Is miso soup vegetarian? :( ?!

Question: Is miso soup vegetarian!? :( !?
Regular miso soup has dashi, which is made with fish stock!.

However, Japan has a lot of Buddhists, most of whom don't eat animals!. So Buddhist dashi is made from konbu (seaweed) and shiitakes (mushrooms) and is vegetarian!.

I forget the japanese word for it!.!.!. but if you said you're buddhist and want buddhist miso soup, the japanese would understand that you mean no fish stock!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most Miso Soup is Vegetarian unless they put Bonito (a tiny dried fish) in it!. I have never heard of using it with Chicken stock or fish stock!. Bonito, yes the other things -- no!.

If you are eating out -- ask!.

Of course if you are making it yourself no-problem!.
Miso is a fermented soy, and sometimes fermented soy and barley, or soy and rice paste!. It is very healthy and has a lot of B complex vitamins in it which are important for vegetarians but it is also very salty -- so if you have a blood pressure issue be aware of that!.
You can dissolve a bit of miso in water or vegetable stock and add it to your soup or sauce!. I also like it mixed with tahini and used as a spread for bread!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Traditional Miso soup is made with Dashi, which is a soup stock made from different types of fish!.

In Europe and America, other socks are used!. Some times it's all vegetable, some times it's chicken stock!. If your eating out, you will just have to ask if it doesn't state on the menu what the stock is!. If it's store bought, you'll have to read the ingredients!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Every time I've gotten miso soup at a Japanese restaurant they assure me it is vegetarian!. When they bring it I taste it and it tastes like fish!. When I tell them it tastes like fish they tell me that it has bonito flakes!. I've finally given up on anything other than homemade being safe to eat!. I have heard that some places make dashi with just seaweed instead of the fish flakes but I haven't found one yet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That depends if you make it or you go to a restaurant!.
If you make it, it will be vegetarian!. It's soy beans!. You can add
seaweed or tangle powder!.
If you go to a restaurant, they may add fish/anchovy stock!.

Classic Miso soup is Vegetarian!. Though it is true that many cooks add chicken stock to almost everything!.

Ask!. Chances are that the answer will be that yes, it is Vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You should always ask!. Some are, some aren't!.
The Japanese steakhouse where I frequent for my yummy sushi fixes theirs with chicken broth!. :-(
I've heard of places using fish stock as well!.!.!.better safe than sorry!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you're a pescetarian or pesce- vegetarian it is!. It contains fish stock!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Miso soup is 100% vegan, or at least the soup at the sushi restraunt I go to is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends it is sometimes made with a kind of fish or chicken stockWww@FoodAQ@Com

You have to ask because some places use meat broth and some places don't!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

most!. some people make it with chicken stockWww@FoodAQ@Com

it can be!. not all are though i dont thinkWww@FoodAQ@Com

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