I'm going vegetarian, what do I eat to stay healthy?!

Question: I'm going vegetarian, what do I eat to stay healthy!?
I've decided I want to go full vegetarian since every time I go to eat meat I gag or think about the innocent animals!. what should I eat to stay healthy!?

thank you and 10 points goes to best :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

u could eat a lot of fruits and vegetables!. u could eat meat now and then as it contains a lot of proteins!. if u never want to touch meat u could eat nut or peanuts to balance ur protein intake!. 87percent of people who have crossed 100years are vegetarians, so u have made the right decision!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm not getting at you, but I get frustrated at the general assumption that meat eaters don't need to worry about nutrition as much a vegetarians!. Having a slab of meat on your plate does not provide you with all the nutrients to keep you healthy!. I know plenty of unhealthy meat eaters but no one would question their quality of diet but if you say you're veggie then all of a sudden meat eaters are experts in the field of nutrition!.!.!.makes me laugh!.

The key is a balanced diet and everything in moderation (except meat obviously if you're keen on becoming veggie)!.

Each meal should contain, lean protein, complex carbs and at least 1 portion of fruit or veg!.

Lean protein:
Cottage cheese
Soya based products

Other proteins:
Beans & legumes (must be consumed with carbs to allow the body to absorb amino acids)

Complex carbs:
Wholewheat/wholemeal bread/pasta/rice
Sweet potato

Green leafy veg will provide you with iron, and folic acid amongst other things!.

Good snacks include:
Nuts, seeds and dried fruit!. The nuts should be unsalted and unroasted and the best nuts to eat are; almonds, brazil, walnuts, hazelnuts!. Seeds and nuts provide you with EFA's (essential fatty acids)!. Flaxseed/linseed are a great source of EFA's but also pumpkin and sunflower are also good for you!. Unsweetened dried fruits such as cranberries, apricots and prunes are also nutritional!.

Yoghurts and fresh fruit also make good snacks to keep energy levels up and provide calcium and various vits!.

I've been veggie for over 6 years and have up until recently been very active (practiced aikido, judo and went to the gym regularly)!. I had no problems with energy levels or building strength and have had little to no ailments thanks to a healthy diet!.

Good luck! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I ate lentils and rice!. Amino acids must combine properly to make a full protien!. If you don't get all the amino acids, you will have problems!. They quit teching about amino acid combination because your body stores amino acids!. However, condsider the following senario!.

Red beans and rice combine to make a complete protien!. As well as lentils and rice and several other combinations
You have been told beans are high in protien, so you eat alot of beans and peanut butter and never any rice!. You are not getting the amino acids in the rice that combine with the amino acids in the beans to make a comlete protien

Yes your body will store amino acids, but if they are not in your diet because you don't know you need them, then obviously your body has none to put in storage!. See where this goes!?

Yes, you can hae problems!. My co owrker had her hair start falling out and got very sick---she ate alot of peanut butter, so she was getting enough protien right!?

Wrong!. Plants do not offer complete portien and must be eaten with other plants or you will not get all the amino acids to make a protien!.

research amino acids

1 exeption: Soy!. Soy milk, Meat cheese, tofu, beans they make everything from soy!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here are nutrients that may be deficient in a vegetarian diet and how you can get these nutrients from nonmeat sources:

* Protein!. Your body needs protein to maintain healthy skin, bones, muscles and organs!. Vegetarians who eat eggs or dairy products have convenient sources of protein!. Other sources of protein include soy products, meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains!.
* Calcium!. This mineral helps build and maintain strong teeth and bones!. Low-fat dairy foods and dark green vegetables, such as spinach, turnip and collard greens, kale, and broccoli, are good sources of calcium!. Tofu enriched with calcium and fortified soy milk and fruit juices are other options!.
* Vitamin B-12!. Your body needs vitamin B-12 to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia!. This vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products, including milk, eggs and cheese!. Vegans can get vitamin B-12 from some enriched cereals, fortified soy products or by taking a supplement that contains this vitamin!.
* Iron!. Like vitamin B-12, iron is a crucial component of red blood cells!. Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables, and dried fruit are good sources of iron!. To help your body absorb nonanimal sources of iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C — such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli — at the same time you consume iron-containing foods!.
* Zinc!. This mineral is an essential component of many enzymes and plays a role in cell division and in the formation of proteins!. Good sources of zinc include whole grains, soy products, nuts and wheat germ!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Plenty of fruit and veg, pasta, rice, nuts, seeds, soy protein!.
Go and buy some vegetarian cook books!.

