Vegan diet - can it be unhealthy?!

Question: Vegan diet - can it be unhealthy!?
okay so i've been a vegetarian for about 5 months now!. i still feel kinda guilty about milk and eggs and stuff, so i'm about 90% sure i'll be going vegan!.
i've recently slipped this into conversation with friends, and they seem to think this is a bad idea!. actually, they kinda thing being vegetarian in the first place is a bad idea!. it's mostly because i'm only 15 though, and they're worried about my development!.

my arguement is, if i eat right and take calcium and iron pills and such, i should be just fine, right!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

A vegan diet can be unhealthy if you don't get all your proper nutrients!. You have to be really careful especially at the age of 15!. Calcium is really important!. Anyone who isn't a vegetarian will be against the vegetarian diet!. Being a vegetarian really bothers meat eaters!. I get my calcium from Rice Dream Rice Milk!. It is so delicious!. I supplement my diet with a vegan protein shake from the Vitamin Shoppe!. Protein is so important!. You have to be a really good eater in order to be a vegan!. You can't be fussy!. I love beans, protein enriched pasta, vegetarian chili, brown rice, nuts, and seeds!. I also started out as a vegetarian and then when I saw a video on meat!.com, I became a vegan!. Dairy cows and chickens are treated so horrifically and I feel great about my decision!. I love being a vegan and I will be one forever!. Don't take iron pills unless you are anemic!. Calcium pills are a good idea!. Take B12!. It is a very important supplement for vegetarians to be taking!. also, it wouldn't hurt to take a multi vitamin!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Calcium is found in green, leafy vegetables; like swiss chard!. As a matter of fact, the calcium that is found in dairy products is of very low quality!. The best stuff comes form the green leafy vegetables!.

Vegans who eat a varied diet do very well!. I know a lot of vegetarian/vegans your age who eat a lot of crappy stuff, like french fries!. Eat a vegetable and grain based diet and you should just fine!. The more variety, the better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

An imbalanced vegan diet can be very unhealthy!. It is easier to make mistakes on a vegetarian diet because your getting B12 from dairy and eggs!. A vegan has to make sure they get enough: calcium, iron and B12 in their diet!. I personally think teens should put off becoming a vegan until they are out on their own cooking and buying their own groceries!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

lol vegan is bad if its bread water and potatoes!.!.!.!.VEGAN Is perfect if its nuts,beans,lentils,corn,bread,soy,chickp!.!.!. other greens!.!.!.!.!.!.Bruce lee was a vegetarian actually he was almost a vegan he only had milk!.!.!.!.try telling him if he was unhealthy!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you ate a healthy vegan diet you wouldn't need any pills!. Iron and calcium are in the ground,sooo if you eat something that grows out of the ground then you'll be fine!.
Even grass has calcium and iron, eat and feel safe!. It cannot be unhealthy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A vegan diet is unhealthy and unnatural in any form!. Keep eating your eggs and dairy!. As it is, I'd reconsider a vegetarian diet!. You are still growing and you need the best nutrition you can!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hi there, thank you very much for caring about the animals!.

Any diet can be unhealthy if you don't keep it balanced!.

Anyone can be vegan at any age!. Provided you take just a little bit of care your health should really improve, and of course you won't be exploiting any animals anymore (but you already know that, so I won't partronise you!)!. By removing all that cholesterol, saturated fat, growth hormones, blood, pus and bacteria from your diet, your development can improve!.

You don't need supplements at all!. In fact, I would recommend you do not take them, the nutrients are not very useful in tablet/lozenger form and often contains thing such as as magnesium stearate, a known carcinogen!.

It's really easy to eat a balanced diet provided you just take a little care to do a bit of research and eat a good variety of foods!. Iron and calcium is easily obtainable in plant based sources!. Here's some information from the Vegan Society website to help you out:

Vegan Sources of Calcium

Good plant sources of calcium include tofu (if prepared using calcium sulphate contains more than four times the calcium of whole cow's milk), green leafy vegetables, seeds and nuts!. The calcium in green vegetables which are not high in oxalate e!.g!. kale, is absorbed as well or better than the calcium from cow's milk!. Some soya milks e!.g!. Provamel, Plamil, Granovita are fortified with calcium!. Drinking hard water can provide 200mg of calcium daily but soft water contains almost none!. Other calcium rich foods include black molasses, edible seaweeds, watercress, parsley and dried figs!.

Examples of amounts of foods providing 100mg calcium Type of Food
Black molasses 20g
Dried figs 40g
Almonds 42g
Soya flour 44g
Parsley 50g
Kale 67g
Brazils Nuts 59g
Wholemeal bread 185g


Vegan Sources of Iron

Good plant sources of iron include dried fruits, whole grains (including wholemeal bread), nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds and pulses!. Other foods rich in iron but which are usually eaten in smaller amounts include soya flour, parsley, watercress, black molasses and edible seaweeds!. The use of ironware when cooking foods also contributes to dietary intake!.

Examples of amounts of foods providing 2mg iron
Type of food Quantity (g)
Pistachios 14
Cashews (roasted) 32
Whole lentils 57
Chick peas (boiled) 95
Wholemeal bread 74
Sesame seeds or tahini 19
Black molasses 22
Apricots (dried) 59
Spinach (boiled) 125


I hope that helps!. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to ask anything, I'd be more than happy to lend any assistance that I can!. Best of luck with your cruelty-free diet!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The truth is any diet can be unhealthy if it's not planned right, vegan included!. Catch veganhealth!.org for nutrition advice about being vegan if this is what you're thinking about!.

Your friends, if they have little motivation or interest in veggie diets, are quite naturally going to say that they think these are a bad idea!. However, I wouldn't take too much notice of this!. In your teens especially, most people's knowledge of their diets come from parents, their schoolteachers and schoolmates, and perhaps your doctor, all of whom aren't nutritionists usually!. Diet isn't a big concern or thought for many people as welll, sadly, and a lot of people seem to be misinformed about what is good for them and what's not when eating!.

Do some investigating yourself, find out as much as you can, and find out if it's right for you!. I've been vegan for almost a decade now, and never needed calcium and iron supplements, so maybe you might not either!. But it is a different experience for everyone, so go with whatever works for you!.

Good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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