claw, but, at the same time, being vegan you couldn't find enough to eat in a 'natural' habitat that would be digestible without cooking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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