I always laugh at the people who say being a vegetarian is bad because you need meat!. And these are the people who eat McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell etc and they are saying i am not getting the correct nutrition!. It's so laughable!.

It's more than just this though to stay healthy!. If you check a lot of processed food, there is not much nutrition in them!. The goal is to eat as close to fresh as possible!. Anything tinned, frozen or processed has started to break down from a nutrition perspective!.

also they have tons of additives and preservatives!. Try and stick with organic foods if you can!.
also stay active, get about half hour of excercise each day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Since meat provides the majority of the protein you need in your diet, make sure you focus on that!. also iron comes from mostly blood meats (pork and beef) so make sure you also get iron because it is essential for your blood and helping your blood cells bring oxygen to and from your lungs!.

Food with high protein:
-cottage cheese
-peanut butter

Foods high in iron:
-green vegetables
ex!. broccoli, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce

Just make sure you put the things back in your diet that removing meat takes away!.

If you have low iron you could find yourself being very tired, weak, exhausted, drained (kind of like after you give blood)!.

Protein is used in the making of new material in your body (muscle, tendons, veins, etc) so it's definitely a big part of your diet!. Low protein levels can make it hard for your body to make new parts and it can also leave you weaker and more tired!.

Hope this helps!Www@FoodAQ@Com

stop thinking about innocent animals and start thinking about the innocent migrant workers who are forced and beaten to pick the fruit and vegetables you enjoy!.

well, actually, i guess knowing both might keep you from eating anything but water!. oops

bottom line, there are bad things that happen in this world, don't concern yourself, there's nothing wrong with eating meat!. If you have a problem with eating cute animals like cows, or chickens, why not try fish!? most people see fish as rather ugly, and so they do not have as much of a problem consuming them!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Congratulations on your choice!. But may I remind you that humans are meant to eat meat, hence the canines!.

With that said, I was a vegetarian during my college years!. Not because of animal rights, but because I thought it would be a healthier diet without all the fat, etc!.

It is super important to eat ALOT of vegetables and even more BEANS!. You need protien, and the main reason I started eating meat again was because I was so enemic from not getting iron from it!. So you will need to eat a lot of high iron vegetables such as brocolli and bock choy!. Don't get into eating a lot of chips and other junk food just because it's meatless because you'll end up in worse health than before!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here is an extract from (link included) The Vegetarian Society that sums up daily diet requirement for vegetarians:-
(Hope it works out for you)
What You Should Eat Every Day on a Vegetarian Diet!.
3 or 4 servings of cereals/grains or potatoes
4 or 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
2 or 3 servings of pulses, nuts & seeds
2 servings of milk, cheese, eggs or soya products
A small amount of vegetable oil and margarine or butter!.
Some yeast extract such as Marmite, fortified with vitamin B12!.
See the Balance of Good Health diagram or read Healthy Eating for Vegetarians
Further Information
The Classified Advertising Directory - for all commercial products and services related to vegetarianism!.
Mail Order leaflets, posters, video, parents & teenager guide to going vegetarian
Use our searchable database to find approved vegetarian products

Eat a variety of foods every day!.!.!.leafy stuff (includes broccoli and cauliflower), fruits (even if not sweet, like cucumbers and tomatoes), grains (bread, pasta), and tubers (carrots, radishes, and so on)!.
Eat the skins of potatoes!.
Eat mushrooms!.
Yogurt, cheese, and kefir do not require the animal to be killed!.
You should supplement with Vitamin B12, as a vegetarian diet will not provide enough!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

nuts and beans are good for protien!. or you can get tofu and stuff!. "Boca" and "Morning Star Farms" have a lot of good fake meat foods!. also, you can take vegetarian vitamins that have high protien in them, which you can get at a pharmacy or something!. the next time you see a doctor though, you should talk to them about it and ask them what they suggest!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat lots of protein!.
especially nuts and lots of milk!.

When eating vegetables the more color the better!. The Darker the greens the better!.

I used to be a vegetarian!. had to quit because I got too weak,then saw a nutritionist and learned how to do it the right way!. I'm going to start again soon!. Its amazing once you start, you realize how much of you food intake is really meat!.

Goodluck :)

Enjoy the wholesome goodness of carrots!. They have many essential nutrients your body requires!.

