Am i right on this one?!
I was talking to a friend of mine about cows!. She first said that if cows aren't milked their utters will get messed up or something weird like that!. Then I say well the cow wouldn't give milk unless she was impregnated!. Then she says I am wrong!. She told me that cows give milk regardless!. But that doesn't make sense!. Why would cows constantly give milk when no other species does so!? We went back and forth till she agreed with me but I still want to make sure what I told her was right!. So is it correct that cows don't give milk unless impregnated first!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are correct, your friend is not!. Cows only produce milk when impregnated, that's why they are constantly pregnant!. When the babies are born, however, the males are sent to veal farms and the females are destined to become dairy cows, just like their mothers!. This is because the milk is 'meant for us', not the babies!. Which is absolutely ridiculous because cow's milk is meant for baby cows, not us!.
And about the cow's udders getting 'messed up' if the cow is not milked, well that's true!. If a cow is not milked then it's udders will grow to be extremely uncomfortable and the cow will get extremely sick!. But don't think people are doing them a favor by milking them, because the milking machines are rough and cows often get diseases from them, like mastitis!. That's when their udders get all red and irritated because of a bacteria that gets in them!. And plus after they go through all that crap, their babies get taken away from them, sent to veal farms, and then the cows start all over again!. Fun life, don't ya think!? NOT :(
Oh yeah, this question DOES belong here, since vegans don't drink milk because of how dairy cows are treated!. So don't worry, you have placed your question in the right section :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
And about the cow's udders getting 'messed up' if the cow is not milked, well that's true!. If a cow is not milked then it's udders will grow to be extremely uncomfortable and the cow will get extremely sick!. But don't think people are doing them a favor by milking them, because the milking machines are rough and cows often get diseases from them, like mastitis!. That's when their udders get all red and irritated because of a bacteria that gets in them!. And plus after they go through all that crap, their babies get taken away from them, sent to veal farms, and then the cows start all over again!. Fun life, don't ya think!? NOT :(
Oh yeah, this question DOES belong here, since vegans don't drink milk because of how dairy cows are treated!. So don't worry, you have placed your question in the right section :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Let me throw out the over-used but under-appreciated word of animal rights activists everywhere - speceisism!. Yes, it's the same as racism, sexism and the like!. This one word describes, not only your friend's view, but how they came to that viewpoint!.!.!. as it does with millions of other people!.
It's "speceisist" to assume that another animal would do something completely unnatural that we would have to intervene and rescue it from!. Why a cow would produce milk until it exploded is just beyond any rational train of logic a typical person could conceive!. Ironically, if you took that same person and had a completely different conversation with them, they would probably be able to make perfect sense!. Introduce an idea that challenges their perceived location in the hierarchy of sentient beings on the planet and you get garbage like that thrown back at you!.
Congratulations for cutting this one off at the pass! Hopefully your next debate will go just as smoothly!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's "speceisist" to assume that another animal would do something completely unnatural that we would have to intervene and rescue it from!. Why a cow would produce milk until it exploded is just beyond any rational train of logic a typical person could conceive!. Ironically, if you took that same person and had a completely different conversation with them, they would probably be able to make perfect sense!. Introduce an idea that challenges their perceived location in the hierarchy of sentient beings on the planet and you get garbage like that thrown back at you!.
Congratulations for cutting this one off at the pass! Hopefully your next debate will go just as smoothly!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i will start with your first question!.yes cows who are not milked will develop several conditions that can be pain-full or fatal to the cow if it is not milked!.cows develop milk after the cow has calved and one cow will produce enough milk to feed several calves a day so milking keeps the excess from creating problems with the cows health!.a modern cow will produce milk for up to 300 days after calving and after about 50 days the cow is bred again giving a new calf at one year later thereby keeping the milking cycle going for over 10 lactation's barring any health concerns for the cow!.us milk production lags behind europe for pounds of milk per cow and the amount of lactation's from calving!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
cows give milk as lond as there is a calf sucking and getting it!. my parents raise beef(unfortunately) and i know this!. if someone milks the cow, eventually the maternal instinct will go away and so will the milk production!.
look at it this way, if a cow just kept on producing milk, and there was nothing or no one to milk her, her udder would explode, resulting in death!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
look at it this way, if a cow just kept on producing milk, and there was nothing or no one to milk her, her udder would explode, resulting in death!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yup,you're right!.the cows get impregnated and be separated from their babies that didn't get to be with their mum and suck on their mothers milk!.i'm consume dairy and now i even eat the foods(take out) that i'm not sure if they contain eats or not!.i'm terrible!.
This is how lactation works-regardless of species!.
First, there has to be a pregnancy!. Then a baby!. As long as the baby nurses, milk will be produced!. supply and demand!. works the same way with pumping or milking!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
First, there has to be a pregnancy!. Then a baby!. As long as the baby nurses, milk will be produced!. supply and demand!. works the same way with pumping or milking!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Milk cows are designed to always give milk!. Other heifers only give while impregnated or feeding their calves!. So you are both right!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do you honestly believe that every cow on a dairy farm is pregnant all the time!? Of course they don't have to be pregnant!Www@FoodAQ@Com