Worried about my husband. Please Help!?!
He has become a vegan and has gone from 155lbs to 115!. He is 43yrs old & 5'9"!. He looks sick!. The kids are worried and I worry he is being a bad influence on my kids!. He claims that it is healthier to be this way!. His bones stick out and he looks like he is dying!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Is he eating enough food and getting the right nutrients to be healthy!? It doesn't sound like it from this description!. Maybe you could suggest that he go talk to a nutritionist!. They can help him fix the holes in his diet plan to be healthier!. Veganism can be a very healthy lifestyle if done correctly, but it sounds like he needs some help to get on the right track!.
Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Your husband is sick and honestly needs a psychologist or psychiatrist!. His "veganism" might simply be a cover for anorexia, orthorexia or some other eating disorder!. 115lbs is not healthy at all for a man his height!.
He sounds like a true believer and probably won't be swayed by logic, however you have to tell him his diet isn't healthy!. In my opinion, no vegan diet is healthy!.
You may need to talk to a lawyer and a doctor to see if you can have him forcibly committed to treatment if necessary!. This is serious and you need professional help!.
He sounds like a true believer and probably won't be swayed by logic, however you have to tell him his diet isn't healthy!. In my opinion, no vegan diet is healthy!.
You may need to talk to a lawyer and a doctor to see if you can have him forcibly committed to treatment if necessary!. This is serious and you need professional help!.
Welcome to Yahoo! Answers!. I see you just joined today!. Your husband's problem isn't that he's vegan, but that he's almost certainly not eating enough!. Believe me, it's quite possible to be a chubby vegan; I'm one myself and could actually stand to lose weight!.
As others have pointed out, some people use veganism as a cover for an eating disorder, although this is not terribly common among adult males!. And any doctor who isn't concerned about a 40-pound weight loss (in what period of time) is not a very good doctor at all!.
If he wants to be a vegan, that's fine, but he absolutely needs to eat more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As others have pointed out, some people use veganism as a cover for an eating disorder, although this is not terribly common among adult males!. And any doctor who isn't concerned about a 40-pound weight loss (in what period of time) is not a very good doctor at all!.
If he wants to be a vegan, that's fine, but he absolutely needs to eat more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You'll never see a fat Vegan!. It's a diet that needs a lot of knowledge and care in order to stay healthy!. You can't just cut out animal products and not get your calcium, iodine, vitamin B12, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids from somewhere else!. If he wants to persist with this get him to join the Vegan Society for some good advice!.
he is practically anorexic! I mean, he's tall and (with all due respect) weighs as much as a 13 year old girl! Get professional help and drag him there even if he doesn't want to!. Not to alarm you, but it seems very serious indeed and could culminate in a fatal situationWww@FoodAQ@Com
He needs to see himself as you and I see him!.just like we would see the poor and helpless victims of the Nazi Holocaust,
We see people walking around like human skeletons and to go from 155 to 115 lbs is not healthy!.
Boney is not sexy or desirable!.Good Luck:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
We see people walking around like human skeletons and to go from 155 to 115 lbs is not healthy!.
Boney is not sexy or desirable!.Good Luck:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
He's obviously doing it wrong!. He needs to read up on it before just trying to quit animal products cold turkey!. (See what I did there!?)
Vegan is very healthy, if done correctly!. He needs to research it though!.
In the meantime, take him to a doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegan is very healthy, if done correctly!. He needs to research it though!.
In the meantime, take him to a doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
This is not something which is occurring due to veganism!. He has a psychological problem!.
I hear things like that are frequently caused by proximity to a troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I hear things like that are frequently caused by proximity to a troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The doctor would check his vitamin levels!.!.
Vitamin deficiency could be the only thing thats wrong with him, and that doesn't cause him to lose weight!. So maybe hes anorexic!.
Ps: I was concerned but now I know you're a troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vitamin deficiency could be the only thing thats wrong with him, and that doesn't cause him to lose weight!. So maybe hes anorexic!.
Ps: I was concerned but now I know you're a troll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If he is also a TROLL, tell him that a vegan diet may not be suited for him!. Often times these people have the worst luck in many situations!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Talk to him!. and i suggest talking to a nutritionist!.!.!. he might be doing something wrong!. or taking supliement to make him lose weight faster!.!.!. not that good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Ew take him to a doctor ASAP!.!.!.it might be something serious!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Gross! Well, it sounds like he is doing the vegan things wrong!. Being a vegan can be healthy but it sounds like he's lacking some different nutrients!. First off, he needs to take a daily vitamin!. He also needs to understand that most vitamins are fat soluable so he needs fat to be healthy!. He can't live on vegetables alone!. He needs some sourrce of carbohydrates and protein!. Beans and peanut butter are excellent sources!. See if he is at least willing to eat eggs or fish!. He also needs to exercise regularly so he can have muscle mass so he doesn't look so thin!. He also needs to make sure he's getting enough calories each day!. MAke sure he's getting AT LEAST 2000 calories a day!. It sounds more like he's annorexic!. Maybe try talking to his doctor or see if you can get him to visit the doctor!. Talking to your husband about your feelings would be the best way to voice your opinion!. Or, you could tell him you refuse to have sex with him until he gains weight!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Lol, if I didn't have any meat I might die!. But on a serious note, he's not eating any meat(which really isn't that healthy, I don't care what crap people may say)so his body is working off of the fat that his body has stored instead of what is in his digestion at the time!. Try to get him to eat a little bit of meat every week, like have a hamburger night or something!. Hope it works out! : )Www@FoodAQ@Com
The body takes some time to get used to changes!. You can ask him to try eggs, or fish!. White meat is good!.
If he still holds back, increase his fruit intake!. Salads with pulses is very good!. Increase intake of food stuff with high nutritional value!.
A healthy breakfast with nuts and cereals in the morning and lots of fruit!. The body needs something to energise from!. There is nothing wrong in being vegan, it is a healthy alternative!.
If he still holds back, increase his fruit intake!. Salads with pulses is very good!. Increase intake of food stuff with high nutritional value!.
A healthy breakfast with nuts and cereals in the morning and lots of fruit!. The body needs something to energise from!. There is nothing wrong in being vegan, it is a healthy alternative!.