Water: 107!.71 g

Calories: 50

Protein: 1!.13 g

Carbohydrates: 11!.69 g

Fiber: 3!.4 g

Sugars: 5!.54 g

Total Fat: 0!.29 g

Saturated Fat: 0!.045 g

Monounsaturated Fat: 0!.017 g

Polyunsaturated Fat: 0!.143 g

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Calcium: 40 mg

Iron: 0!.37 mg

Magnesium: 15 mg

Phosphorus: 43 mg

Potassium: 390 mg

Sodium: 84 mg

Zinc: 0!.29 mg

Vitamin C: 7!.2 mg

Thiamin: 0!.081 mg

Riboflavin: 0!.071 mg

Niacin: 1!.199 mg

Pantothenic Acid: 0!.333 mg

Vitamin B6: 0!.168 mg

Vitamin B12: 0 mcg

Folate: 23 mcg

Vitamin A: 20509 IU

Vitamin E: 0!.81 mg

Vitamin K: 16!.1 mcg

beta Carotene: 10108 mcg

beta Cryptoxanthin: 153 mcg

Lycopene: 1 mcg

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: 312 mcg

if you decide not to eat any kind of meat watsoever then you definately need some way of getting protein, like from protein shakes!. i dont know if it would be healthier to cut out meats completly, what i would do is just eat meat thats not ultra fatty (like bacon) and dont eat deep fried meat!. yeah, so if you want to be a vegitarian just be sure to include protein in your diet!.


Always eat fresh fruit and vegies, and a healthy mix of grains and pulses!. But you have to watch your iron levels because you won't be eating meat, so have spinach instead!. A great vegie for filling you up like meat is eggplant !.!.yummy!.!.!. but a good idea would be to check out asian food and indian food as they seem to be the only races in the world that truelly cater for vegetarians!.!.!.!.Goodluck!!! and stay healthyWww@FoodAQ@Com

I've been vegetarian for pretty much my entire life!. I take lots of iron, protein, and b-12 supplements and they keep me very healthy! B-12 is and essential nutrient that is found only in meat, so by taking it, you get all of the nutrients without harming an animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you need to eat lots of protein, like cheese, beans etc!. tofu doesn't taste like anything so you can look up recipes with tofu online and make it into something delicious!. it's really not that difficult!. it's not so different than regular eating, just subtract the meat and add extra protein!. good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

well first off you cant just go vegetarian over night!. you have to little by little work meat out of your diet!. take vitamins and/or protein pills!. i would stick to the greens!. lettuce, celery, beans, broccoli, etc!.!.!. these are the most healthy vegetables!. soups, burritos(obv!. w/o the meat), anything really! good luck! p!.s!. someone somewhere will be eating the cow that you werent going to eat!. sorry to say it but its the way the food chain goes darlin!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The best combination is beans and rice in that the 2 together contain all the essential amino acids!. I don't mean eat only those but combine legumes with grasses - you might want to research the 'essential amino acids' and how to eat to get them (google is your friend)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


I've been a vegetarian for 3 years!. And I also gag when I sniff meat or it gets close to my mouth!.


Bail?y? GOD did not give us animals to eat and that is not what they're there for!. God put animals on this earth and then he put us here to care for THEM!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Morning Star and Boca has great veggie foods!
But to stay healthy, you need your Vitamin B, you can get that at like GNC or something!. And you need your protein, you can get that out of a spoonful of peanut butter a day!. And for calcium, that is in Soy milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

soups, salads, and fruit salad!. You can make a great dressing for fruit salad, soaking figs in water for 24 hours, and using the juice to drench the fruit salad!. I lived on this for years!. also, try sprouts, you can grow them at home for pennies!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Meat is where you get protein, which is a necessity to life!.!.!.You can get protein in other things though!.!.!.

Soy products are usually the biggest alternative to meat for vegetarians!. Hope you like tofu!Www@FoodAQ@Com

sure!. Being a vegetarian will not affect your health as long as you get enough protein and vitamins from your daily diet!. There's many menu for veggie diet you can follow on the internet!. Just seek and you shall find!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

ive been veg for 7 years i take a lot of vitamin supplements in pill form and liquid and soy will be your best friend and you'll find creative things to do with vegetables its hard lifestyle to maintain good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

wow, i know it's hard, eat fruites, vegies, milk!. idk!. Im not a veggie!.

but hey god gave animals for us (people) to eat!.!.!. Thats what there there for!.

Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i would go with soy, different varieties of fruit!.
also an important source in vegetarian diets is tofu and sesame!.

Plenty of green vegetables, to keep your iron up!.
And legumes, to also maintain good iron levels!.

this gives you a good idea of what you'll need to do!.
good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, you'll need at least some sort of protein otherwise you'll get very weak!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

lots of veggies :) go to peta!.org they have lots of fun recipes you could try
good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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