Vegetarians i have a question????!

Question: Vegetarians i have a question!?!?!?!?
ok, so am vegetarian((((not from along time , not from short time))))
so of course we don't eat meat BUT why don't we eat eggs and drink milk i mean the cow dosen't die when it give milk and the chicken dosen't die when it give eggs
so why !?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians can eat eggs and drink milk!.
Vegans are the people who can't!.
It just depends on how strongly YOU feel about the subject!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, every vegetarian is different and each individual sets his own standards!.

A lot of vegetarians actually do consume dairy products and eggs!. Vegans are the group of folks who abstain from everything!.

Some vegetarians might refuse to eat dairy because the dairy industry is extremely cruel to the cows and the egg industry is also cruel to chickens!.
The dairy and egg industry are closely tied to the meat industry (as the previous poster said, the dairy cows and egg chickens often suffer the exact fate as those on factory farms that are bred for food) and if that's what vegetarians are against, then they try not to support it directly or indirectly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm neither vegetarian nor vegan, but, I do know the answer to this one as I've kept farm animals!.!.
Cows have to be bred every couple years so that they continue to give milk!. The extra male calves are killed off and the females are raised to replace their mothers!. The cows are given hormones to get as much milk out of them as possible then they are killed when they quit producing!. So, buying milk contributes to the death of male cows and the slaughter of older female cows!.
Vegan means not using ANY animal products at all!. For instance, no honey because some bees die when they take apart the hive!. No wearing silk because silk worms die!. No feather pillows!. No wool clothing!. Obviously, no fur or leather clothing!. No products tested on animals!. No products that contain gelatin!. You have to read lotions carefully to check if they contain any animal parts!.!.etc!.!. It's pretty involved!. You have to work pretty hard to manage not to buy anything that doesn't have some kind of animal part!.
Same thing with eggs, hens lay eggs and a portion of those are incubated to produce new hens!. When they hatch, the male chicks are separated out and thrown away and the females raised to replace the hens!. They are also given hormones to lay as often as possible and slaughtered when they quit producing!.
I think it's pretty hypocritical to be a vegetarian that eats eggs and drinks milk!. You contribute to just about as many deaths as if you ate meat!. If you're going to take an ethical stand on the right of an animal not to be killed by another species, at least go all the way with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

for a cow to be able to produce milk is has to have a calf first!. as soon as the calf is born it will be taken away to either the slaughter house and made into veal or taken to the feeding pits and fattened up!. the mother is taken straight away and put in a slot, where it cant move and a machine connected to its utter sucking the milk dry!. also they are given unnatural hormones which increase their milk production but severly dangers their health!.

for the eggs the chickens have to kept in a cage with 3 other chickens where their feed minimal nutrient feed just to keep them alive!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm taking dairy so i'm a lacto-vegetarian but i'm avoiding egg as well!.it's really depends on the persons!.most vegetarians is lacto-ovo or lacto-vegetarians but some is strictly vegetarian or even vegans!.i can be strictly vegetarian because i need dairy!.eventhough we're not killing the cow but the the cow in the farming factory is force to keep getting pregnants so that they'll always have milk!.and the calf that is just born been separated from their mother because the don't want the baby to have any milk from their mother!.what's more the cows that no longer can produce milk will be sold to slaughtered house to become humans food!.i know this from peta meet your meats video!.so the dairy cow is having the same faith as the meat cow as well!.i know all this but i just can't stop taking dairy!.i wish they'll treat the cows better!.about eggs the hens faith is not better than the cows as well!.watch meet the meat video then you'll know everything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Read the book Farm Sanctuary by Gene Baur!. Male chicks can't lay eggs and aren't used as meat chickens so they get thrown alive into a giant garbage disposal!. Dairy cows have a worse life than meat cows do!. I get my eggs from a local man at the farmers market!. I've been to his farm and have seen first hand how the chickens live!. He has a limited supply of eggs so some weeks if he is sold out, I just live without eggs!. I don't eat dairy because I do not have a similar relationship with any dairy producers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

salam bro,

well im not sure if you made the right decision to be a vegetarian, but i would like to hint, Allah (swt) created our stomach that it can pass out Enzymes to digest meat, so why would we go against the nature!?

