How can I become ...?!

Question: How can I become !.!.!.!?
A vegan or should I try not to be too challenging and go vegetarian any advise and tips please =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

You CAN go straight to veganism but it willl be a lot easier to go vegetarian first!. (well sorta)

--Here's why I think you should go vegetarian first!.
I was vegetarian for 7 yrs!. I got used to not having meat (wasn;t hard really) and got used to knowing what i could eat!. It was easy to find alternatives to meat especially at fast food places and restaurants!. If you went straight to vegan you could go into a frenzy "theres nothing i can eat!!" b/c there are a lot less options b/c mostly everythign contains cheese, milk, or eggs!. Plus a lot more stuff to look for when reading labels that you won't remember what alll the things are that you can't eat!.

--Here's why maybe going vegan will be easier!.
b/c then you'll get used to eating vegetarian and knowing what you can eat and then you switch to veganism and have to find food all over again that you can eatWww@FoodAQ@Com

It depends what's right for you!. It's probably advisable to become a veggie before becoming a vegan because becoming a veggie is a big thing and it takes a while to get to grips with!.
Start by looking a the veggie sections in the fridge and freezer parts of a supermarket and pick what looks tasty!. Quorn, is extremely versatile and easy to cook and you just use it instead of meat and fish!. You can buy it in mince, chunk, sausage, sandwich slice and burger form among others!. You can also buy it in ready meals like lasagna, pies, pasties, cottage pie ETC!. also, soya and tofu are pretty versatile too!.
Try being a veggie first then move onto veganism when you've got to grips with the veggie lifestyle and pitfalls of it like food that appears veggie when it's not like a lot of cheese!. If it doesn't say on a products packaging whether it's veggie then it's best to avoid it unless you know for certain that the ingredients stated on the packaging are veggie!.
In terms of not wearing leather a good shop for non-leather shoes is Shoe Zone!. The materials that the shoes are made of are clearly labelled, the prices are very reasonable and the shoes last a long time!. Another good shop for non-leather shoes is Wynsor's!. I don't know if they exist outside the UK though, in case you're American!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do whatever you believe in, follow your heart!.

A vegetarian diet is easy to follow, vegan can be more challenging and for both, but especially veganism, you really should study a bit of nutrition and dietetics so you can make sure you balance your meals correctly and so you know what to look out for on food labels


I found it way easier just to become a straight up vegan!.
It feels like more of a lifestyle change rather than restricting your food intake and requires a lot more thought and cooking ability so you learn so quick :]
plus it feels more individual to say "im vegan" cos everyones and vegetarian, oh and if youre vegetarian the milk your drinking still comes from the cows your not eating soo, in my eyes your still a part of th industry!.
Ive only been vegan for about 2 weeks now and havnt really thought about meat or dairy!.
You just learn to love soya milk and tofu :p

Try to last through a period of being a vegetarian and if it doesn't work out for you, you probably shouldnt become a vegan because the number of foods available for you to eat are shortened even more!.

Just start out by consuming smaller amounts of meat and then move onto dairy products, fruits, and vegetables until you feel that you don't need to eat meat!. :D Good luck~Www@FoodAQ@Com

**ok, I'm a vegan and I can't even answer your Q!
well, why don't you try minimizing the time you eat meat or any thing made from meat!.!.!.
(e!.g!. milk, chocolates!.!.)
and try to replace them with yummy veggie recipes!.
start searching and learning how to cook meat-proof dishes and next thing you know, you're an instant vegetarian!.!.!.
(don't forget to do it by heart!!)Www@FoodAQ@Com

It would probably be easy er to go Vegetarian first!. I'm a Vegan and I love it! It is really easy for me but you can try it out slow like cutting out meat a little at a time!. =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

go vegetarian and see how you get on !.!.!.then gradually start reducing the dairy products, make sure that you eat plenty of nuts and seedsWww@FoodAQ@Com

if you really want to be a vegan try being a vegeterian first so then you get used to be a veganWww@FoodAQ@Com

It will be difficult, its easier for the likes of Moby who can afford a private chef!. From wool to honey, id start by just giving up meet first and work it from there!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

slowly stop eating meats untill your just eating fish and chicken then stop eating chicken and stay on fish you will get bored and stop eating it thats wat i did and it worked now i love making interesting saladsWww@FoodAQ@Com

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