In a vegan world wouldnt there be a cull?!
Hi, I just turned vegan yesterday and I've just had my first delicious green, vegan lunch but I was just wondering if we all became vegan in an ideal world wouldn't there be a cull of nearly all dairy and meat animals as humans would no longer use them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
The world isn't going to go vegan overnight!.
As the amount of vegans went up, the amount of animals being bred would go down!. The only reason 53 billion animals in the meat, egg and dairy exist is because they're bred!. As the demand for animal products went down, so would the profits for the breeders, farmers and slaughterers, and hence less and less would be bred!. If the whole human race eventually became vegan (or at least a significant majority) then there would be so little bred 'food' animals left that they could easily be cared for as companion animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As the amount of vegans went up, the amount of animals being bred would go down!. The only reason 53 billion animals in the meat, egg and dairy exist is because they're bred!. As the demand for animal products went down, so would the profits for the breeders, farmers and slaughterers, and hence less and less would be bred!. If the whole human race eventually became vegan (or at least a significant majority) then there would be so little bred 'food' animals left that they could easily be cared for as companion animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
We can dream!.!.!.!.
Okay, the world isn't going to go vegan overnight, but probably in stages!. Second, the billions of farmed animals are bred--or you might say overbred--for human consumption and exploitation!. Cows are impregnated every year so they can keep producing milk, when they would normally get pregnant every two to three years!.
As more and more people go vegetarian or vegan, fewer animals are bred!. Eventually, there will be very few farmed animals in existence, and they will have to be retrained, so to speak, to be able to engage in the natural behaviors animal scientists crushed from current breeds of animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Okay, the world isn't going to go vegan overnight, but probably in stages!. Second, the billions of farmed animals are bred--or you might say overbred--for human consumption and exploitation!. Cows are impregnated every year so they can keep producing milk, when they would normally get pregnant every two to three years!.
As more and more people go vegetarian or vegan, fewer animals are bred!. Eventually, there will be very few farmed animals in existence, and they will have to be retrained, so to speak, to be able to engage in the natural behaviors animal scientists crushed from current breeds of animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
This is purely hypothetical but if the world decided to go vegan I think it would be good to do it in steps!. First, no more animals raised for food, clothing, or other purposes would be bred so only the older animals would be living!. The animals that are in the system then would be slaughtered and eaten by those who are transitioning to a vegan lifestyle!. In a way, there would be a cull, but the cull wouldn't be any worse than what is happening to animals at this very moment!.
What did you eat for your first vegan lunch!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
What did you eat for your first vegan lunch!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
the real question is what would you do with all the "culled" dead animals!.you cant Bury them without causing damage to the ground water,you cant burn them without creating huge plumes of noxious polluting smoke and you cant let them lay where they die without spreading diseases carried by flies,fleas,birds and rodents!.so what are you going to do with all the dead and dying animals!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Farm animals are force bred!. Without humans, farm animal populations would naturally decrease!.Www@FoodAQ@Com