actually i dont know what's the purpose behind being a vegetarian, if it's for health reasons then we can be modest in having meat, once a month is pretty good!.

our prophet (saw) ate meat and he liked lamb the most :) Www@FoodAQ@Com

i am a vegetarian and i eat milk / cheese but not eggs

egg is not vegetarian - eggs are unborn baby chicks, it could have been alive if we didnt decide to crack it open and fry it ! Www@FoodAQ@Com

Visit a slaughter house, a pig farm, a battery chicken unit, a meat processing plant!. If that is not an answer to your question then I don't know what you are on about!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians do drink milk and eat eggs and other animal by products!. Of course No meats! Vegans don't eat any thing from animals no meats and no animal by products!.
I'm a Vegetarian that's almost VeganWww@FoodAQ@Com

vegetarians don't want to eat anything that has been slaughtered!. Vegans don't like anything that comes from the animal!. like eggs or milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians don't eat anything that was killed or used to be alive!. Same with vegans but vegans don't eat dairy or eggs as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That is a good question i always wondered that to!.!.!.!. I just don't eat are drink them because i don't like them!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because there's no such thing as ethical eggs and milk!.

Hens even in organic and free-range systems are kept in horrible conditions (I know, I've done rescues) to the bare minimum of the laws and regulations: They live in what look like aircraft hangers that are dank, dark and disgusting!. The barns stink like ammonium and have filthy bars for a floor, under which is a six foot drop to piles of feces!. The hens are often jam packed into these barns, so much that they fight each other and end up with missing feathers and sore and bald skin!. They hardly have room to move so are often underdeveloped and weak, and have palm combs from the lack of sunlight (16 days a year outside is the law for free-range, I think)!. When their egg production declines at around 18 months, they're shipped off to the slaughterhouse – many could have lived for over a decade!. also, the egg industry don't want males, so when they can be sexed after their first day of life, the baby boys are macerated (ground-up alive), gassed or otherwise just chucked away!.

Much the same story for cows!. Cows have to have babies to produce milk, so every year the dairy cows are forcefully impregnated using equipment that exploiters themselves refer to as the 'rape rack'!. Their children are shot in the head at birth or sent to be grown as veal!. The cows produce 10x as much milk as they would naturally through intensive farming and selective breeding, and as a result their mammary glands are swollen hugely – many can't even walk, and they often develop a painful udder infection called mastitis which results in traces of blood and pus in the milk (there's a law stipulating how many million pus cells each litre of milk can legally contain)!. They're said to do the equivalent of 6 hours of jogging a day, so it's no surprise that they become utterly exhausted by 4 years of age!. Their milk production declines before they are even adults, and they are shipped off to the slaughterhouse and killed, just like the rest, often still pregnant, spilling milk on the killing floor!.

So, even 'free-range' and 'organic' animal products are the result of rape, kidnap, abuse and murder!. The animals' rights to life, liberty and freedom from suffering are denied beyond belief!.

The animals of the world exist for their own reasons!. They weren't meant for humans as much as black people weren't meant for whites and women for men!. They are unique individuals, with their own perception of the world, the ability to feel joy and to suffer and feel pain and to fear their own death!. They are as alive as humans and deserve the same respect, perhaps more for there are so many of them being exploited on this planet and they can't speak out for themselves!.

I would not have a problem with someone looking after rescued hens and eating the eggs just because they would otherwise go off, as long as they are looked after in their best interests and aren't just seen as a 'tool' for eggs!. However, it is impractical to expect everyone to do this, and no-one needs to eat animal produce, in fact, eggs are pretty unhealthy!. It's far simper to just eat a completely vegan diet than to strive to look after hens!.

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