What would be beneficial about inventing experimental beef? Explain?!
Please help!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
real cows wouldn't have to die for slaughter!.
it would save the land it would take to raise cows and the food they need
cows create methane, the main reason there is a big hole in our ozoneWww@FoodAQ@Com
it would save the land it would take to raise cows and the food they need
cows create methane, the main reason there is a big hole in our ozoneWww@FoodAQ@Com
If you're talking about the lab grown meats the benefits are extended to the animals themselves!. If successful and after a period of trial a lot of animal suffering will be eliminated!.
MANY ingredients in common foods are derived in labs and animal rendering plants as it is!. I know it sounds kinda gross conceptually but to vegers so does flesh and to me so does produce that marinates in cow poo for months at a time!. It's all perspective!.
In the end, if lab grown meats successfully mimic the flavor and texture of meats, it will slowly replace the meats we eat now!. Without suffering as an issue, It will also re-open meats as an option for those who have sworn off for ethical reasons!.
As a meat eater, I'm neither for nor against lab grown meat!. I'm just pointing out the possible benefits!.
Maggie has some good points too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
MANY ingredients in common foods are derived in labs and animal rendering plants as it is!. I know it sounds kinda gross conceptually but to vegers so does flesh and to me so does produce that marinates in cow poo for months at a time!. It's all perspective!.
In the end, if lab grown meats successfully mimic the flavor and texture of meats, it will slowly replace the meats we eat now!. Without suffering as an issue, It will also re-open meats as an option for those who have sworn off for ethical reasons!.
As a meat eater, I'm neither for nor against lab grown meat!. I'm just pointing out the possible benefits!.
Maggie has some good points too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
they do that!?cool,i hope this will be a success!.then less animals wil be getting killed!.but i wouldn't eat it either it's from the real cow or not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com