Does corn & vegetable oil clog arteries?!
i use these when i cook a fried egg for breakfast, should i stop cooking with these oils, how bad really are they!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Oil in essence is fat, used indiscriminately can clog up your arteries!. Corn & vegetable oils are soluble, they don't harden like butter or cheeses do, left in cold!. Look at the label to see the fat content per TBS!. Safflower, Canola or Olive oil is better than just vegetable oil!. As you saute food in oil, oil evaporates some , but not all of it!. So it's best to consume it in smaller amount!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The American Heart association recommends using as little oil as possible!. I cook with olive oil!. But for eggs and other foods that you don't want to taste like olive oil I use canola oil!. Keep your saturated fats under 16 grams!. and other fats around 40 grams!. (per day)Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes, use saffola, or olive oil!. Www@FoodAQ@Com