Is the meat and dairy industry brainwashing people?!
Has the meat and dairy industry brainwashed people to believe that they need meat and dairy to be healthy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'll take it one step further and propose that the brainwashing goes beyond the meat and dairy industry!.
The Food and Drug Administration is largely responsible for convincing people that they need various animal products in their diets to be healthy!. They are responsible for the food pyramid that is learned in grammar school!. It's ingrained in us at an early age!. Whatever agenda the meat and dairy industry may have is easily and quickly carried out by the FDA!.
The FDA and the Department of Agriculture are closely linked and of course, lobbyists serve both groups quite loyally!.
They are both masters at perpetuating lies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The Food and Drug Administration is largely responsible for convincing people that they need various animal products in their diets to be healthy!. They are responsible for the food pyramid that is learned in grammar school!. It's ingrained in us at an early age!. Whatever agenda the meat and dairy industry may have is easily and quickly carried out by the FDA!.
The FDA and the Department of Agriculture are closely linked and of course, lobbyists serve both groups quite loyally!.
They are both masters at perpetuating lies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Perhaps, but they don't go touting that a bigmac is the same as a lean cut of beef or that a glass of whole milk mixed w/nesquik is the same as a glass of skim!. People need to glean the truth from the message and not apply it in ways that make them feel as if they are eating right!. The same could be said for people who push vegetables and the person getting the message coats his broccoli in velveeta!. Meat and dairy, when used correctly and in conjunction w/fruits vegetables and whole grains, can be a very healthy part of one's diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No more than PETA and the veg community scaring kids into thinking they are murderers if they eat meat!. Like someone else pointed out people ate meat and dairy long before advertising and used it as part of their diet then!. Every industry advertises its their way of making profits, some strech the truth others outright lie!.!.!.i cant say i ever seen an advert for meat or dairy thats states that they need this to be healthy!.!.!.!.at best they advertise that it helps(like those pro-biotic drinks)Www@FoodAQ@Com
not really!.we need all the protein,irons and calcium from the meats!.but if we consume meat and dairy too much it'll be a problem like the common obesity,high cholesterol and high blood pressure!.it's ok to eat meat but please don't be like what i use to be!.bigmac at least once or twice a week!.no wonder my cholesterol is quite high when i get check up a few months ago!.but even we vege i still need to control my diet!.can't eat vege and dairy too much as well!.hopefully i'll get skinnier!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes they have, they spend thousands in advertising there is a quote all these big industries use and its "You'll believe us if our advertisements tell you to enough times"!. you can easily live without meat and dairy u would just need to eat more grains and beans for your protein!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
my personal experience:
I grew up hearing, "Milk- Does a body good!"
All dairy has done for me is put more cushion on my rear!.
seriously though, they've brainwashed just about everybody!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
my personal experience:
I grew up hearing, "Milk- Does a body good!"
All dairy has done for me is put more cushion on my rear!.
seriously though, they've brainwashed just about everybody!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's advertising and it not unique to meat or food!. Every product company makes you think you need their product!. That's how they sell it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
no, but apparently the vegan industry has gotten to YOU!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, personally I just like meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I doubt farmers brainwash people to eat healthy - but people still doWww@FoodAQ@Com